blob: 5d94d6fe69b59716f7a452ad77ae7b9b8f1c9b28 [file] [log] [blame]
error: expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found doc comment `//!self.allow_ty_infer()`
--> $DIR/
LL | false
| - expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator
LL | //!self.allow_ty_infer()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unexpected token
help: add a space before `!` to use a regular comment
LL | // !self.allow_ty_infer()
| ^^^^
error: expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found doc comment `/*! bar */`
--> $DIR/
LL | false
| - expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator
LL | /*! bar */
| ^^^^^^^^^^ unexpected token
help: add a space before `!` to use a regular comment
LL | /* ! bar */
| ^^^^
error: expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found doc comment `/** baz */`
--> $DIR/
LL | 1 /** baz */
| ^^^^^^^^^^ expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator
help: add a space before `*` to use a regular comment
LL | 1 /* * baz */
| ^^^^
error: expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator, found doc comment `/*! quux */`
--> $DIR/
LL | 2 /*! quux */
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected one of `.`, `;`, `?`, `}`, or an operator
help: add a space before `!` to use a regular comment
LL | 2 /* ! quux */
| ^^^^
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors