blob: aee808b760653e16dbf693f21fbc5355783cef38 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Script to help out with syncing cpan distros.
# Does the following:
# - Fetches the package list from CPAN. Finds the current version of
# the given package. [1]
# - Downloads the relevant tarball; unpacks the tarball;. [1]
# - Clean out the old directory (git clean -dfx)
# - Moves the old directory out of the way, moves the new directory in place.
# - Restores any .gitignore file.
# - Removes files from @IGNORE and EXCLUDED
# - git add any new files.
# - git rm any files that are gone.
# - Remove the +x bit on files in t/
# - Remove the +x bit on files that don't have in enabled in the current dir
# - Restore files mentioned in CUSTOMIZED
# - Adds new files to MANIFEST
# - Runs a "make" (assumes a configure has been run)
# - Cleans up
# - Runs tests for the package
# - Runs the porting tests
# [1] If the --tarball option is given, then CPAN is not consulted.
# --tarball should be the path to the tarball; the version is extracted
# from the filename -- but can be overwritten by the --version option.
# TODO: - Delete files from MANIFEST
# - Update Porting/
# - Optional, run a full test suite
# - Handle complicated FILES
# This is an initial version; no attempt has been made yet to make this
# portable. It shells out instead of trying to find a Perl solution.
# In particular, it assumes wget, git, tar, chmod, perl, make, and rm
# to be available.
# Usage: perl Porting/sync-with-cpan <module>
# where <module> is the name it appears in the %Modules hash
# of Porting/
package Maintainers;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
no warnings 'syntax';
$| = 1;
die "This does not like top level directory"
unless -d "cpan" && -d "Porting";
our %Modules;
use autodie;
require "Porting/";
my %IGNORABLE = map {$_ => 1} @IGNORABLE;
my $package = "02packages.details.txt";
my $package_url = "$package";
my $package_file = "/tmp/$package";
GetOptions ('tarball=s' => \my $tarball,
'version=s' => \my $version,
force => \my $force,)
or die "Failed to parse arguments";
die "Usage: $0 module [args] [cpan package]" unless @ARGV == 1 || @ARGV == 2;
my ($module) = shift;
my $cpan_mod = @ARGV ? shift : $module;
my $info = $Modules {$module} or die "Cannot find module $module";
my $distribution = $$info {DISTRIBUTION};
my @files = glob $$info {FILES};
if (@files != 1 || !-d $files [0] || $$info {MAP}) {
say "This looks like a setup $0 cannot handle (yet)";
unless ($force) {
say "Will not continue without a --force option";
exit 1;
say "--force is in effect, so we'll soldier on. Wish me luck!";
chdir "cpan";
my $pkg_dir = $$info {FILES};
$pkg_dir =~ s!.*/!!;
my ($old_version) = $distribution =~ /-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz/;
my $o_module = $module;
if ($cpan_mod =~ /-/ && $cpan_mod !~ /::/) {
$cpan_mod =~ s/-/::/g;
# Find the information from CPAN.
my $new_file;
my $new_version;
unless ($tarball) {
# Poor man's cache
unless (-f $package_file && -M $package_file < 1) {
system wget => $package_url, '-qO', $package_file;
my $new_line = `grep '^$cpan_mod ' $package_file`
or die "Cannot find $cpan_mod on CPAN\n";
chomp $new_line;
(undef, $new_version, my $new_path) = split ' ', $new_line;
$new_file = (split '/', $new_path) [-1];
my $url = "$new_path";
say "Fetching $url";
# Fetch the new distro
system wget => $url, '-qO', $new_file;
else {
$new_file = $tarball;
$new_version = $version // ($new_file =~ /-([0-9._]+)\.tar\.gz/) [0];
my $old_dir = "$pkg_dir-$old_version";
my $new_dir = "$pkg_dir-$new_version";
say "Cleaning out old directory";
system git => 'clean', '-dfxq', $pkg_dir;
say "Unpacking $new_file";
system tar => 'xfz', $new_file;
say "Renaming directories";
rename $pkg_dir => $old_dir;
rename $new_dir => $pkg_dir;
if (-f "$old_dir/.gitignore") {
say "Restoring .gitignore";
system git => 'checkout', "$pkg_dir/.gitignore";
my @new_files = `find $pkg_dir -type f`;
chomp @new_files;
@new_files = grep {$_ ne $pkg_dir} @new_files;
s!^[^/]+/!! for @new_files;
my %new_files = map {$_ => 1} @new_files;
my @old_files = `find $old_dir -type f`;
chomp @old_files;
@old_files = grep {$_ ne $old_dir} @old_files;
s!^[^/]+/!! for @old_files;
my %old_files = map {$_ => 1} @old_files;
# Find files that can be deleted.
if ($$info {EXCLUDED}) {
foreach my $entry (@{$$info {EXCLUDED}}) {
if (ref $entry) {push @EXCLUDED_QR => $entry}
else {$EXCLUDED_QQ {$entry} = 1}
my @delete;
my @commit;
my @gone;
foreach my $file (@new_files) {
next if -d "$pkg_dir/$file"; # Ignore directories.
next if $old_files {$file}; # It's already there.
if ($IGNORABLE {$file}) {
push @delete => $file;
if ($EXCLUDED_QQ {$file}) {
push @delete => $file;
foreach my $pattern (@EXCLUDED_QR) {
if ($file =~ /$pattern/) {
push @delete => $file;
next FILE;
push @commit => $file;
foreach my $file (@old_files) {
next if -d "$old_dir/$file";
next if $new_files {$file};
push @gone => $file;
# Find all files with an exec bit
my @exec = `find $pkg_dir -type f -perm +111`;
chomp @exec;
my @de_exec;
foreach my $file (@exec) {
# Remove leading dir
$file =~ s!^[^/]+/!!;
if ($file =~ m!^t/!) {
push @de_exec => $file;
# Check to see if the file exists; if it doesn't and doesn't have
# the exec bit, remove it.
if ($old_files {$file}) {
unless (-x "$old_dir/$file") {
push @de_exec => $file;
# No need to change the +x bit on files that will be deleted.
if (@de_exec && @delete) {
my %delete = map {+"$pkg_dir/$_" => 1} @delete;
@de_exec = grep {!$delete {$_}} @de_exec;
say "unlink $pkg_dir/$_" for @delete;
say "git add $pkg_dir/$_" for @commit;
say "git rm -f $pkg_dir/$_" for @gone;
say "chmod a-x $pkg_dir/$_" for @de_exec;
print "Hit return to continue; ^C to abort "; <STDIN>;
unlink "$pkg_dir/$_" for @delete;
system git => 'add', "$pkg_dir/$_" for @commit;
system git => 'rm', '-f', "$pkg_dir/$_" for @gone;
system chmod => 'a-x', "$pkg_dir/$_" for @de_exec;
# Restore anything that is customized.
# We don't really care whether we've deleted the file - since we
# do a git restore, it's going to be resurrected if necessary.
if ($$info {CUSTOMIZED}) {
say "Restoring customized files";
foreach my $file (@{$$info {CUSTOMIZED}}) {
system git => "checkout", "$pkg_dir/$file";
chdir "..";
if (@commit) {
say "Fixing MANIFEST";
open my $fh, ">>", $MANIFEST;
say $fh "cpan/$pkg_dir/$_" for @commit;
close $fh;
system perl => "Porting/manisort", '--output', $MANIFEST_SORT;
print "Running a make ... ";
system "make > make.log 2>&1" and die "Running make failed, see make.log";
print "done\n";
# Must clean up, or else t/porting/FindExt.t will fail.
# Note that we can always retrieve the orginal directory with a git checkout.
print "About to clean up; hit return or abort (^C) "; <STDIN>;
chdir "cpan";
system rm => '-r', $old_dir;
unlink $new_file unless $tarball;
# Run the tests. First the test belonging to the module, followed by the
# the tests in t/porting
chdir "../t";
say "Running module tests";
my @test_files = `find ../cpan/$pkg_dir -name '*.t' -type f`;
chomp @test_files;
my $output = `./perl TEST @test_files`;
unless ($output =~ /All tests successful/) {
say $output;
exit 1;
print "Running tests in t/porting ";
my @tests = `ls porting/*.t`;
chomp @tests;
my @failed;
foreach my $t (@tests) {
my @not = `./perl -I../lib -I.. $t | grep ^not | grep -v "# TODO"`;
print @not ? '!' : '.';
push @failed => $t if @not;
print "\n";
say "Failed tests: @failed" if @failed;
print "Now you ought to run a make; make test ...\n";
say "Do not forget to update Porting/ before committing";
say "$o_module is now version $new_version";