blob: e6a819fbeb1badcf74ab18621631281ac8ba70b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check that the various have (at least) all the
# same symbols as the top-level config_h.SH so that the (potentially)
# needed symbols are not lagging after how Configure thinks the world
# is laid out.
# VMS is probably not handled properly here, due to their own
# rather elaborate DCL scripting.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
sub usage
my $err = shift and select STDERR;
print "usage: $0 [--list] [--regen] [--default=value]\n";
exit $err;
} # usage
use Getopt::Long;
my $opt_l = 0;
my $opt_r = 0;
my $default;
my $tap = 0;
my $test;
GetOptions (
"help|?" => sub { usage (0); },
"l|list!" => \$opt_l,
"regen" => \$opt_r,
"default=s" => \$default,
"tap" => \$tap,
) or usage (1);
require 'regen/' if $opt_r;
my $MASTER_CFG = "config_h.SH";
# Inclusive bounds on the main part of the file, $section == 1 below:
my $first = qr/^Author=/;
my $last = qr/^zip=/;
my @CFG = (
# we check from MANIFEST whether they are expected to be present.
# We can't base our check on $], because that's the version of the
# perl that we are running, not the version of the source tree.
my %seen;
open my $fh, '<', $MASTER_CFG;
while (<$fh>) {
while (/[^\\]\$([a-z]\w+)/g) {
my $v = $1;
next if $v =~ /^(CONFIG_H|CONFIG_SH)$/;
close $fh;
@MASTER_CFG = sort keys %seen;
open my $fh, '<', 'MANIFEST';
while (<$fh>) {
$MANIFEST{$1}++ if /^(.+?)\t/;
close $fh;
printf "1..%d\n", 2 * @CFG if $tap;
for my $cfg (sort @CFG) {
unless (exists $MANIFEST{$cfg}) {
print STDERR "[skipping not-expected '$cfg']\n";
my %cfg;
my $section = 0;
my @lines;
open my $fh, '<', $cfg;
if ($cfg eq '') {
++$cfg{startperl}; # Cheat.
while (<$fh>) {
next if /^\#/ || /^\s*$/ || /^\:/;
s/(\s*!.*|\s*)$//; # remove trailing comments or whitespace
++$cfg{$1} if /^\$\s+WC "(\w+)='(?:.*)'"$/;
} else {
while (<$fh>) {
if ($_ =~ $first) {
die "$cfg:$.:section=$section:$_" unless $section == 0;
$section = 1;
push @{$lines[$section]}, $_;
next if /^\#/ || /^\s*$/ || /^\:/;
if ($_ =~ $last) {
die "$cfg:$.:section=$section:$_" unless $section == 1;
$section = 2;
# foo='bar'
# foo=bar
# (optionally with a trailing comment)
if (/^(\w+)=(?:'.*'|[^'].*)(?: #.*)?$/) {
} else {
warn "$cfg:$.:$_";
close $fh;
my $missing;
if ($cfg eq '') {
print "ok $test # skip $cfg doesn't need to be sorted\n"
if $tap;
} elsif (join("", @{$lines[1]}) eq join("", sort @{$lines[1]})) {
print "ok $test - $cfg sorted\n"
if $tap;
} elsif ($tap) {
print "not ok $test - $cfg is not sorted\n";
} elsif ($opt_r || $opt_l) {
# A reference to an empty array is true, hence this flags the
# file for later attention by --regen and --list, even if
# nothing is missing. Actual sort and output are done later.
$missing = [];
} else {
print "$cfg: unsorted\n"
for my $v (@MASTER_CFG) {
# This only creates a reference in $missing if something is missing:
push @$missing, $v unless exists $cfg{$v};
if ($missing) {
if ($tap) {
print "not ok $test - $cfg missing keys @$missing\n";
} elsif ($opt_l) {
# print the name once, however many problems
print "$cfg\n";
} elsif ($opt_r && $cfg ne '') {
if (defined $default) {
push @{$lines[1]}, map {"$_='$default'\n"} @$missing;
} else {
print "$cfg: missing '$_', use --default to add it\n"
foreach @$missing;
@{$lines[1]} = sort @{$lines[1]};
my $fh = open_new($cfg);
print $fh @{$_} foreach @lines;
} else {
print "$cfg: missing '$_'\n" foreach @$missing;
} elsif ($tap) {
print "ok $test - $cfg has no missing keys\n";