blob: 521bb6e401f769b4eb3a4547caa56f0d3d49323f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import jdk.internal.jline.console.completer.Completer;
import jdk.internal.jline.console.UserInterruptException;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.AssignmentTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.BinaryTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.ConditionalExpressionTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.ExpressionTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.ExpressionStatementTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.FunctionCallTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.IdentifierTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.InstanceOfTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.NewTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.SimpleTreeVisitorES5_1;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.Tree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.UnaryTree;
import jdk.nashorn.api.tree.Parser;
import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornException;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeSyntaxError;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.Global;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptEnvironment;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime;
* A simple source completer for nashorn. Handles code completion for
* expressions as well as handles incomplete single line code.
final class NashornCompleter implements Completer {
private final Context context;
private final Global global;
private final ScriptEnvironment env;
private final PartialParser partialParser;
private final PropertiesHelper propsHelper;
private final Parser parser;
private static final boolean BACKSLASH_FILE_SEPARATOR = File.separatorChar == '\\';
NashornCompleter(final Context context, final Global global,
final PartialParser partialParser, final PropertiesHelper propsHelper) {
this.context = context; = global;
this.env = context.getEnv();
this.partialParser = partialParser;
this.propsHelper = propsHelper;
this.parser = createParser(env);
* Is this a ECMAScript SyntaxError thrown for parse issue at the given line and column?
* @param exp Throwable to check
* @param line line number to check
* @param column column number to check
* @return true if the given Throwable is a ECMAScript SyntaxError at given line, column
boolean isSyntaxErrorAt(final Throwable exp, final int line, final int column) {
if (exp instanceof ECMAException) {
final ECMAException eexp = (ECMAException)exp;
if (eexp.getThrown() instanceof NativeSyntaxError) {
return isParseErrorAt(eexp.getCause(), line, column);
return false;
* Is this a parse error at the given line and column?
* @param exp Throwable to check
* @param line line number to check
* @param column column number to check
* @return true if the given Throwable is a parser error at given line, column
boolean isParseErrorAt(final Throwable exp, final int line, final int column) {
if (exp instanceof NashornException) {
final NashornException nexp = (NashornException)exp;
return nexp.getLineNumber() == line && nexp.getColumnNumber() == column;
return false;
* Read more lines of code if we got SyntaxError at EOF and we can it fine by
* by reading more lines of code from the user. This is used for multiline editing.
* @param firstLine First line of code from the user
* @param exp Exception thrown by evaluting first line code
* @param in Console to get read more lines from the user
* @param prompt Prompt to be printed to read more lines from the user
* @param err PrintWriter to print any errors in the proecess of reading
* @return Complete code read from the user including the first line. This is null
* if any error or the user discarded multiline editing by Ctrl-C.
String readMoreLines(final String firstLine, final Exception exp, final Console in,
final String prompt, final PrintWriter err) {
int line = 1;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(firstLine);
while (true) {
String curLine = null;
try {
curLine = in.readLine(prompt);
} catch (final Throwable th) {
if (th instanceof UserInterruptException) {
// Ctrl-C from user - discard the whole thing silently!
return null;
} else {
// print anything else -- but still discard the code
if (env._dump_on_error) {
return null;
final String allLines = buf.toString();
try {
parser.parse("<shell>", allLines, null);
} catch (final Exception pexp) {
// Do we have a parse error at the end of current line?
// If so, read more lines from the console.
if (isParseErrorAt(pexp, line, curLine.length())) {
} else {
// print anything else and bail out!
if (env._dump_on_error) {
return null;
// We have complete parseable code!
return buf.toString();
// Pattern to match a unfinished member selection expression. object part and "."
// but property name missing pattern.
private static final Pattern SELECT_PROP_MISSING = Pattern.compile(".*\\.\\s*");
// Pattern to match load call
private static final Pattern LOAD_CALL = Pattern.compile("\\s*load\\s*\\(\\s*");
public int complete(final String test, final int cursor, final List<CharSequence> result) {
// check that cursor is at the end of test string. Do not complete in the middle!
if (cursor != test.length()) {
return cursor;
// get the start of the last expression embedded in the given code
// using the partial parsing support - so that we can complete expressions
// inside statements, function call argument lists, array index etc.
final int exprStart = partialParser.getLastExpressionStart(context, test);
if (exprStart == -1) {
return cursor;
// extract the last expression string
final String exprStr = test.substring(exprStart);
// do we have an incomplete member selection expression that misses property name?
final boolean endsWithDot = SELECT_PROP_MISSING.matcher(exprStr).matches();
// If this is an incomplete member selection, then it is not legal code.
// Make it legal by adding a random property name "x" to it.
final String completeExpr = endsWithDot? exprStr + "x" : exprStr;
final ExpressionTree topExpr = getTopLevelExpression(parser, completeExpr);
if (topExpr == null) {
// special case for load call that looks like "load(" with optional whitespaces
if (LOAD_CALL.matcher(test).matches()) {
String name = readFileName(context.getErr());
if (name != null) {
// handle '\' file separator
name = name.replace("\\", "\\\\");
result.add("\"" + name + "\")");
return cursor + name.length() + 3;
// did not parse to be a top level expression, no suggestions!
return cursor;
// Find 'right most' expression of the top level expression
final Tree rightMostExpr = getRightMostExpression(topExpr);
if (rightMostExpr instanceof MemberSelectTree) {
return completeMemberSelect(exprStr, cursor, result, (MemberSelectTree)rightMostExpr, endsWithDot);
} else if (rightMostExpr instanceof IdentifierTree) {
return completeIdentifier(exprStr, cursor, result, (IdentifierTree)rightMostExpr);
} else {
// expression that we cannot handle for completion
return cursor;
// Internals only below this point
// read file name from the user using by showing a swing file chooser diablog
private static String readFileName(final PrintWriter err) {
// if running on AWT Headless mode, don't attempt swing dialog box!
if (Main.HEADLESS) {
return null;
final FutureTask<String> fileChooserTask = new FutureTask<String>(() -> {
// show a file chooser dialog box
final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
chooser.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("JavaScript Files", "js"));
final int retVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
return retVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION ?
chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath() : null;
try {
return fileChooserTask.get();
} catch (final ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
if (Main.DEBUG) {
return null;
// fill properties of the incomplete member expression
private int completeMemberSelect(final String exprStr, final int cursor, final List<CharSequence> result,
final MemberSelectTree select, final boolean endsWithDot) {
final ExpressionTree objExpr = select.getExpression();
final String objExprCode = exprStr.substring((int)objExpr.getStartPosition(), (int)objExpr.getEndPosition());
// try to evaluate the object expression part as a script
Object obj = null;
try {
obj = context.eval(global, objExprCode, global, "<suggestions>");
} catch (Exception exp) {
// throw away the exception - this is during tab-completion
if (Main.DEBUG) {
if (obj != null && obj != ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED) {
if (endsWithDot) {
// no user specified "prefix". List all properties of the object
return cursor;
} else {
// list of properties matching the user specified prefix
final String prefix = select.getIdentifier();
result.addAll(propsHelper.getProperties(obj, prefix));
return cursor - prefix.length();
return cursor;
// fill properties for the given (partial) identifer
private int completeIdentifier(final String test, final int cursor, final List<CharSequence> result,
final IdentifierTree ident) {
final String name = ident.getName();
result.addAll(propsHelper.getProperties(global, name));
return cursor - name.length();
// returns ExpressionTree if the given code parses to a top level expression.
// Or else returns null.
private ExpressionTree getTopLevelExpression(final Parser parser, final String code) {
try {
final CompilationUnitTree cut = parser.parse("<code>", code, null);
final List<? extends Tree> stats = cut.getSourceElements();
if (stats.size() == 1) {
final Tree stat = stats.get(0);
if (stat instanceof ExpressionStatementTree) {
return ((ExpressionStatementTree)stat).getExpression();
} catch (final NashornException ignored) {
// ignore any parser error. This is for completion anyway!
// And user will get that error later when the expression is evaluated.
return null;
// get the right most expreesion of the given expression
private Tree getRightMostExpression(final ExpressionTree expr) {
return expr.accept(new SimpleTreeVisitorES5_1<Tree, Void>() {
public Tree visitAssignment(final AssignmentTree at, final Void v) {
return getRightMostExpression(at.getExpression());
public Tree visitCompoundAssignment(final CompoundAssignmentTree cat, final Void v) {
return getRightMostExpression(cat.getExpression());
public Tree visitConditionalExpression(final ConditionalExpressionTree cet, final Void v) {
return getRightMostExpression(cet.getFalseExpression());
public Tree visitBinary(final BinaryTree bt, final Void v) {
return getRightMostExpression(bt.getRightOperand());
public Tree visitIdentifier(final IdentifierTree ident, final Void v) {
return ident;
public Tree visitInstanceOf(final InstanceOfTree it, final Void v) {
return it.getType();
public Tree visitMemberSelect(final MemberSelectTree select, final Void v) {
return select;
public Tree visitNew(final NewTree nt, final Void v) {
final ExpressionTree call = nt.getConstructorExpression();
if (call instanceof FunctionCallTree) {
final ExpressionTree func = ((FunctionCallTree)call).getFunctionSelect();
// Is this "new Foo" or "new obj.Foo" with no user arguments?
// If so, we may be able to do completion of constructor name.
if (func.getEndPosition() == nt.getEndPosition()) {
return func;
return null;
public Tree visitUnary(final UnaryTree ut, final Void v) {
return getRightMostExpression(ut.getExpression());
}, null);
// create a Parser instance that uses compatible command line options of the
// current ScriptEnvironment being used for REPL.
private static Parser createParser(final ScriptEnvironment env) {
final List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
if (env._const_as_var) {
if (env._no_syntax_extensions) {
if (env._scripting) {
if (env._strict) {
return Parser.create(args.toArray(new String[0]));