blob: b63fb29140b265c00a54fa8ac5fd7425368090a9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Test for File::Temp - POSIX functions
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 7}
use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX unlink0 /;
use FileHandle;
# TMPNAM - scalar
print "# TMPNAM: in a scalar context: \n";
my $tmpnam = tmpnam();
# simply check that the file does not exist
# Not a 100% water tight test though if another program
# has managed to create one in the meantime.
ok( !(-e $tmpnam ));
print "# TMPNAM file name: $tmpnam\n";
# TMPNAM list context
# Not strict posix behaviour
(my $fh, $tmpnam) = tmpnam();
print "# TMPNAM: in list context: $fh $tmpnam\n";
# File is opened - make sure it exists
ok( (-e $tmpnam ));
# Unlink it - a possible NFS issue again if TMPDIR is not a local disk
my $status = unlink0($fh, $tmpnam);
if ($status) {
ok( $status );
} else {
skip("Skip test failed probably due to \$TMPDIR being on NFS",1);
$fh = tmpfile();
if (defined $fh) {
ok( $fh );
print "# TMPFILE: tmpfile got FH $fh\n";
$fh->autoflush(1) if $] >= 5.006;
# print something to it
my $original = "Hello a test\n";
print "# TMPFILE: Wrote line: $original";
print $fh $original
or die "Error printing to tempfile\n";
# rewind it
ok( seek($fh,0,0) );
# Read from it
my $line = <$fh>;
print "# TMPFILE: Read line: $line";
ok( $original, $line);
} else {
# Skip all the remaining tests
foreach (1..3) {
skip("Skip test failed probably due to \$TMPDIR being on NFS",1);