blob: 01c8e8471aac2b2242f7904646bb3838720c65ea [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0277]: the trait bound `U1: std::marker::Copy` is not satisfied
--> $DIR/
LL | #[derive(Clone)]
| ^^^^^ the trait `std::marker::Copy` is not implemented for `U1`
= note: required by `std::clone::AssertParamIsCopy`
= note: this error originates in a derive macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for union `U5<CloneNoCopy>` in the current scope
--> $DIR/
LL | union U5<T> {
| -----------
| |
| method `clone` not found for this
| doesn't satisfy `U5<CloneNoCopy>: std::clone::Clone`
LL | struct CloneNoCopy;
| ------------------- doesn't satisfy `CloneNoCopy: std::marker::Copy`
LL | let w = u.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `U5<CloneNoCopy>`
= note: the method `clone` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`CloneNoCopy: std::marker::Copy`
which is required by `U5<CloneNoCopy>: std::clone::Clone`
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0599.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.