blob: fae400e4e77e8b38a66580702824da7ddbe79dfe [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# -*- Python -*- vim: set syntax=python tabstop=4 expandtab cc=80:
# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
match - A set of functions for matching symbols in a list to a list of regexs
import re
def find_and_report_matching(symbol_list, regex_list):
report = ''
found_count = 0
for regex_str in regex_list:
report += 'Matching regex "%s":\n' % regex_str
matching_list = find_matching_symbols(symbol_list, regex_str)
if not matching_list:
report += ' No matches found\n\n'
# else
found_count += len(matching_list)
for m in matching_list:
report += ' MATCHES: %s\n' % m['name']
report += '\n'
return found_count, report
def find_matching_symbols(symbol_list, regex_str):
regex = re.compile(regex_str)
matching_list = []
for s in symbol_list:
if regex.match(s['name']):
matching_list += [s]
return matching_list