blob: 311e8b2d2e9e394730864ad7b313506d4207cae9 [file] [log] [blame]
import os.path
import random
import time
import libcxx.test.executor
from import adb
from lit.util import executeCommand # pylint: disable=import-error
class AdbExecutor(libcxx.test.executor.RemoteExecutor):
def __init__(self, device_dir, serial=None):
# TODO(danalbert): Should factor out the shared pieces of SSHExecutor
# so we don't have this ugly parent constructor...
super(AdbExecutor, self).__init__()
self.device_dir = device_dir
self.serial = serial
self.local_run = executeCommand
def _remote_temp(self, is_dir):
# Android didn't have mktemp until M :(
# Just use a random number generator and hope for no collisions. Should
# be very unlikely for a 64-bit number.
test_dir_name = 'test.{}'.format(random.randrange(2 ** 64))
return os.path.join(self.device_dir, test_dir_name)
def _copy_in_file(self, src, dst): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
adb.push(src, dst)
def _execute_command_remote(self, cmd, remote_work_dir='.', env=None):
adb_cmd = ['adb', 'shell']
if self.serial:
adb_cmd.extend(['-s', self.serial])
delimiter = 'x'
probe_cmd = ' '.join(cmd) + '; echo {}$?'.format(delimiter)
env_cmd = []
if env is not None:
env_cmd = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in env.items()]
remote_cmd = ' '.join(env_cmd + [probe_cmd])
if remote_work_dir != '.':
remote_cmd = 'cd {} && {}'.format(remote_work_dir, remote_cmd)
# Tests will commonly fail with ETXTBSY. Possibly related to this bug:
# Work around
# it by just waiting a second and then retrying.
for _ in range(10):
out, err, exit_code = self.local_run(adb_cmd)
if 'Text file busy' in out or 'text busy' in out:
out, delim, rc_str = out.rpartition(delimiter)
if delim == '':
out = out.strip()
exit_code = int(rc_str)
except ValueError:
return adb_cmd, out, err, exit_code