blob: ec81dd02a04656cdf319cea2186eb5e26d089dd1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Builds JDK11 for aarch64, optionally creating distribution artifacts for it.
# Usage:
# [-q] [-d <dist_dir>] [-o <out_dir>] -b <build_number>
# The JDK is built in OUT_DIR (or "out" if unset).
# If DIST_DIR is set, the following artifacts are created there:
# archive of the JDK distribution
# .debuginfo files for JDK's shared libraries
# configure.log
# build.log
# Specify -q to suppress most of the output noise
source $(dirname $0)/
declare -r sdk_version=$(xcrun --show-sdk-version)
[ $(ver $sdk_version) -ge $(ver 11.1) ] ||
echo "Xcode sdk version 11.1 or later is required (Xcode 12.3 or later)"
echo "selected Xcode version: $sdk_version"
echo "selected Xcode path: $(xcrun --show-sdk-path)"
exit 1
declare -r boot_jdk="$top/prebuilts/jdk/studio/jdk11/mac/Contents/Home"
declare -r boot_jdk_version=$($boot_jdk/bin/java -version 2>&1 | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f2)
echo "Building Aarch64 JDK......."
echo "out_path=${out_path:-}"
echo "dist_dir=${dist_dir:-}"
echo "build_number=${build_number:-}"
echo "sysroot=${sysroot:-}"
echo "top=${top:-}"
echo "sdk_version=${sdk_version:-}"
echo "autoconf_dir=${autoconf_dir:-}"
echo "boot_jdk=${boot_jdk:-}"
echo "build_dir=${build_dir:-}"
echo "boot_jdk_version=${boot_jdk_version:-}"
if [ $(ver $boot_jdk_version) -ge $(ver 12) ] || [ $(ver $boot_jdk_version) -lt $(ver 10) ]; then
echo "Boot JDK version must be 10 or 11"
exit 1
#TODO(June 2022) - check if JNF is still required to build M1 JDK
declare -r jnf_dir="$top/prebuilts/jdk/studio/jdk11/mac-arm64/Contents/Home/Frameworks"
declare -r jnf_flags_param="-F$(realpath $jnf_dir) "
# Darwin lacks autoconf, install it for this build.
install_autoconf "$autoconf_dir" "$out_path"
# Configure
[[ -n "${quiet:-}" ]] || set -x
mkdir -p "$build_dir"
cd "$build_dir"
PATH="$autoconf_dir/bin":$PATH bash +x "$top/external/jetbrains/JetBrainsRuntime/configure" \
"${quiet:+--quiet}" \
--disable-full-docs \
--disable-warnings-as-errors \
--with-boot-jdk="$boot_jdk" \
--with-sysroot="$sysroot" \
--with-freetype=bundled \
--with-libpng=bundled \
--with-native-debug-symbols=external \
--with-stdc++lib=static \
--with-toolchain-type=clang \
--without-version-pre \
--with-vendor-name="JetBrains s.r.o." \
--with-version-opt="$(sed 's/^.*-//' "${top}/external/jetbrains/JetBrainsRuntime/build.txt")-${build_number}" \
--openjdk-target=aarch64-apple-darwin \
--with-extra-cflags="-arch arm64 ${jnf_flags_param} -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks" \
--with-extra-cxxflags="-arch arm64 ${jnf_flags_param} " \
--with-extra-ldflags="-arch arm64 ${jnf_flags_param}" \
# Make
declare -r make_log_level=${quiet:+warn}
make -C "$build_dir" LOG=${make_log_level:-debug} ${quiet:+-s} images
# Dist
[[ -n "${dist_dir:-}" ]] || exit 0
rm -rf "$dist_dir"/{,,,build.log,configure.log}
declare -r bundle_dir=$(find $build_dir/images/jdk-bundle/ -type d -depth 1 -name 'jdk-*.jdk')
cd "$build_dir/images/jdk-bundle"
# Bundle JavaNativeFoundation
if [ "${jnf_dir:-}" ]; then
ditto "$(realpath $jnf_dir)" ${bundle_dir}/Contents/Home/Frameworks
# Rewrite absolute references to rpath-relative one
install_name_tool -change @rpath/JavaNativeFoundation.framework/Versions/A/JavaNativeFoundation @loader_path/../Frameworks/JavaNativeFoundation.framework/JavaNativeFoundation ${bundle_dir}/Contents/Home/lib/libawt.dylib
zip -9rDy${quiet:+q} "$dist_dir"/ . -x'*.dSYM/*' -x'*/man/*' -x'*/demo/*'
zip -9rDy${quiet:+q} "$dist_dir"/ . -i'*.dSYM/*'
echo $'\n\n===================================='
echo "JDK Bundle $dist_dir/"
echo "Debug Symbols $dist_dir/"
echo $'====================================\n\n'
cp "$build_dir"/build.log "$dist_dir"
cp "$build_dir"/configure-support/config.log "$dist_dir"/configure.log
echo "Dist done"
# Java Runtime
mkdir -p "${build_dir}/java-runtime"
cd "${build_dir}/java-runtime"
if grep -q 'jdk.aot' ${top}/toolchain/jdk/build/jetbrainsruntime-modules.list
echo "Excluding jdk.aot"
cat ${top}/toolchain/jdk/build/jetbrainsruntime-modules.list | grep -v 'jdk.aot\|jdk.internal.vm.compiler' > "${build_dir}/aarch64-modules.list"
cat ${top}/toolchain/jdk/build/jetbrainsruntime-modules.list > "${build_dir}/aarch64-modules.list"
# Use jlink from Boot JDK as we are cross-compiling
"${boot_jdk}/bin/jlink" \
--no-header-files \
--no-man-pages \
--compress=2 \
--module-path="${build_dir}/images/jdk/jmods" \
--add-modules $(xargs < ${build_dir}/aarch64-modules.list | sed s/" "/,/g) \
--output "${build_dir}/java-runtime/Contents/Home"
# Rewrite absolute references to rpath-relative one
install_name_tool -change @rpath/JavaNativeFoundation.framework/Versions/A/JavaNativeFoundation @loader_path/../Frameworks/JavaNativeFoundation.framework/JavaNativeFoundation Contents/Home/lib/libawt.dylib
ditto ${bundle_dir}/Contents/MacOS ./Contents/MacOS
ditto ${bundle_dir}/Contents/Info.plist ./Contents/Info.plist
zip -9rDy${quiet:+q} "${dist_dir}/" . -x'*.dSYM/*' -x'*/man/*' -x'*/demo/*'
echo $'\n\n===================================='
echo "JDK Runtime $dist_dir/"
echo $'====================================\n\n'