blob: e079feb04d4479e0640b54bf49b5181503ed8a0e [file] [log] [blame]
// revisions: noopt opt opt_with_overflow_checks
//[noopt]compile-flags: -C opt-level=0
//[opt]compile-flags: -O
//[opt_with_overflow_checks]compile-flags: -C overflow-checks=on -O
use std::i32;
pub trait Foo {
const NEG: i32;
const ADD: i32;
const DIV: i32;
const OOB: i32;
// These constants cannot be evaluated already (they depend on `T::N`), so
// they can just be linted like normal run-time code. But codegen works
// a bit different in const context, so this test makes sure that we still catch overflow.
impl<T: Foo> Foo for Vec<T> {
const NEG: i32 = -i32::MIN + T::NEG;
//~^ ERROR arithmetic operation will overflow
const ADD: i32 = (i32::MAX+1) + T::ADD;
//~^ ERROR arithmetic operation will overflow
const DIV: i32 = (1/0) + T::DIV;
//~^ ERROR operation will panic
const OOB: i32 = [1][1] + T::OOB;
//~^ ERROR operation will panic