blob: 4fba59180ae79d1eeeb171e5250005ab35a02279 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;
use TAP::Parser;
use TAP::Harness;
use App::Prove;
diag( "\n\n", bigness( join ' ', @ARGV ), "\n\n" ) if @ARGV;
my @cleanup = ();
END { unlink @cleanup }
my $test = File::Spec->catfile(
my @test = ( [ perl => $test ], make_shell_test($test) );
plan tests => @test * 8 + 5;
sub echo_ok {
my ( $type, $options ) = ( shift, shift );
my $name = join( ', ', sort keys %$options ) . ", $type";
my @args = @_;
my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { %$options, test_args => \@args } );
my @got = ();
while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {
push @got, $result;
my $plan = shift @got;
ok $plan->is_plan, "$name: is_plan";
is_deeply [ map { $_->description } @got ], [@args],
"$name: option passed OK";
for my $t (@test) {
my ( $type, $test ) = @$t;
for my $args ( [qw( yes no maybe )], [qw( 1 2 3 )] ) {
echo_ok( $type, { source => $test }, @$args );
echo_ok( $type, { exec => [ $^X, $test ] }, @$args );
sub make_shell_test {
my $test = shift;
my $shell = '/bin/sh';
return unless -x $shell;
my $script = "shell_$$.sh";
push @cleanup, $script;
open my $sh, '>', $script;
print $sh "#!$shell\n\n";
print $sh "$^X '$test' \$*\n";
chmod 0775, $script;
return unless -x $script;
return [ shell => $script ];
for my $test_arg_type (
[qw( magic hat brigade )],
{ $test => [qw( magic hat brigade )] },
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -9, test_args => $test_arg_type } );
my $aggregate = $harness->runtests($test);
is $aggregate->total, 3, "ran the right number of tests";
is $aggregate->passed, 3, "and they passed";
package Test::Prove;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = 'App::Prove';
sub _runtests {
my $self = shift;
push @{ $self->{_log} }, [@_];
sub get_run_log {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_log};
package main;
my $app = Test::Prove->new;
$app->process_args( '--norc', $test, '::', 'one', 'two', 'huh' );
my $log = $app->get_run_log;
is_deeply $log->[0]->[0]->{test_args}, [ 'one', 'two', 'huh' ],
"prove args match";
sub bigness {
my $str = join '', @_;
my @cdef = (
'0000000000000000', '1818181818001800', '6c6c6c0000000000',
'36367f367f363600', '0c3f683e0b7e1800', '60660c1830660600',
'386c6c386d663b00', '0c18300000000000', '0c18303030180c00',
'30180c0c0c183000', '00187e3c7e180000', '0018187e18180000',
'0000000000181830', '0000007e00000000', '0000000000181800',
'00060c1830600000', '3c666e7e76663c00', '1838181818187e00',
'3c66060c18307e00', '3c66061c06663c00', '0c1c3c6c7e0c0c00',
'7e607c0606663c00', '1c30607c66663c00', '7e060c1830303000',
'3c66663c66663c00', '3c66663e060c3800', '0000181800181800',
'0000181800181830', '0c18306030180c00', '00007e007e000000',
'30180c060c183000', '3c660c1818001800', '3c666e6a6e603c00',
'3c66667e66666600', '7c66667c66667c00', '3c66606060663c00',
'786c6666666c7800', '7e60607c60607e00', '7e60607c60606000',
'3c66606e66663c00', '6666667e66666600', '7e18181818187e00',
'3e0c0c0c0c6c3800', '666c7870786c6600', '6060606060607e00',
'63777f6b6b636300', '6666767e6e666600', '3c66666666663c00',
'7c66667c60606000', '3c6666666a6c3600', '7c66667c6c666600',
'3c66603c06663c00', '7e18181818181800', '6666666666663c00',
'66666666663c1800', '63636b6b7f776300', '66663c183c666600',
'6666663c18181800', '7e060c1830607e00', '7c60606060607c00',
'006030180c060000', '3e06060606063e00', '183c664200000000',
'00000000000000ff', '1c36307c30307e00', '00003c063e663e00',
'60607c6666667c00', '00003c6660663c00', '06063e6666663e00',
'00003c667e603c00', '1c30307c30303000', '00003e66663e063c',
'60607c6666666600', '1800381818183c00', '1800381818181870',
'6060666c786c6600', '3818181818183c00', '0000367f6b6b6300',
'00007c6666666600', '00003c6666663c00', '00007c66667c6060',
'00003e66663e0607', '00006c7660606000', '00003e603c067c00',
'30307c3030301c00', '0000666666663e00', '00006666663c1800',
'0000636b6b7f3600', '0000663c183c6600', '00006666663e063c',
'00007e0c18307e00', '0c18187018180c00', '1818180018181800',
'3018180e18183000', '316b460000000000'
my @chars = unpack( 'C*', $str );
my @out = ();
for my $row ( 0 .. 7 ) {
for my $char (@chars) {
next if $char < 32 || $char > 126;
my $size = scalar(@cdef);
my $byte = hex( substr( $cdef[ $char - 32 ], $row * 2, 2 ) );
my $bits = sprintf( '%08b', $byte );
$bits =~ tr/01/ #/;
push @out, $bits;
push @out, "\n";
return join '', @out;