blob: 2f8c2382fcd54329f722b5f9592dfd461e9439b0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { plan skip_all => "Perl 5.10 only tests" if $] < 5.010; }
# These are tests that depend upon 5.10 (eg, smart-match).
# Basic tests should go in basic_exceptions.t
use 5.010;
use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => 'this_file_had_better_not_exist_xyzzy';
plan 'no_plan';
eval {
use autodie ':io';
open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
ok($@, "Exception thrown" );
ok($@ ~~ 'open', "Exception from open" );
ok($@ ~~ ':file', "Exception from open / class :file" );
ok($@ ~~ ':io', "Exception from open / class :io" );
ok($@ ~~ ':all', "Exception from open / class :all" );
eval {
no warnings 'once'; # To prevent the following close from complaining.
ok(! $@, "Close without autodie should fail silent");
eval {
use autodie ':io';
like($@, qr{Can't close filehandle 'THIS_FILEHANDLE_AINT_OPEN'},"Nice msg from close");
ok($@, "Exception thrown" );
ok($@ ~~ 'close', "Exception from close" );
ok($@ ~~ ':file', "Exception from close / class :file" );
ok($@ ~~ ':io', "Exception from close / class :io" );
ok($@ ~~ ':all', "Exception from close / class :all" );