blob: 8b2a63d798b7483478d8277255ecc7e725592a37 [file] [log] [blame]
## Summary of Changes in version 4.9, final ##
Release theme: Test-class and suite level Rules.
### ClassRule ###
The `ClassRule` annotation extends the idea of method-level Rules,
adding static fields that can affect the operation of a whole class. Any
subclass of `ParentRunner`, including the standard `BlockJUnit4ClassRunner`
and `Suite` classes, will support `ClassRule`s.
For example, here is a test suite that connects to a server once before
all the test classes run, and disconnects after they are finished:
@SuiteClasses({A.class, B.class, C.class})
public class UsesExternalResource {
public static Server myServer= new Server();
public static ExternalResource resource= new ExternalResource() {
protected void before() throws Throwable {
protected void after() {
### TestRule ###
In JUnit 4.9, fields that can be annotated with either `@Rule` or `@ClassRule`
should be of type `TestRule`. The old `MethodRule` type, which only made sense
for method-level rules, will still work, but is deprecated.
Most built-in Rules have been moved to the new type already, in a way that
should be transparent to most users. `TestWatchman` has been deprecated,
and replaced by `TestWatcher`, which has the same functionality, but implements
the new type.
### Maven support ###
Maven bundles have, in the past, been uploaded by kind volunteers. Starting
with this release, the JUnit team is attempting to perform this task ourselves.
### LICENSE checked in ###
The Common Public License that JUnit is released under is now included
in the source repository.
### Bug fixes ###
- github#98: assumeTrue() does not work with expected exceptions
- github#74: Categories + Parameterized
In JUnit 4.8.2, the Categories runner would fail to run correctly
if any contained test class had a custom Runner with a structure
significantly different from the built-in Runner. With this fix,
such classes can be assigned one or more categories at the class level,
and will be run correctly. Trying to assign categories to methods within
such a class will flag an error.
- github#38: ParentRunner filters more than once
Thanks to `@reinholdfuereder`
- github#248: protected BlockJUnit4ClassRunner#rules method removed from 4.8.2
- github#187: Accidental dependency on Java 6
Thanks to `@kcooney` for:
- github#163: Bad comparison failure message when using assertEquals(String, String)
- github#227: ParentRunner now assumes that getChildren() returns a modifiable list
### Minor changes ###
- Backed out unused folder "experimental-use-of-antunit", replaced by
bash-based script at
- Various Javadoc fixes
Thanks to `@kcooney` for:
- Made MultipleFailureException public, to assist extension writers.
- github#240: Add "test" target to build.xml, for faster ant-driven testing.
- github#247: Give InitializationError a useful message