blob: 2860e2571c70f58a2262152b0a1db3b663c4d469 [file] [log] [blame]
use lib 't';
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Test::More ;
use CompTestUtils;
# use Test::NoWarnings, if available
my $extra = 0 ;
$extra = 1
if eval { require Test::NoWarnings ; import Test::NoWarnings; 1 };
plan tests => 36 + $extra ;
sub run
my $CompressClass = identify();
my $AnyClass = getClass();
my $UncompressClass = getInverse($CompressClass);
my $Error = getErrorRef($CompressClass);
my $UnError = getErrorRef($UncompressClass);
my $AnyConstruct = "IO::Uncompress::${AnyClass}" ;
no strict refs;
my $AnyError = \${ "IO::Uncompress::${AnyClass}::${AnyClass}Error" };
for my $trans ( 0, 1 )
for my $file ( 0, 1 )
title "$AnyClass(Transparent => $trans, File=>$file) with $CompressClass" ;
my $string = "some text" x 100 ;
my $buffer ;
my $x = new $CompressClass(\$buffer) ;
ok $x, " create $CompressClass object" ;
ok $x->write($string), " write to object" ;
ok $x->close, " close ok" ;
my $lex = new LexFile my $output;
my $input ;
if ($file) {
writeFile($output, $buffer);
$input = $output;
else {
$input = \$buffer;
my $unc = new $AnyConstruct $input, Transparent => $trans
Append => 1 ;
ok $unc, " Created $AnyClass object"
or print "# $$AnyError\n";
my $uncomp ;
1 while $unc->read($uncomp) > 0 ;
#ok $unc->read($uncomp) > 0
# or print "# $$AnyError\n";
my $y;
is $unc->read($y, 1), 0, " at eof" ;
ok $unc->eof(), " at eof" ;
#ok $unc->type eq $Type;
is $uncomp, $string, " expected output" ;
my $unc = new $AnyConstruct $input, Transparent => $trans,
Append =>1 ;
ok $unc, " Created $AnyClass object"
or print "# $$AnyError\n";
my $uncomp ;
1 while $unc->read($uncomp, 10) > 0 ;
my $y;
is $unc->read($y, 1), 0, " at eof" ;
ok $unc->eof(), " at eof" ;
#ok $unc->type eq $Type;
is $uncomp, $string, " expected output" ;