blob: c780de1f8815c0b02e7d191029c4127d3261fbc6 [file] [log] [blame]
BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' };
use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Cwd qw[cwd];
use File::Basename qw[basename];
use Data::Dumper;
### optionally set debugging ###
$File::Fetch::DEBUG = $File::Fetch::DEBUG = 1 if $ARGV[0];
$IPC::Cmd::DEBUG = $IPC::Cmd::DEBUG = 1 if $ARGV[0];
unless( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
warn qq[
####################### NOTE ##############################
Some of these tests assume you are connected to the
internet. If you are not, or if certain protocols or hosts
are blocked and/or firewalled, these tests could fail due
to no fault of the module itself.
sleep 3 unless $File::Fetch::DEBUG;
### show us the tools IPC::Cmd will use to run binary programs
if( $File::Fetch::DEBUG ) {
### stupid 'used only once' warnings ;(
diag( "IPC::Run enabled: " .
diag( "IPC::Run available: " . IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_run );
diag( "IPC::Run vesion: $IPC::Run::VERSION" );
diag( "IPC::Open3 enabled: " .
diag( "IPC::Open3 available: " . IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_open3 );
diag( "IPC::Open3 vesion: $IPC::Open3::VERSION" );
### _parse_uri tests
### these go on all platforms
my @map = (
{ uri => '',
scheme => 'ftp',
host => '',
path => '/pub/mirror/',
file => 'index.txt'
{ uri => 'rsync://',
scheme => 'rsync',
host => '',
path => '/CPAN/',
{ uri => 'http://localhost/tmp/index.txt',
scheme => 'http',
host => 'localhost', # host is empty only on 'file://'
path => '/tmp/',
file => 'index.txt',
### only test host part, the rest is OS dependant
{ uri => 'file://localhost/tmp/index.txt',
host => '', # host should be empty on 'file://'
### these only if we're not on win32/vms
push @map, (
{ uri => 'file:///usr/local/tmp/foo.txt',
scheme => 'file',
host => '',
path => '/usr/local/tmp/',
file => 'foo.txt',
{ uri => 'file://hostname/tmp/foo.txt',
scheme => 'file',
host => 'hostname',
path => '/tmp/',
file => 'foo.txt',
) if not &File::Fetch::ON_WIN and not &File::Fetch::ON_VMS;
### these only on win32
push @map, (
{ uri => 'file:////hostname/share/tmp/foo.txt',
scheme => 'file',
host => 'hostname',
share => 'share',
path => '/tmp/',
file => 'foo.txt',
{ uri => 'file:///D:/tmp/foo.txt',
scheme => 'file',
host => '',
vol => 'D:',
path => '/tmp/',
file => 'foo.txt',
{ uri => 'file:///D|/tmp/foo.txt',
scheme => 'file',
host => '',
vol => 'D:',
path => '/tmp/',
file => 'foo.txt',
) if &File::Fetch::ON_WIN;
### sanity tests
no warnings;
like( $File::Fetch::USER_AGENT, qr/$File::Fetch::VERSION/,
"User agent contains version" );
like( $File::Fetch::FROM_EMAIL, qr/@/,
q[Email contains '@'] );
### parse uri tests ###
for my $entry (@map ) {
my $uri = $entry->{'uri'};
my $href = File::Fetch->_parse_uri( $uri );
ok( $href, "Able to parse uri '$uri'" );
for my $key ( sort keys %$entry ) {
is( $href->{$key}, $entry->{$key},
" '$key' ok ($entry->{$key}) for $uri");
### File::Fetch->new tests ###
for my $entry (@map) {
my $ff = File::Fetch->new( uri => $entry->{uri} );
ok( $ff, "Object for uri '$entry->{uri}'" );
isa_ok( $ff, "File::Fetch", " Object" );
for my $acc ( keys %$entry ) {
is( $ff->$acc(), $entry->{$acc},
" Accessor '$acc' ok ($entry->{$acc})" );
### fetch() tests ###
### file:// tests ###
my $prefix = &File::Fetch::ON_UNIX ? 'file://' : 'file:///';
my $uri = $prefix . cwd() .'/'. basename($0);
for (qw[lwp lftp file]) {
_fetch_uri( file => $uri, $_ );
### ftp:// tests ###
{ my $uri = '';
for (qw[lwp netftp wget curl lftp fetch ncftp]) {
### STUPID STUPID warnings ###
next if $_ eq 'ncftp' and $File::Fetch::FTP_PASSIVE
and $File::Fetch::FTP_PASSIVE;
_fetch_uri( ftp => $uri, $_ );
### http:// tests ###
{ for my $uri ( '',
) {
for (qw[lwp httptiny wget curl lftp fetch lynx httplite iosock]) {
_fetch_uri( http => $uri, $_ );
### rsync:// tests ###
{ my $uri = 'rsync://';
for (qw[rsync]) {
_fetch_uri( rsync => $uri, $_ );
sub _fetch_uri {
my $type = shift;
my $uri = shift;
my $method = shift or return;
skip "'$method' fetching tests disabled under perl core", 4
### stupid warnings ###
$File::Fetch::METHODS =
$File::Fetch::METHODS = { $type => [$method] };
### fetch regularly
my $ff = File::Fetch->new( uri => $uri );
ok( $ff, "FF object for $uri (fetch with $method)" );
for my $to ( 'tmp', do { \my $o } ) { SKIP: {
my $how = ref $to ? 'slurp' : 'file';
my $skip = ref $to ? 4 : 3;
ok( 1, " Fetching '$uri' in $how mode" );
my $file = $ff->fetch( to => $to );
skip "You do not have '$method' installed/available", $skip
if $File::Fetch::METHOD_FAIL->{$method} &&
### if the file wasn't fetched, it may be a network/firewall issue
skip "Fetch failed; no network connectivity for '$type'?", $skip
unless $file;
ok( $file, " File ($file) fetched with $method ($uri)" );
### check we got some contents if we were meant to slurp
if( ref $to ) {
ok( $$to, " Contents slurped" );
ok( $file && -s $file,
" File has size" );
is( $file && basename($file), $ff->output_file,
" File has expected name" );
unlink $file;