blob: a5f0c47cac78486d2b7870eb678639092c9ed3a1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
use strict;
use Test::More;
use IO::c55Capture;
use TAP::Harness;
my $HARNESS = 'TAP::Harness';
my $source_tests = 't/source_tests';
my $sample_tests = 't/sample-tests';
plan tests => 128;
# note that this test will always pass when run through 'prove'
ok $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}, 'HARNESS_ACTIVE env variable should be set';
ok $ENV{HARNESS_VERSION}, 'HARNESS_VERSION env variable should be set';
#### For color tests ####
package Colorizer;
sub new { bless {}, shift }
sub can_color {1}
sub set_color {
my ( $self, $output, $color ) = @_;
package main;
sub colorize {
my $harness = shift;
$harness->formatter->_colorizer( Colorizer->new );
can_ok $HARNESS, 'new';
eval { $HARNESS->new( { no_such_key => 1 } ) };
like $@, qr/\QUnknown arguments to TAP::Harness::new (no_such_key)/,
'... and calling it with bad keys should fail';
eval { $HARNESS->new( { lib => 'aint_no_such_lib' } ) };
is $@, '', '... and calling it with a non-existent lib is fine';
eval { $HARNESS->new( { lib => [qw/bad_lib_1 bad_lib_2/] } ) };
is $@, '', '... and calling it with non-existent libs is fine';
ok my $harness = $HARNESS->new,
'Calling new() without arguments should succeed';
for my $test_args ( get_arg_sets() ) {
my %args = %$test_args;
for my $key ( sort keys %args ) {
$args{$key} = $args{$key}{in};
ok my $harness = $HARNESS->new( {%args} ),
'Calling new() with valid arguments should succeed';
isa_ok $harness, $HARNESS, '... and the object it returns';
while ( my ( $property, $test ) = each %$test_args ) {
my $value = $test->{out};
can_ok $harness, $property;
is_deeply scalar $harness->$property(), $value, $test->{test_name};
my @output;
local $^W;
local *TAP::Formatter::Base::_output = sub {
my $self = shift;
push @output => grep { $_ ne '' }
map {
local $_ = $_;
} @_;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => 1, formatter_class => "TAP::Formatter::Console" } );
my $harness_whisper = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -1, formatter_class => "TAP::Formatter::Console" } );
my $harness_mute = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2, formatter_class => "TAP::Formatter::Console" } );
my $harness_directives = TAP::Harness->new(
{ directives => 1, formatter_class => "TAP::Formatter::Console" } );
my $harness_failures = TAP::Harness->new(
{ failures => 1, formatter_class => "TAP::Formatter::Console" } );
can_ok $harness, 'runtests';
# normal tests in verbose mode
ok my $aggregate = _runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness" ),
'... runtests returns the aggregate';
isa_ok $aggregate, 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator';
my @expected = (
"$source_tests/harness ..",
'ok 1 - this is a test',
'All tests successful.',
my $status = pop @output;
my $expected_status = qr{^Result: PASS$};
my $summary = pop @output;
my $expected_summary = qr{^Files=1, Tests=1, +\d+ wallclock secs};
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
like $status, $expected_status,
'... and the status line should be correct';
like $summary, $expected_summary,
'... and the report summary should look correct';
# use an alias for test name
@output = ();
ok $aggregate
= _runtests( $harness, [ "$source_tests/harness", 'My Nice Test' ] ),
'... runtests returns the aggregate';
isa_ok $aggregate, 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator';
@expected = (
'My Nice Test ..',
'ok 1 - this is a test',
'All tests successful.',
$status = pop @output;
$expected_status = qr{^Result: PASS$};
$summary = pop @output;
$expected_summary = qr{^Files=1, Tests=1, +\d+ wallclock secs};
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
like $status, $expected_status,
'... and the status line should be correct';
like $summary, $expected_summary,
'... and the report summary should look correct';
# run same test twice
@output = ();
ok $aggregate = _runtests(
$harness, [ "$source_tests/harness", 'My Nice Test' ],
[ "$source_tests/harness", 'My Nice Test Again' ]
'... runtests returns the aggregate';
isa_ok $aggregate, 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator';
@expected = (
'My Nice Test ........',
'ok 1 - this is a test',
'My Nice Test Again ..',
'ok 1 - this is a test',
'All tests successful.',
$status = pop @output;
$expected_status = qr{^Result: PASS$};
$summary = pop @output;
$expected_summary = qr{^Files=2, Tests=2, +\d+ wallclock secs};
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
like $status, $expected_status,
'... and the status line should be correct';
like $summary, $expected_summary,
'... and the report summary should look correct';
# normal tests in quiet mode
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness_whisper, "$source_tests/harness" );
@expected = (
"$source_tests/harness ..",
'All tests successful.',
$status = pop @output;
$expected_status = qr{^Result: PASS$};
$summary = pop @output;
$expected_summary = qr/^Files=1, Tests=1, +\d+ wallclock secs/;
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
like $status, $expected_status,
'... and the status line should be correct';
like $summary, $expected_summary,
'... and the report summary should look correct';
# normal tests in really_quiet mode
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness_mute, "$source_tests/harness" );
@expected = (
'All tests successful.',
$status = pop @output;
$expected_status = qr{^Result: PASS$};
$summary = pop @output;
$expected_summary = qr/^Files=1, Tests=1, +\d+ wallclock secs/;
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
like $status, $expected_status,
'... and the status line should be correct';
like $summary, $expected_summary,
'... and the report summary should look correct';
# normal tests with failures
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness_failure" );
$status = pop @output;
$summary = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: FAIL$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
my @summary = @output[ 18 .. $#output ];
@output = @output[ 0 .. 17 ];
@expected = (
"$source_tests/harness_failure ..",
'ok 1 - this is a test',
'not ok 2 - this is another test',
q{# Failed test 'this is another test'},
'# in harness_failure.t at line 5.',
q{# got: 'waffle'},
q{# expected: 'yarblokos'},
'Failed 1/2 subtests',
is_deeply \@output, \@expected,
'... and failing test output should be correct';
my @expected_summary = (
'Test Summary Report',
"$source_tests/harness_failure (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)",
'Failed test:',
is_deeply \@summary, \@expected_summary,
'... and the failure summary should also be correct';
# quiet tests with failures
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness_whisper, "$source_tests/harness_failure" );
$status = pop @output;
$summary = pop @output;
@expected = (
"$source_tests/harness_failure ..",
'Failed 1/2 subtests',
'Test Summary Report',
"$source_tests/harness_failure (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)",
'Failed test:',
like $status, qr{^Result: FAIL$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
is_deeply \@output, \@expected,
'... and failing test output should be correct';
# really quiet tests with failures
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness_mute, "$source_tests/harness_failure" );
$status = pop @output;
$summary = pop @output;
@expected = (
'Test Summary Report',
"$source_tests/harness_failure (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)",
'Failed test:',
like $status, qr{^Result: FAIL$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
is_deeply \@output, \@expected,
'... and failing test output should be correct';
# only show directives
@output = ();
@expected = (
"$source_tests/harness_directives ..",
'not ok 2 - we have a something # TODO some output',
"ok 3 houston, we don't have liftoff # SKIP no funding",
'All tests successful.',
# ~TODO {{{ this should be an option
#'Test Summary Report',
#"$source_tests/harness_directives (Wstat: 0 Tests: 3 Failed: 0)",
#'Tests skipped:',
# }}}
$status = pop @output;
$summary = pop @output;
$expected_summary = qr/^Files=1, Tests=3, +\d+ wallclock secs/;
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
like $summary, $expected_summary,
'... and the report summary should look correct';
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
# normal tests with bad tap
# install callback handler
my $parser;
my $callback_count = 0;
my @callback_log = ();
for my $evt (qw(parser_args made_parser before_runtests after_runtests)) {
$evt => sub {
push @callback_log, $evt;
made_parser => sub {
$parser = shift;
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness_badtap" );
@output = map { trim($_) } @output;
$status = pop @output;
@summary = @output[ 12 .. ( $#output - 1 ) ];
@output = @output[ 0 .. 11 ];
@expected = (
"$source_tests/harness_badtap ..",
'ok 1 - this is a test',
'not ok 2 - this is another test',
'Failed 1/2 subtests',
is_deeply \@output, \@expected,
'... and failing test output should be correct';
like $status, qr{^Result: FAIL$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
@expected_summary = (
'Test Summary Report',
"$source_tests/harness_badtap (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)",
'Failed test:',
'Parse errors: More than one plan found in TAP output',
is_deeply \@summary, \@expected_summary,
'... and the badtap summary should also be correct';
cmp_ok( $callback_count, '==', 1, 'callback called once' );
[ 'before_runtests', 'parser_args', 'made_parser', 'after_runtests' ],
'callback log matches'
isa_ok $parser, 'TAP::Parser';
# coverage testing for _should_show_failures
# only show failures
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness_failures, "$source_tests/harness_failure" );
@expected = (
"$source_tests/harness_failure ..",
'not ok 2 - this is another test',
'Failed 1/2 subtests',
'Test Summary Report',
"$source_tests/harness_failure (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)",
'Failed test:',
$status = pop @output;
$summary = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: FAIL$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
$expected_summary = qr/^Files=1, Tests=2, +\d+ wallclock secs/;
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
# check the status output for no tests
@output = ();
_runtests( $harness_failures, "$sample_tests/no_output" );
@expected = (
"$sample_tests/no_output ..",
'No subtests run',
'Test Summary Report',
"$sample_tests/no_output (Wstat: 0 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)",
'Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output',
$status = pop @output;
$summary = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: FAIL$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
$expected_summary = qr/^Files=1, Tests=2, +\d+ wallclock secs/;
is_deeply \@output, \@expected, '... and the output should be correct';
# make sure we can exec something ... anything!
my $cat = '/bin/cat';
# TODO: use TYPE on win32?
unless ( -e $cat ) {
skip "no '$cat'", 2;
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
exec => [$cat],
eval { _runtests( $harness, 't/data/catme.1' ); };
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", 'cat meows' );
# make sure that we can exec with a code ref.
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
exec => sub {undef},
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness" );
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", 'cat meows' );
# Exec with a coderef that returns an arrayref
my $cat = '/bin/cat';
unless ( -e $cat ) {
skip "no '$cat'", 2;
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
exec => sub {
return [
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness" );
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", 'cat meows' );
# Exec with a coderef that returns raw TAP
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
exec => sub {
return "1..1\nok 1 - raw TAP\n";
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness" );
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", 'cat meows' );
# Exec with a coderef that returns a filehandle
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
exec => sub {
open my $fh, 't/data/catme.1';
return $fh;
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/harness" );
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", 'cat meows' );
# catches "exec accumulates arguments" issue (r77)
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
exec => [$^X]
, # will get mad if run with args
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'... and the status line should be correct';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
is( $output[-1], "All tests successful.\n",
'No exec accumulation'
# customize default File source
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
sources => {
File => { extensions => ['.1'] },
_runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/source.1" );
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop @output;
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$},
'customized File source has correct status line';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", '... all tests passed' );
# load a custom source
my $capture = IO::c55Capture->new_handle;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ verbosity => -2,
stdout => $capture,
sources => {
MyFileSourceHandler => { extensions => ['.1'] },
my $source_test = "$source_tests/source.1";
eval { _runtests( $harness, "$source_tests/source.1" ); };
my $e = $@;
ok( !$e, 'no error on load custom source' ) || diag($e);
no warnings 'once';
can_ok( 'MyFileSourceHandler', 'make_iterator' );
ok( $MyFileSourceHandler::CAN_HANDLE,
'... MyFileSourceHandler->can_handle was called'
ok( $MyFileSourceHandler::MAKE_ITER,
'... MyFileSourceHandler->make_iterator was called'
my $raw_source = eval { ${ $MyFileSourceHandler::LAST_SOURCE->raw } };
is( $raw_source, $source_test, '... used the right source' );
my @output = tied($$capture)->dump;
my $status = pop(@output) || '';
like $status, qr{^Result: PASS$}, '... and test has correct status line';
pop @output; # get rid of summary line
my $answer = pop @output;
is( $answer, "All tests successful.\n", '... all tests passed' );
sub trim {
$_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $_[0];
sub liblist {
return [ map {"-I$_"} @_ ];
sub get_arg_sets {
# keys are keys to new()
return {
lib => {
in => 'lib',
out => liblist('lib'),
test_name => '... a single lib switch should be correct'
verbosity => {
in => 1,
out => 1,
test_name => '... and we should be able to set verbosity to 1'
# verbose => {
# in => 1,
# out => 1,
# test_name => '... and we should be able to set verbose to true'
# },
{ lib => {
in => [ 'lib', 't' ],
out => liblist( 'lib', 't' ),
test_name => '... multiple lib dirs should be correct'
verbosity => {
in => 0,
out => 0,
test_name => '... and we should be able to set verbosity to 0'
# verbose => {
# in => 0,
# out => 0,
# test_name => '... and we should be able to set verbose to false'
# },
{ switches => {
in => [ '-T', '-w', '-T' ],
out => [ '-T', '-w', '-T' ],
test_name => '... duplicate switches should remain',
failures => {
in => 1,
out => 1,
test_name =>
'... and we should be able to set failures to true',
verbosity => {
in => -1,
out => -1,
test_name => '... and we should be able to set verbosity to -1'
# quiet => {
# in => 1,
# out => 1,
# test_name => '... and we should be able to set quiet to false'
# },
{ verbosity => {
in => -2,
out => -2,
test_name => '... and we should be able to set verbosity to -2'
# really_quiet => {
# in => 1,
# out => 1,
# test_name =>
# '... and we should be able to set really_quiet to true',
# },
exec => {
in => $^X,
out => $^X,
test_name =>
'... and we should be able to set the executable',
{ switches => {
in => 'T',
out => ['T'],
test_name =>
'... leading dashes (-) on switches are not optional',
{ switches => {
in => '-T',
out => ['-T'],
test_name => '... we should be able to set switches',
failures => {
in => 1,
out => 1,
test_name => '... and we should be able to set failures to true'
sub _runtests {
my ( $harness, @tests ) = @_;
my $aggregate = $harness->runtests(@tests);
return $aggregate;
# coverage tests for ctor
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ timer => 0,
errors => 1,
merge => 2,
# formatter => 3,
is $harness->timer(), 0, 'timer getter';
is $harness->timer(10), 10, 'timer setter';
is $harness->errors(), 1, 'errors getter';
is $harness->errors(10), 10, 'errors setter';
is $harness->merge(), 2, 'merge getter';
is $harness->merge(10), 10, 'merge setter';
# jobs accessor
is $harness->jobs(), 1, 'jobs';
# coverage tests for the stdout key of VALIDATON_FOR, used by _initialize() in the ctor
# the coverage tests are
# 1. ref $ref => false
# 2. ref => ! GLOB and ref->can(print)
# 3. ref $ref => GLOB
# case 1
my @die;
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { push @die, @_ };
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ stdout => bless {}, '0', # how evil is THAT !!!
is @die, 1, 'bad filehandle to stdout';
like pop @die, qr/option 'stdout' needs a filehandle/,
'... and we died as expected';
# case 2
@die = ();
package Printable;
sub new { return bless {}, shift }
sub print {return}
package main;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ stdout => Printable->new(),
isa_ok $harness, 'TAP::Harness';
# case 3
@die = ();
$harness = TAP::Harness->new(
{ stdout => bless {}, 'GLOB', # again with the evil
isa_ok $harness, 'TAP::Harness';
# coverage testing of lib/switches accessor
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new;
my @die;
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { push @die, @_ };
$harness->switches(qw( too many arguments));
is @die, 1, 'too many arguments to accessor';
like pop @die, qr/Too many arguments to method 'switches'/,
'...and we died as expected';
$harness->switches('simple scalar');
my $arrref = $harness->switches;
is_deeply $arrref, ['simple scalar'], 'scalar wrapped in arr ref';
# coverage tests for the basically untested T::H::_open_spool
my @spool = ( 't', 'spool' );
$ENV{PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP} = File::Spec->catfile(@spool);
# now given that we're going to be writing stuff to the file system, make sure we have
# a cleanup hook
use File::Path;
# remove the tree if we made it this far
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( { verbosity => -2 } );
can_ok $harness, 'runtests';
# normal tests in verbose mode
my $parser
= $harness->runtests( File::Spec->catfile( $source_tests, 'harness' ) );
isa_ok $parser, 'TAP::Parser::Aggregator',
'... runtests returns the aggregate';
ok -e File::Spec->catfile(
$source_tests, 'harness'
# test name munging
my @cases = (
{ name => 'all the same',
input => [ 'foo.t', 'bar.t', 'fletz.t' ],
output => [
[ 'foo.t', 'foo.t' ], [ 'bar.t', 'bar.t' ],
[ 'fletz.t', 'fletz.t' ]
{ name => 'all the same, already cooked',
input => [ 'foo.t', [ 'bar.t', 'brip' ], 'fletz.t' ],
output => [
[ 'foo.t', 'foo.t' ], [ 'bar.t', 'brip' ],
[ 'fletz.t', 'fletz.t' ]
{ name => 'different exts',
input => [ 'foo.t', 'bar.u', 'fletz.v' ],
output => [
[ 'foo.t', 'foo.t' ], [ 'bar.u', 'bar.u' ],
[ 'fletz.v', 'fletz.v' ]
{ name => 'different exts, one already cooked',
input => [ 'foo.t', [ 'bar.u', 'bam' ], 'fletz.v' ],
output => [
[ 'foo.t', 'foo.t' ], [ 'bar.u', 'bam' ],
[ 'fletz.v', 'fletz.v' ]
{ name => 'different exts, two already cooked',
input => [ 'foo.t', [ 'bar.u', 'bam.q' ], [ 'fletz.v', 'boo' ] ],
output => [
[ 'foo.t', 'foo.t' ], [ 'bar.u', 'bam.q' ],
[ 'fletz.v', 'boo' ]
for my $case (@cases) {
is_deeply [ TAP::Harness->_add_descriptions( @{ $case->{input} } ) ],
$case->{output}, '_add_descriptions: ' . $case->{name};