blob: 611237d306402873bdf98ba0e50b75db977bc65c [file] [log] [blame]
TODO list for MCLinker
2012-07-05 Luba Tang
* Define mcld::Module and mcld::IRBuilder
* New project - MCLoader - to open the power of OS kernel to virtual machines.
2011-12-11 luba.tang
* Define SectionMap and SegmentMap for section merge.
* Initial standard SectionMap and SegmentMap in MCLinker.
Triggered by MCLDDriver::initMCLinker().
* Targets need to modify SegmentMap and SectionMap. To provide APIs in TargetLDBackend.
2011-11-27 luba.tang
* precise numeral system
remove big-enough numeral system. Use precise SizeTraits<T> everywhere.