blob: c7bbf8b1f60d36966cceae7e3d51b3ab30f968ab [file] [log] [blame]
package pujHa'ghach::Dotlh;
# Translator notes: Dotlh = status
# Ideally this should be le'wI' - Thing that is exceptional. ;)
# Unfortunately that results in a file called .pm, which may cause
# problems on some filesystems.
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(autodie::exception);
sub stringify {
my ($this) = @_;
my $error = $this->SUPER::stringify;
return "QaghHommeyHeylIjmo':\n" . # Due to your apparent minor errors
"$error\n" .
"lujqu'"; # Epic fail
# The following was a really neat idea, but currently autodie
# always pushes values in $! to format them, which loses the
# Klingon translation.
use Errno qw(:POSIX);
use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);
my %translation_for = (
EPERM() => q{Dachaw'be'}, # You do not have permission
ENOENT() => q{De' vItu'laHbe'}, # I cannot find this information.
sub errno {
my ($this) = @_;
my $errno = int $this->SUPER::errno;
warn "In tlhIngan errno - $errno\n";
if ( my $tlhIngan = $translation_for{ $errno } ) {
return dualvar( $errno, $tlhIngan );
return $!;