blob: 66353e04ce3a6b8385d5e0d7db79745af2a6ae10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file defines the language constructs for representing a SPIR-V
// module in memory.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "instruction.h"
#include "iterator.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace ir {
class Function;
// A SPIR-V basic block.
class BasicBlock {
using iterator = UptrVectorIterator<Instruction>;
using const_iterator = UptrVectorIterator<Instruction, true>;
// Creates a basic block with the given starting |label|.
inline explicit BasicBlock(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> label);
// Sets the enclosing function for this basic block.
void SetParent(Function* function) { function_ = function; }
// Appends an instruction to this basic block.
inline void AddInstruction(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> i);
// Appends all of block's instructions (except label) to this block
inline void AddInstructions(BasicBlock* bp);
// The label starting this basic block.
Instruction* GetLabelInst() { return label_.get(); }
// Returns the merge instruction in this basic block, if it exists.
// Otherwise return null. May be used whenever tail() can be used.
const Instruction* GetMergeInst() const;
Instruction* GetMergeInst();
// Returns the OpLoopMerge instruciton in this basic block, if it exists.
// Otherwise return null. May be used whenever tail() can be used.
const Instruction* GetLoopMergeInst() const;
Instruction* GetLoopMergeInst();
// Returns the id of the label at the top of this block
inline uint32_t id() const { return label_->result_id(); }
iterator begin() { return iterator(&insts_, insts_.begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(&insts_, insts_.end()); }
const_iterator cbegin() const {
return const_iterator(&insts_, insts_.cbegin());
const_iterator cend() const {
return const_iterator(&insts_, insts_.cend());
// Returns an iterator pointing to the last instruction. This may only
// be used if this block has an instruction other than the OpLabel
// that defines it.
iterator tail() {
return iterator(&insts_, std::prev(insts_.end()));
// Returns a const iterator, but othewrise similar to tail().
const_iterator ctail() const {
return const_iterator(&insts_, std::prev(insts_.cend()));
// Runs the given function |f| on each instruction in this basic block, and
// optionally on the debug line instructions that might precede them.
inline void ForEachInst(const std::function<void(Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts = false);
inline void ForEachInst(const std::function<void(const Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts = false) const;
// Runs the given function |f| on each Phi instruction in this basic block,
// and optionally on the debug line instructions that might precede them.
inline void ForEachPhiInst(const std::function<void(Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts = false);
// Runs the given function |f| on each label id of each successor block
void ForEachSuccessorLabel(
const std::function<void(const uint32_t)>& f);
// Runs the given function |f| on the merge and continue label, if any
void ForMergeAndContinueLabel(
const std::function<void(const uint32_t)>& f);
// The enclosing function.
Function* function_;
// The label starting this basic block.
std::unique_ptr<Instruction> label_;
// Instructions inside this basic block, but not the OpLabel.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> insts_;
inline BasicBlock::BasicBlock(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> label)
: function_(nullptr), label_(std::move(label)) {}
inline void BasicBlock::AddInstruction(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> i) {
inline void BasicBlock::AddInstructions(BasicBlock* bp) {
auto bEnd = end();
(void) bEnd.InsertBefore(&bp->insts_);
inline void BasicBlock::ForEachInst(const std::function<void(Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts) {
if (label_) label_->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
for (auto& inst : insts_) inst->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
inline void BasicBlock::ForEachInst(
const std::function<void(const Instruction*)>& f,
bool run_on_debug_line_insts) const {
if (label_)
static_cast<const Instruction*>(label_.get())
->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
for (const auto& inst : insts_)
static_cast<const Instruction*>(inst.get())
->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
inline void BasicBlock::ForEachPhiInst(
const std::function<void(Instruction*)>& f, bool run_on_debug_line_insts) {
for (auto& inst : insts_) {
if (inst->opcode() != SpvOpPhi) break;
inst->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
} // namespace ir
} // namespace spvtools