blob: 1c27b93559939b497abe1c2c06275bf88aa93ffd [file] [log] [blame]
@ECHO off
call vcvarsall x86
if not exist dist32 mkdir dist32
if exist dist32\* del /q dist32\*
cd ..\libmpdec
copy /y Makefile
nmake clean
nmake MACHINE=ppro
copy /y libmpdec-2.4.0.lib ..\vcbuild\dist32
copy /y ..\tests\runtest.exe ..\vcbuild\dist32\runtest.exe
nmake clean
rem comment out the next line for PGO build
nmake MACHINE=ppro DLL=1
rem uncomment the next line for PGO build
rem nmake MACHINE=ppro DLL=1 profile
copy /y libmpdec-2.4.0.dll ..\vcbuild\dist32
copy /y libmpdec-2.4.0.dll.lib ..\vcbuild\dist32
copy /y libmpdec-2.4.0.dll.exp ..\vcbuild\dist32
copy /y mpdecimal.h ..\vcbuild\dist32
cd ..\vcbuild