blob: 66ef879e4ef5455325c2c69cc91424e872d81e2b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Ensure pm_to_blib runs at the right times.
use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use MakeMaker::Test::Utils;
use MakeMaker::Test::Setup::BFD;
my $perl = which_perl();
my $makefile = makefile_name();
my $make = make_run();
# Setup our test environment
chdir 't';
ok( setup_recurs(), 'setup' );
ok( chdir File::Spec->updir );
ok( teardown_recurs(), 'teardown' );
ok( chdir('Big-Dummy'), "chdir'd to Big-Dummy" ) ||
diag("chdir failed: $!");
# Run make once
run_ok(qq{$perl Makefile.PL});
ok( -e "blib/lib/Big/", "blib copied pm file" );
# Change a pm file, it should be copied.
# Wait a couple seconds else our changed file will have the same timestamp
# as the blib file
sleep 2;
ok( open my $fh, ">>", "lib/Big/" ) or die $!;
print $fh "Something else\n";
close $fh;
like slurp("blib/lib/Big/"), qr/Something else\n$/;
# Rerun the Makefile.PL, pm_to_blib should rerun
run_ok(qq{$perl Makefile.PL});
# XXX This is a fragile way to check that it reran.
like run_ok($make), qr/^Skip /ms;
ok( -e "blib/lib/Big/", "blib copied pm file" );