blob: cfaa6791449f2f48c36b2908a26b3c8605bff688 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 8;
use Socket;
use autodie qw(socketpair);
# All of this code is based around recv returning an empty
# string when it gets data from a local machine (using AF_UNIX),
# but returning an undefined value on error. Fatal/autodie
# should be able to tell the difference.
my ($sock1, $sock2);
socketpair($sock1, $sock2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
my $buffer;
send($sock1, "xyz", 0);
my $ret = recv($sock2, $buffer, 2, 0);
use autodie qw(recv);
skip('recv() never returns empty string with socketpair emulation',4)
if ($ret);
is($buffer,'xy',"recv() operational without autodie");
# Read the last byte from the socket.
eval { $ret = recv($sock2, $buffer, 1, 0); };
is($@, "", "recv should not die on returning an emtpy string.");
is($buffer,"z","recv() operational with autodie");
is($ret,"","recv returns undying empty string for local sockets");
eval {
# STDIN isn't a socket, so this should fail.
ok($@,'recv dies on returning undef');
$buffer = "# Not an empty string\n";
# Terminate writing for $sock1
shutdown($sock1, 1);
eval {
use autodie qw(send);
# Writing to a socket terminated for writing should fail.
ok($@,'send dies on returning undef');