blob: e618533a0a066729ee409d0525005a5aa4d92571 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# cmpVERSION - compare the current Perl source tree and a given tag
# for modules that have identical version numbers but different contents.
# with -d option, output the diffs too
# with -x option, exclude files from modules where blead is not upstream
# (after all, there are tools like core-cpan-diff that can already deal with
# them)
# Original by, modified by jhi and
# Adaptation to produce TAP by Abigail, folded back into this file by Nicholas
use strict;
use 5.006;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(devnull);
use Getopt::Long;
my ($diffs, $exclude_upstream, $tag_to_compare, $tap);
unless (GetOptions('diffs' => \$diffs,
'exclude|x' => \$exclude_upstream,
'tag=s' => \$tag_to_compare,
'tap' => \$tap,
) && @ARGV == 0) {
die "usage: $0 [ -d -x --tag TAG --tap]";
die "$0: This does not look like a Perl directory\n"
unless -f "perl.h" && -d "Porting";
die "$0: 'This is a Perl directory but does not look like Git working directory\n"
unless -d ".git";
my $null = devnull();
unless (defined $tag_to_compare) {
# Thanks to David Golden for this suggestion.
$tag_to_compare = `git describe --abbrev=0`;
chomp $tag_to_compare;
my $tag_exists = `git --no-pager tag -l $tag_to_compare 2>$null`;
chomp $tag_exists;
unless ($tag_exists eq $tag_to_compare) {
die "$0: '$tag_to_compare' is not a known Git tag\n" unless $tap;
print "1..0 # SKIP: '$tag_to_compare' is not a known Git tag\n";
exit 0;
my %upstream_files;
if ($exclude_upstream) {
unshift @INC, 'Porting';
require Maintainers;
for my $m (grep {!defined $Maintainers::Modules{$_}{UPSTREAM}
or $Maintainers::Modules{$_}{UPSTREAM} ne 'blead'}
keys %Maintainers::Modules) {
$upstream_files{$_} = 1 for Maintainers::get_module_files($m);
# Files to skip from the check for one reason or another,
# usually because they pull in their version from some other file.
my %skip;
'lib/', # no version number but contents will vary
} = ();
# Files to skip just for particular version(s),
# usually due to some # mix-up
my %skip_versions = (
# 'some/sample/' => [ '1.23', '1.24' ],
'dist/threads/lib/' => [ '1.83' ],
my $skip_dirs = qr|^t/lib|;
sub pm_file_from_xs {
my $xs = shift;
# First try a .pm at the same level as the .xs file, with the same basename
my $pm = $xs;
$pm =~ s/xs\z/pm/;
return $pm if -f $pm;
# Try for a (different) .pm at the same level, based on the directory name:
my ($path) = $xs =~ m!^(.*)/!;
my ($last) = $path =~ m!([^-/]+)\z!;
$pm = "$path/$";
return $pm if -f $pm;
# Try to work out the extension's full package, and look for a .pm in lib/
# based on that:
($last) = $path =~ m!([^/]+)\z!;
$last =~ tr !-!/!;
$pm = "$path/lib/$";
return $pm if -f $pm;
die "No idea which .pm file corresponds to '$xs', so aborting";
# Key is the .pm file from which we check the version.
# Value is a reference to an array of files to check for differences
# The trivial case is a pure perl module, where the array holds one element,
# the perl module's file. The "fun" comes with XS modules, and the real fun
# with XS modules with more than one XS file, and "interesting" layouts.
my %module_diffs;
foreach (`git --no-pager diff --name-only $tag_to_compare --diff-filter=ACMRTUXB`) {
next unless m/^(.*)\//;
my $this_dir = $1;
next if $this_dir =~ $skip_dirs || exists $skip{$_};
next if exists $upstream_files{$_};
if (/\.pm\z/ || m|^lib/.*\.pl\z|) {
push @{$module_diffs{$_}}, $_;
} elsif (/\.xs\z/ && !/\bt\b/) {
push @{$module_diffs{pm_file_from_xs($_)}}, $_;
unless (%module_diffs) {
print "1..1\nok 1 - No difference found\n" if $tap;
printf "1..%d\n" => scalar keys %module_diffs if $tap;
my $count;
my $diff_cmd = "git --no-pager diff $tag_to_compare ";
my (@diff);
foreach my $pm_file (sort keys %module_diffs) {
# git has already told us that the files differ, so no need to grab each as
# a blob from git, and do the comparison ourselves.
my $pm_version = eval {MM->parse_version($pm_file)};
my $orig_pm_content = get_file_from_git($pm_file, $tag_to_compare);
my $orig_pm_version = eval {MM->parse_version(\$orig_pm_content)};
if ((!defined $pm_version || !defined $orig_pm_version)
|| ($pm_version eq 'undef' || $orig_pm_version eq 'undef') # sigh
|| ($pm_version ne $orig_pm_version) # good
) {
printf "ok %d - %s\n", ++$count, $pm_file if $tap;
} else {
if ($tap) {
foreach (sort @{$module_diffs{$pm_file}}) {
print "# $_" for `$diff_cmd '$_'`;
if (exists $skip_versions{$pm_file}
and grep $pm_version eq $_, @{$skip_versions{$pm_file}}) {
printf "ok %d - SKIP $pm_file version $pm_version\n", ++$count;
} else {
printf "not ok %d - %s\n", ++$count, $pm_file;
} else {
push @diff, @{$module_diffs{$pm_file}};
print "$pm_file\n";
sub get_file_from_git {
my ($file, $tag) = @_;
local $/;
return scalar `git --no-pager show $tag:$file 2>$null`;
if ($diffs) {
for (sort @diff) {
print "\n";
system "$diff_cmd '$_'";