blob: 835ccd1b022e1e552903d29c95e97f6f185a6fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
pub use OrderingOp::*;
use crate::deriving::generic::ty::*;
use crate::deriving::generic::*;
use crate::deriving::{path_local, path_std, pathvec_std};
use rustc_ast::ast::{self, BinOpKind, Expr, MetaItem};
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_expand::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Symbol};
use rustc_span::Span;
pub fn expand_deriving_partial_ord(
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
mitem: &MetaItem,
item: &Annotatable,
push: &mut dyn FnMut(Annotatable),
) {
macro_rules! md {
($name:expr, $op:expr, $equal:expr) => {{
let inline = cx.meta_word(span, sym::inline);
let attrs = vec![cx.attribute(inline)];
MethodDef {
name: $name,
generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
explicit_self: borrowed_explicit_self(),
args: vec![(borrowed_self(), "other")],
ret_ty: Literal(path_local!(bool)),
attributes: attrs,
is_unsafe: false,
unify_fieldless_variants: true,
combine_substructure: combine_substructure(Box::new(|cx, span, substr| {
cs_op($op, $equal, cx, span, substr)
let ordering_ty = Literal(path_std!(cx, cmp::Ordering));
let ret_ty = Literal(Path::new_(
pathvec_std!(cx, option::Option),
let inline = cx.meta_word(span, sym::inline);
let attrs = vec![cx.attribute(inline)];
let partial_cmp_def = MethodDef {
name: "partial_cmp",
generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
explicit_self: borrowed_explicit_self(),
args: vec![(borrowed_self(), "other")],
attributes: attrs,
is_unsafe: false,
unify_fieldless_variants: true,
combine_substructure: combine_substructure(Box::new(|cx, span, substr| {
cs_partial_cmp(cx, span, substr)
// avoid defining extra methods if we can
// c-like enums, enums without any fields and structs without fields
// can safely define only `partial_cmp`.
let methods = if is_type_without_fields(item) {
} else {
md!("lt", true, false),
md!("le", true, true),
md!("gt", false, false),
md!("ge", false, true),
let trait_def = TraitDef {
attributes: vec![],
path: path_std!(cx, cmp::PartialOrd),
additional_bounds: vec![],
generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
is_unsafe: false,
supports_unions: false,
associated_types: Vec::new(),
trait_def.expand(cx, mitem, item, push)
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum OrderingOp {
pub fn some_ordering_collapsed(
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
op: OrderingOp,
self_arg_tags: &[ast::Ident],
) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let lft = cx.expr_ident(span, self_arg_tags[0]);
let rgt = cx.expr_addr_of(span, cx.expr_ident(span, self_arg_tags[1]));
let op_str = match op {
PartialCmpOp => "partial_cmp",
LtOp => "lt",
LeOp => "le",
GtOp => "gt",
GeOp => "ge",
cx.expr_method_call(span, lft, cx.ident_of(op_str, span), vec![rgt])
pub fn cs_partial_cmp(cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, span: Span, substr: &Substructure<'_>) -> P<Expr> {
let test_id = ast::Ident::new(sym::cmp, span);
let ordering = cx.path_global(span, cx.std_path(&[sym::cmp, sym::Ordering, sym::Equal]));
let ordering_expr = cx.expr_path(ordering.clone());
let equals_expr = cx.expr_some(span, ordering_expr);
let partial_cmp_path = cx.std_path(&[sym::cmp, sym::PartialOrd, sym::partial_cmp]);
// Builds:
// match ::std::cmp::PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&self_field1, &other_field1) {
// ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) =>
// match ::std::cmp::PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&self_field2, &other_field2) {
// ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) => {
// ...
// }
// cmp => cmp
// },
// cmp => cmp
// }
// foldr nests the if-elses correctly, leaving the first field
// as the outermost one, and the last as the innermost.
|cx, span, old, self_f, other_fs| {
// match new {
// Some(::std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) => old,
// cmp => cmp
// }
let new = {
let other_f = match other_fs {
[o_f] => o_f,
_ => cx.span_bug(span, "not exactly 2 arguments in `derive(PartialOrd)`"),
let args =
vec![cx.expr_addr_of(span, self_f), cx.expr_addr_of(span, other_f.clone())];
cx.expr_call_global(span, partial_cmp_path.clone(), args)
let eq_arm = cx.arm(span, cx.pat_some(span, cx.pat_path(span, ordering.clone())), old);
let neq_arm = cx.arm(span, cx.pat_ident(span, test_id), cx.expr_ident(span, test_id));
cx.expr_match(span, new, vec![eq_arm, neq_arm])
Box::new(|cx, span, (self_args, tag_tuple), _non_self_args| {
if self_args.len() != 2 {
cx.span_bug(span, "not exactly 2 arguments in `derive(PartialOrd)`")
} else {
some_ordering_collapsed(cx, span, PartialCmpOp, tag_tuple)
/// Strict inequality.
fn cs_op(
less: bool,
inclusive: bool,
cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
substr: &Substructure<'_>,
) -> P<Expr> {
let ordering_path = |cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, name: &str| {
cx.path_global(span, cx.std_path(&[sym::cmp, sym::Ordering, Symbol::intern(name)])),
let par_cmp = |cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>, span, self_f: P<Expr>, other_fs: &[P<Expr>], default| {
let other_f = match other_fs {
[o_f] => o_f,
_ => cx.span_bug(span, "not exactly 2 arguments in `derive(PartialOrd)`"),
// `PartialOrd::partial_cmp(,`
let cmp_path = cx.expr_path(
cx.path_global(span, cx.std_path(&[sym::cmp, sym::PartialOrd, sym::partial_cmp])),
let cmp = cx.expr_call(
vec![cx.expr_addr_of(span, self_f), cx.expr_addr_of(span, other_f.clone())],
let default = ordering_path(cx, default);
// `Option::unwrap_or(_, Ordering::Equal)`
let unwrap_path = cx.expr_path(
cx.path_global(span, cx.std_path(&[sym::option, sym::Option, sym::unwrap_or])),
cx.expr_call(span, unwrap_path, vec![cmp, default])
let fold = cs_fold1(
false, // need foldr
|cx, span, subexpr, self_f, other_fs| {
// build up a series of `partial_cmp`s from the inside
// out (hence foldr) to get lexical ordering, i.e., for op ==
// `ast::lt`
// ```
// Ordering::then_with(
// Option::unwrap_or(
// PartialOrd::partial_cmp(self.f1, other.f1), Ordering::Equal)
// ),
// Option::unwrap_or(
// PartialOrd::partial_cmp(self.f2, other.f2), Ordering::Greater)
// )
// )
// == Ordering::Less
// ```
// and for op ==
// `ast::le`
// ```
// Ordering::then_with(
// Option::unwrap_or(
// PartialOrd::partial_cmp(self.f1, other.f1), Ordering::Equal)
// ),
// Option::unwrap_or(
// PartialOrd::partial_cmp(self.f2, other.f2), Ordering::Greater)
// )
// )
// != Ordering::Greater
// ```
// The optimiser should remove the redundancy. We explicitly
// get use the binops to avoid auto-deref dereferencing too many
// layers of pointers, if the type includes pointers.
// `Option::unwrap_or(PartialOrd::partial_cmp(,, Ordering::Equal)`
let par_cmp = par_cmp(cx, span, self_f, other_fs, "Equal");
// `Ordering::then_with(Option::unwrap_or(..), ..)`
let then_with_path = cx.expr_path(
cx.path_global(span, cx.std_path(&[sym::cmp, sym::Ordering, sym::then_with])),
cx.expr_call(span, then_with_path, vec![par_cmp, cx.lambda0(span, subexpr)])
|cx, args| match args {
Some((span, self_f, other_fs)) => {
let opposite = if less { "Greater" } else { "Less" };
par_cmp(cx, span, self_f, other_fs, opposite)
None => cx.expr_bool(span, inclusive),
Box::new(|cx, span, (self_args, tag_tuple), _non_self_args| {
if self_args.len() != 2 {
cx.span_bug(span, "not exactly 2 arguments in `derive(PartialOrd)`")
} else {
let op = match (less, inclusive) {
(false, false) => GtOp,
(false, true) => GeOp,
(true, false) => LtOp,
(true, true) => LeOp,
some_ordering_collapsed(cx, span, op, tag_tuple)
match *substr.fields {
EnumMatching(.., ref all_fields) | Struct(.., ref all_fields) if !all_fields.is_empty() => {
let ordering = ordering_path(cx, if less ^ inclusive { "Less" } else { "Greater" });
let comp_op = if inclusive { BinOpKind::Ne } else { BinOpKind::Eq };
cx.expr_binary(span, comp_op, fold, ordering)
_ => fold,