blob: 9de28ec4f3fe43280ef2526f7fa65f11acf738e4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use MBTest;
use Config;
my $PPM_support = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature('PPM_support');
my $manpage_support = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature('manpage_support');
my $HTML_support = Module::Build::ConfigData->feature('HTML_support');
my $tmp;
my ($have_c_compiler, $tmp_exec) = check_compiler();
if ( ! $have_c_compiler ) {
plan skip_all => 'No compiler found';
} elsif ( ! $PPM_support ) {
plan skip_all => 'PPM support modules not installed';
} elsif ( !$Config{usedl} ) {
plan skip_all => 'Perl not compiled for dynamic loading';
} elsif ( ! $HTML_support ) {
plan skip_all => "HTML support not installed";
} elsif ( ! eval {require Archive::Tar} ) {
plan skip_all => "Archive::Tar not installed to read archives.";
} elsif ( ! eval {IO::Zlib->VERSION(1.01)} ) {
plan skip_all => "IO::Zlib 1.01 required to read compressed archives.";
} elsif ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) {
plan skip_all => "Needs porting work on VMS";
} else {
plan tests => 12;
require Cwd;
$tmp = MBTest->tmpdir( $tmp_exec ? () : (DIR => Cwd::cwd) );
use DistGen;
my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp, xs => 1 );
$dist->add_file( 'hello', <<'---' );
#!perl -w
print "Hello, World!\n";
=head1 NAME
Says "Hello"
module_name => $dist->name,
license => 'perl',
scripts => [ 'hello' ],
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir);
my @installstyle = qw(lib perl5);
my $mb = Module::Build->new_from_context(
verbose => 0,
quiet => 1,
installdirs => 'site',
config => {
manpage_reset(), html_reset(),
( $manpage_support ?
( installsiteman1dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man1'),
installsiteman3dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man3') ) : () ),
( $HTML_support ?
( installsitehtml1dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
installsitehtml3dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html') ) : () ),
$mb->dispatch('ppd', args => {codebase => '/path/to/codebase-xs'});
(my $dist_filename = $dist->name) =~ s/::/-/g;
my $ppd = slurp($dist_filename . '.ppd');
my $perl_version = Module::Build::PPMMaker->_ppd_version($mb->perl_version);
my $varchname = Module::Build::PPMMaker->_varchname($mb->config);
# This test is quite a hack since with XML you don't really want to
# do a strict string comparison, but absent an XML parser it's the
# best we can do.
is $ppd, <<"---";
<SOFTPKG NAME="$dist_filename" VERSION="0.01">
<ABSTRACT>Perl extension for blah blah blah</ABSTRACT>
<AUTHOR>A. U. Thor, a.u.thor\@a.galaxy.far.far.away</AUTHOR>
<ARCHITECTURE NAME="$varchname" />
<CODEBASE HREF="/path/to/codebase-xs" />
is $@, '';
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
my $tarfile = $mb->ppm_name . '.tar.gz';
$tar->read( $tarfile, 1 );
my $files = { map { $_ => 1 } $tar->list_files };
my $fname = 'Simple';
$fname = DynaLoader::mod2fname([$fname]) if defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname;
exists_ok($files, "blib/arch/auto/Simple/$fname." . $mb->config('dlext'));
exists_ok($files, 'blib/lib/');
exists_ok($files, 'blib/script/hello');
skip( "manpage_support not enabled.", 2 ) unless $manpage_support;
exists_ok($files, 'blib/man3/Simple.' . $mb->config('man3ext'));
exists_ok($files, 'blib/man1/hello.' . $mb->config('man1ext'));
skip( "HTML_support not enabled.", 2 ) unless $HTML_support;
exists_ok($files, 'blib/html/site/lib/Simple.html');
exists_ok($files, 'blib/html/bin/hello.html');
undef( $tar );
skip( "HTML_support not enabled.", 3 ) unless $HTML_support;
# Make sure html documents are generated for the ppm distro even when
# they would not be built during a normal build.
$mb = Module::Build->new_from_context(
verbose => 0,
quiet => 1,
installdirs => 'site',
config => {
installsiteman1dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man1'),
installsiteman3dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man3'),
is $@, '';
$tar = Archive::Tar->new;
$tar->read( $tarfile, 1 );
$files = {map { $_ => 1 } $tar->list_files};
exists_ok($files, 'blib/html/site/lib/Simple.html');
exists_ok($files, 'blib/html/bin/hello.html');
sub exists_ok {
my $files = shift;
my $file = shift;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
ok exists( $files->{$file} ) && $files->{$file}, $file;
# A hash of all settings related to installing
# manpages with values set to an empty string.
sub manpage_reset {
return (
installman1dir => '',
installman3dir => '',
installsiteman1dir => '',
installsiteman3dir => '',
installvendorman1dir => '',
installvendorman3dir => '',
# A hash of all settings related to installing
# html documents with values set to an empty string.
sub html_reset {
return (
installhtmldir => '',
installhtml1dir => '',
installhtml3dir => '',
installsitehtml1dir => '',
installsitehtml3dir => '',
installvendorhtml1dir => '',
installvendorhtml3dir => '',