blob: 510cb3b07e7524b3fdd64af5c249accfc56694fa [file] [log] [blame]
#, DAPM 12-Feb-04
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011 Larry Wall
# Given an input file perly.y, run bison on it and produce
# the following output files:
# perly.h standard bison header file with minor doctoring of
# #line directives plus adding a #ifdef PERL_CORE
# the parser table C definitions extracted from the bison output
# plus an extra table generated by this script.
# perly.act the action case statements extracted from the bison output
# Note that perly.c is *not* regenerated - this is now a static file which
# is not dependent on perly.y any more.
# If a filename of the form foo.y is given on the command line, then
# this is used instead as the basename for all the files mentioned
# above.
# Note that temporary files of the form perlytmp.h and perlytmp.c are
# created and then deleted during this process
# Note also that this script is intended to be run on a UNIX system;
# it may work elsewhere but no specific attempt has been made to make it
# portable.
use 5.006;
sub usage { die "usage: $0 [ -b bison_executable ] [ file.y ]\n" }
use warnings;
use strict;
BEGIN { require 'regen/'; }
my $bison = 'bison';
if (@ARGV >= 2 and $ARGV[0] eq '-b') {
$bison = shift;
my $y_file = shift || 'perly.y';
usage unless @ARGV==0 && $y_file =~ /\.y$/;
(my $h_file = $y_file) =~ s/\.y$/.h/;
(my $act_file = $y_file) =~ s/\.y$/.act/;
(my $tab_file = $y_file) =~ s/\.y$/.tab/;
(my $tmpc_file = $y_file) =~ s/\.y$/tmp.c/;
(my $tmph_file = $y_file) =~ s/\.y$/tmp.h/;
# the yytranslate[] table generated by bison is ASCII/EBCDIC sensitive
die "$0: must be run on an ASCII system\n" unless ord 'A' == 65;
# check for correct version number. The constraints are:
# * must be >= 1.24 to avoid licensing issues.
# * it must generate the yystos[] table. Version 1.28 doesn't generate
# this; 1.35+ does
# * Must produce output which is extractable by the regexes below
# * Must produce the right values.
# These last two constraints may well be met by earlier versions, but
# I simply haven't tested them yet. If it works for you, then modify
# the test below to allow that version too. DAPM Feb 04.
my $version = `$bison -V`;
unless ($version) { die <<EOF; }
Could not find a version of bison in your path. Please install bison.
unless ($version =~ /\b(1\.875[a-z]?|2\.[0134])\b/) { die <<EOF; }
You have the wrong version of bison in your path; currently 1.875
2.0, 2.1, 2.3 or 2.4 is required. Try installing
or similar. Your bison identifies itself as:
# creates $tmpc_file and $tmph_file
my_system("$bison -d -o $tmpc_file $y_file");
open my $ctmp_fh, '<', $tmpc_file or die "Can't open $tmpc_file: $!\n";
my $clines;
{ local $/; $clines = <$ctmp_fh>; }
die "failed to read $tmpc_file: length mismatch\n"
unless length $clines == -s $tmpc_file;
close $ctmp_fh;
my ($actlines, $tablines) = extract($clines);
$tablines .= make_type_tab($y_file, $tablines);
my ($act_fh, $tab_fh, $h_fh) = map {
open_new($_, '>', { by => $0, from => $y_file });
} $act_file, $tab_file, $h_file;
print $act_fh $actlines;
print $tab_fh $tablines;
unlink $tmpc_file;
# Wrap PERL_CORE round the symbol definitions. Also, the
# C<#line 30 "perly.y"> confuses the Win32 resource compiler and the
# C<#line 188 "perlytmp.h"> gets picked up by make depend, so remove them.
open my $tmph_fh, '<', $tmph_file or die "Can't open $tmph_file: $!\n";
my $endcore_done = 0;
# Token macros need to be generated manually on bison 2.4
my $gather_tokens = ($version =~ /\b2\.4\b/ ? undef : 0);
my $tokens;
while (<$tmph_fh>) {
print $h_fh "#ifdef PERL_CORE\n" if $. == 1;
if (!$endcore_done and /YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED/) {
print $h_fh "#endif /* PERL_CORE */\n";
$endcore_done = 1;
next if /^#line \d+ ".*"/;
if (not defined $gather_tokens) {
$gather_tokens = 1 if /^\s* enum \s* yytokentype \s* \{/x;
elsif ($gather_tokens) {
if (/^\# \s* endif/x) { # The #endif just after the end of the token enum
$gather_tokens = 0;
$_ .= "\n/* Tokens. */\n$tokens";
else {
my ($tok, $val) = /(\w+) \s* = \s* (\d+)/x;
$tokens .= "#define $tok $val\n" if $tok;
print $h_fh $_;
close $tmph_fh;
unlink $tmph_file;
foreach ($act_fh, $tab_fh, $h_fh) {
read_only_bottom_close_and_rename($_, ['', $y_file]);
exit 0;
sub extract {
my $clines = shift;
my $tablines;
my $actlines;
$clines =~ m@
^/* YYFINAL[^\n]+\n #optional comment
\# \s* define \s* YYFINAL # first #define
.*? # other defines + most tables
yystos\[\]\s*= # start of last table
}\s*; # end of last table
or die "Can't extract tables from $tmpc_file\n";
$tablines = $&;
$clines =~ m@
switch \s* \( \s* \w+ \s* \) \s* { \s*
case \s* \d+ \s* :
(?: \s* /\* .*? \*/ \s* )* # optional C-comments
\#line [^\n]+"\Q$y_file\E"
(?: \s* /\* .*? \*/ \s* )* # optional C-comments
or die "Can't extract actions from $tmpc_file\n";
$actlines = $1;
# Remove extraneous comments from bison 2.4
$actlines =~ s!\s* /\* \s* Line \s* \d+ \s* of \s* yacc\.c \s* \*/!!gx;
# C<#line 188 "perlytmp.c"> gets picked up by make depend, so remove them.
$actlines =~ s/^#line \d+ "\Q$tmpc_file\E".*$//gm;
# convert yyvsp[nnn] into ps[nnn].val
$actlines =~ s/yyvsp\[(.*?)\]/ps[$1].val/g
or die "Can't convert value stack name\n";
return $actlines. "\n", $tablines. "\n";
# Generate a table, yy_type_tab[], that specifies for each token, what
# type of value it holds.
# Read the .y file and extract a list of all the token names and
# non-terminal names; then scan the string $tablines for the table yytname,
# which gives the token index of each token/non-terminal; then use this to
# create yy_type_tab.
# ie given (in perly.y),
# %token <opval> A
# %token <ival> B
# %type <pval> C
# %type <opval> D
# and (in $tablines),
# yytname[] = { "A" "B", "C", "D", "E" };
# then return
# typedef enum { toketype_ival, toketype_opval, toketype_pval } toketypes;
# static const toketypes yy_type_tab[]
# = { toketype_opval, toketype_ival, toketype_pval,
# toketype_opval, toketype_ival }
# where "E" has the default type. The default type is determined
# by the __DEFAULT__ comment next to the appropriate union member in
# perly.y
sub make_type_tab {
my ($y_file, $tablines) = @_;
my %tokens;
my %types;
my $default_token;
open my $fh, '<', $y_file or die "Can't open $y_file: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
if (/(\$\d+)\s*=/) {
warn "$y_file:$.: dangerous assignment to $1: $_";
if (/__DEFAULT__/) {
m{(\w+) \s* ; \s* /\* \s* __DEFAULT__}x
or die "$y_file: can't parse __DEFAULT__ line: $_";
die "$y_file: duplicate __DEFAULT__ line: $_"
if defined $default_token;
$default_token = $1;
next unless /^%(token|type)/;
or die "$y_file: unparseable token/type line: $_";
$tokens{$_} = $2 for (split ' ', $_);
$types{$2} = 1;
die "$y_file: no __DEFAULT__ token defined\n" unless $default_token;
$types{$default_token} = 1;
$tablines =~ /^\Qstatic const char *const yytname[] =\E\n
or die "Can't extract yytname[] from table string\n";
my $fields = $1;
$fields =~ s{"([^"]+)"}
{ "toketype_" .
(defined $tokens{$1} ? $tokens{$1} : $default_token)
$fields =~ s/, \s* 0 \s* $//x
or die "make_type_tab: couldn't delete trailing ',0'\n";
"\ntypedef enum {\n\t"
. join(", ", map "toketype_$_", sort keys %types)
. "\n} toketypes;\n\n"
. "/* type of each token/terminal */\n"
. "static const toketypes yy_type_tab[] =\n{\n"
. $fields
. "\n};\n";
sub my_system {
if ($? == -1) {
die "failed to execute command '@_': $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
die sprintf "command '@_' died with signal %d\n",
($? & 127);
elsif ($? >> 8) {
die sprintf "command '@_' exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8;