blob: c2945b9db95de80f12e6232fc45ed47784c90197 [file] [log] [blame]
# Testing of common META.yml examples
use strict;
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
use t::lib::Test;
use Test::More tests(1, 1);
use CPAN::Meta::YAML;
# Testing that Perl::Smith config files work
my $sample_file = catfile( test_data_directory(), 'sample.yml' );
my $sample = load_ok( 'sample.yml', $sample_file, 500 );
[ {
invoice => 34843,
date => '2001-01-23',
'bill-to' => {
given => 'Chris',
family => 'Dumars',
address => {
lines => "458 Walkman Dr.\nSuite #292\n",
city => 'Royal Oak',
state => 'MI',
postal => 48046,
product => [
sku => 'BL394D',
quantity => '4',
description => 'Basketball',
price => '450.00',
sku => 'BL4438H',
quantity => '1',
description => 'Super Hoop',
price => '2392.00',
tax => '251.42',
total => '4443.52',
comments => <<'END_TEXT',
Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.
} ],
# nosyck => 1,