blob: 04f0210f30be1af24aaa58c52161b16a11b8739c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test ~ expansion from command line arguments.
use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use MBTest tests => 16;
my $tmp = MBTest->tmpdir;
use DistGen;
my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp );
sub run_sample {
my @args = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $mb;
stdout_of( sub {
$mb = Module::Build->new_from_context( @args );
} );
return $mb;
my $p = 'install_base';
my $home = $ENV{HOME} ? $ENV{HOME} : undef;
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
# Convert the path to UNIX format, trim off the trailing slash
$home = VMS::Filespec::unixify($home);
$home =~ s#/$##;
unless (defined $home) {
my @info = eval { getpwuid $> };
skip "No home directory for tilde-expansion tests", 15 if $@
or !defined $info[7];
$home = $info[7];
is( run_sample( $p => '~' )->$p(), $home );
is( run_sample( $p => '~/fooxzy' )->$p(), "$home/fooxzy" );
is( run_sample( $p => '~/ fooxzy')->$p(), "$home/ fooxzy" );
is( run_sample( $p => '~/fo o')->$p(), "$home/fo o" );
is( run_sample( $p => 'fooxzy~' )->$p(), 'fooxzy~' );
is( run_sample( prefix => '~' )->prefix,
$home );
# Test when HOME is different from getpwuid(), as in sudo.
local $ENV{HOME} = '/wibble/whomp';
is( run_sample( $p => '~' )->$p(), "/wibble/whomp" );
my $mb = run_sample( install_path => { html => '~/html',
lib => '~/lib' }
is( $mb->install_destination('lib'), "$home/lib" );
# 'html' is translated to 'binhtml' & 'libhtml'
is( $mb->install_destination('binhtml'), "$home/html" );
is( $mb->install_destination('libhtml'), "$home/html" );
$mb = run_sample( install_path => { lib => '~/lib' } );
is( $mb->install_destination('lib'), "$home/lib" );
$mb = run_sample( destdir => '~' );
is( $mb->destdir, $home );
is( $mb->$p(), '~', 'API does not expand tildes' );
skip "On OS/2 EMX all users are equal", 2 if $^O eq 'os2';
is( run_sample( $p => '~~' )->$p(), '~~' );
is( run_sample( $p => '~ fooxzy' )->$p(), '~ fooxzy' );
# Again, with named users
my @info = eval { getpwuid $> };
skip "No home directory for tilde-expansion tests", 1 if $@
or !defined $info[7] or !defined $info[0];
my ($me, $home) = @info[0,7];
my $expected = "$home/fooxzy";
if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
# Convert the path to UNIX format and trim off the trailing slash
$home = VMS::Filespec::unixify($home);
$home =~ s#/$##;
$expected = $home . '/../[^/]+' . '/fooxzy';
like( run_sample( $p => "~$me/fooxzy")->$p(), qr(\Q$expected\E)i );