blob: 794cec60a71255091710454cc60e3146128a56b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* [The "BSD licence"]
* Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Gruver (JesusFreke)
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package org.jf.dexlib.Code.Analysis;
import org.jf.dexlib.*;
import org.jf.dexlib.Util.AccessFlags;
import org.jf.dexlib.Util.ExceptionWithContext;
import org.jf.dexlib.Util.SparseArray;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.jf.dexlib.ClassDataItem.EncodedField;
import static org.jf.dexlib.ClassDataItem.EncodedMethod;
public class ClassPath {
private static ClassPath theClassPath = null;
* The current version of dalvik in master(AOSP) has a slight change to the way the
* virtual tables are computed. This should be set to true to use the new logic.
* TODO: set this based on api level, once it's present in a released version of Android
private boolean checkPackagePrivateAccess;
private final HashMap<String, ClassDef> classDefs;
protected ClassDef javaLangObjectClassDef; //cached ClassDef for Ljava/lang/Object;
// Contains the classes that we haven't loaded yet
private HashMap<String, UnresolvedClassInfo> unloadedClasses;
private static final Pattern dalvikCacheOdexPattern = Pattern.compile("@([^@]+)@classes.dex$");
* Initialize the class path using the dependencies from an odex file
* @param classPathDirs The directories to search for boot class path files
* @param extraBootClassPathEntries any extra entries that should be added after the entries that are read
* from the odex file
* @param dexFilePath The path of the dex file (used for error reporting purposes only)
* @param dexFile The DexFile to load - it must represents an odex file
public static void InitializeClassPathFromOdex(String[] classPathDirs, String[] extraBootClassPathEntries,
String dexFilePath, DexFile dexFile,
boolean checkPackagePrivateAccess) {
if (!dexFile.isOdex()) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext("Cannot use InitialiazeClassPathFromOdex with a non-odex DexFile");
if (theClassPath != null) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext("Cannot initialize ClassPath multiple times");
OdexDependencies odexDependencies = dexFile.getOdexDependencies();
String[] bootClassPath = new String[odexDependencies.getDependencyCount()];
for (int i=0; i<bootClassPath.length; i++) {
String dependency = odexDependencies.getDependency(i);
if (dependency.endsWith(".odex")) {
int slashIndex = dependency.lastIndexOf("/");
if (slashIndex != -1) {
dependency = dependency.substring(slashIndex+1);
} else if (dependency.endsWith("@classes.dex")) {
Matcher m = dalvikCacheOdexPattern.matcher(dependency);
if (!m.find()) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext(String.format("Cannot parse dependency value %s", dependency));
dependency =;
} else {
throw new ExceptionWithContext(String.format("Cannot parse dependency value %s", dependency));
bootClassPath[i] = dependency;
theClassPath = new ClassPath();
theClassPath.initClassPath(classPathDirs, bootClassPath, extraBootClassPathEntries, dexFilePath, dexFile,
* Initialize the class path using the given boot class path entries
* @param classPathDirs The directories to search for boot class path files
* @param bootClassPath A list of the boot class path entries to search for and load
* @param dexFilePath The path of the dex file (used for error reporting purposes only)
* @param dexFile the DexFile to load
* classes
public static void InitializeClassPath(String[] classPathDirs, String[] bootClassPath,
String[] extraBootClassPathEntries, String dexFilePath, DexFile dexFile,
boolean checkPackagePrivateAccess) {
if (theClassPath != null) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext("Cannot initialize ClassPath multiple times");
theClassPath = new ClassPath();
theClassPath.initClassPath(classPathDirs, bootClassPath, extraBootClassPathEntries, dexFilePath, dexFile,
private ClassPath() {
classDefs = new HashMap<String, ClassDef>();
private void initClassPath(String[] classPathDirs, String[] bootClassPath, String[] extraBootClassPathEntries,
String dexFilePath, DexFile dexFile, boolean checkPackagePrivateAccess) {
this.checkPackagePrivateAccess = checkPackagePrivateAccess;
unloadedClasses = new LinkedHashMap<String, UnresolvedClassInfo>();
if (bootClassPath != null) {
for (String bootClassPathEntry: bootClassPath) {
loadBootClassPath(classPathDirs, bootClassPathEntry);
if (extraBootClassPathEntries != null) {
for (String bootClassPathEntry: extraBootClassPathEntries) {
loadBootClassPath(classPathDirs, bootClassPathEntry);
if (dexFile != null) {
loadDexFile(dexFilePath, dexFile);
javaLangObjectClassDef = getClassDef("Ljava/lang/Object;", false);
for (String primitiveType: new String[]{"Z", "B", "S", "C", "I", "J", "F", "D"}) {
ClassDef classDef = new PrimitiveClassDef(primitiveType);
classDefs.put(primitiveType, classDef);
private void loadBootClassPath(String[] classPathDirs, String bootClassPathEntry) {
for (String classPathDir: classPathDirs) {
File file = null;
DexFile dexFile = null;
int extIndex = bootClassPathEntry.lastIndexOf(".");
String baseEntry;
if (extIndex == -1) {
baseEntry = bootClassPathEntry;
} else {
baseEntry = bootClassPathEntry.substring(0, extIndex);
for (String ext: new String[]{"", ".odex", ".jar", ".apk", ".zip"}) {
if (ext.length() == 0) {
file = new File(classPathDir, bootClassPathEntry);
} else {
file = new File(classPathDir, baseEntry + ext);
if (file.exists()) {
if (!file.canRead()) {
System.err.println(String.format("warning: cannot open %s for reading. Will continue " +
"looking.", file.getPath()));
try {
dexFile = new DexFile(file, false, true);
} catch (DexFile.NoClassesDexException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex, "Error while reading boot class path entry \"" +
bootClassPathEntry + "\".");
if (dexFile == null) {
try {
loadDexFile(file.getPath(), dexFile);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex,
String.format("Error while loading boot classpath entry %s", bootClassPathEntry));
throw new ExceptionWithContext(String.format("Cannot locate boot class path file %s", bootClassPathEntry));
private void loadDexFile(String dexFilePath, DexFile dexFile) {
for (ClassDefItem classDefItem: dexFile.ClassDefsSection.getItems()) {
try {
UnresolvedClassInfo unresolvedClassInfo = new UnresolvedClassInfo(dexFilePath, classDefItem);
if (!unloadedClasses.containsKey(unresolvedClassInfo.classType)) {
unloadedClasses.put(unresolvedClassInfo.classType, unresolvedClassInfo);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex, String.format("Error while loading class %s",
* This method loads the given class (and any dependent classes, as needed), removing them from unloadedClasses
* @param classType the class to load
* @return the newly loaded ClassDef object for the given class, or null if the class cannot be found
private static ClassDef loadClassDef(String classType) {
ClassDef classDef = null;
UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo = theClassPath.unloadedClasses.get(classType);
if (classInfo == null) {
return null;
try {
classDef = new ClassDef(classInfo);
theClassPath.classDefs.put(classDef.classType, classDef);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex, String.format("Error while loading class %s from file %s",
classInfo.classType, classInfo.dexFilePath));
return classDef;
public static ClassDef getClassDef(String classType, boolean createUnresolvedClassDef) {
ClassDef classDef = theClassPath.classDefs.get(classType);
if (classDef == null) {
//if it's an array class, try to create it
if (classType.charAt(0) == '[') {
return theClassPath.createArrayClassDef(classType);
} else {
try {
classDef = loadClassDef(classType);
if (classDef == null) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext(
String.format("Could not find definition for class %s", classType));
} catch (Exception ex) {
RuntimeException exWithContext = ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex,
String.format("Error while loading ClassPath class %s", classType));
if (createUnresolvedClassDef) {
//TODO: add warning message
return theClassPath.createUnresolvedClassDef(classType);
} else {
throw exWithContext;
return classDef;
public static ClassDef getClassDef(String classType) {
return getClassDef(classType, true);
public static ClassDef getClassDef(TypeIdItem classType) {
return getClassDef(classType.getTypeDescriptor());
public static ClassDef getClassDef(TypeIdItem classType, boolean creatUnresolvedClassDef) {
return getClassDef(classType.getTypeDescriptor(), creatUnresolvedClassDef);
//256 [ characters
private static final String arrayPrefix = "[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[" +
"[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[" +
private static ClassDef getArrayClassDefByElementClassAndDimension(ClassDef classDef, int arrayDimension) {
return getClassDef(arrayPrefix.substring(256 - arrayDimension) + classDef.classType);
private static ClassDef unresolvedObjectClassDef = null;
public static ClassDef getUnresolvedObjectClassDef() {
if (unresolvedObjectClassDef == null) {
unresolvedObjectClassDef = new UnresolvedClassDef("Ljava/lang/Object;");
return unresolvedObjectClassDef;
private ClassDef createUnresolvedClassDef(String classType) {
assert classType.charAt(0) == 'L';
UnresolvedClassDef unresolvedClassDef = new UnresolvedClassDef(classType);
classDefs.put(classType, unresolvedClassDef);
return unresolvedClassDef;
private ClassDef createArrayClassDef(String arrayClassName) {
assert arrayClassName != null;
assert arrayClassName.charAt(0) == '[';
ArrayClassDef arrayClassDef = new ArrayClassDef(arrayClassName);
if (arrayClassDef.elementClass == null) {
return null;
classDefs.put(arrayClassName, arrayClassDef);
return arrayClassDef;
public static ClassDef getCommonSuperclass(ClassDef class1, ClassDef class2) {
if (class1 == class2) {
return class1;
if (class1 == null) {
return class2;
if (class2 == null) {
return class1;
//TODO: do we want to handle primitive types here? I don't think so.. (if not, add assert)
if (class2.isInterface) {
if (class1.implementsInterface(class2)) {
return class2;
return theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef;
if (class1.isInterface) {
if (class2.implementsInterface(class1)) {
return class1;
return theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef;
if (class1 instanceof ArrayClassDef && class2 instanceof ArrayClassDef) {
return getCommonArraySuperclass((ArrayClassDef)class1, (ArrayClassDef)class2);
//we've got two non-array reference types. Find the class depth of each, and then move up the longer one
//so that both classes are at the same class depth, and then move each class up until they match
//we don't strictly need to keep track of the class depth separately, but it's probably slightly faster
//to do so, rather than calling getClassDepth() many times
int class1Depth = class1.getClassDepth();
int class2Depth = class2.getClassDepth();
while (class1Depth > class2Depth) {
class1 = class1.superclass;
while (class2Depth > class1Depth) {
class2 = class2.superclass;
while (class1Depth > 0) {
if (class1 == class2) {
return class1;
class1 = class1.superclass;
class2 = class2.superclass;
return class1;
private static ClassDef getCommonArraySuperclass(ArrayClassDef class1, ArrayClassDef class2) {
assert class1 != class2;
//If one of the arrays is a primitive array, then the only option is to return java.lang.Object
//TODO: might it be possible to merge something like int[] and short[] into int[]? (I don't think so..)
if (class1.elementClass instanceof PrimitiveClassDef || class2.elementClass instanceof PrimitiveClassDef) {
return theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef;
//if the two arrays have the same number of dimensions, then we should return an array class with the
//same number of dimensions, for the common superclass of the 2 element classes
if (class1.arrayDimensions == class2.arrayDimensions) {
ClassDef commonElementClass;
if (class1.elementClass instanceof UnresolvedClassDef ||
class2.elementClass instanceof UnresolvedClassDef) {
commonElementClass = ClassPath.getUnresolvedObjectClassDef();
} else {
commonElementClass = getCommonSuperclass(class1.elementClass, class2.elementClass);
return getArrayClassDefByElementClassAndDimension(commonElementClass, class1.arrayDimensions);
//something like String[][][] and String[][] should be merged to Object[][]
//this also holds when the element classes aren't the same (but are both reference types)
int dimensions = Math.min(class1.arrayDimensions, class2.arrayDimensions);
return getArrayClassDefByElementClassAndDimension(theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef, dimensions);
public static class ArrayClassDef extends ClassDef {
private final ClassDef elementClass;
private final int arrayDimensions;
protected ArrayClassDef(String arrayClassType) {
super(arrayClassType, ClassDef.ArrayClassDef);
assert arrayClassType.charAt(0) == '[';
int i=0;
while (arrayClassType.charAt(i) == '[') i++;
String elementClassType = arrayClassType.substring(i);
if (i>256) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext("Error while creating array class for element type " + elementClassType +
" with " + i + " dimensions. The maximum number of dimensions is 256");
try {
elementClass = ClassPath.getClassDef(arrayClassType.substring(i));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex, "Error while creating array class " + arrayClassType);
arrayDimensions = i;
* Returns the "base" element class of the array.
* For example, for a multi-dimensional array of strings ([[Ljava/lang/String;), this method would return
* Ljava/lang/String;
* @return the "base" element class of the array
public ClassDef getBaseElementClass() {
return elementClass;
* Returns the "immediate" element class of the array.
* For example, for a multi-dimensional array of stings with 2 dimensions ([[Ljava/lang/String;), this method
* would return [Ljava/lang/String;
* @return the immediate element class of the array
public ClassDef getImmediateElementClass() {
if (arrayDimensions == 1) {
return elementClass;
return getArrayClassDefByElementClassAndDimension(elementClass, arrayDimensions - 1);
public int getArrayDimensions() {
return arrayDimensions;
public boolean extendsClass(ClassDef superclassDef) {
if (!(superclassDef instanceof ArrayClassDef)) {
if (superclassDef == ClassPath.theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef) {
return true;
} else if (superclassDef.isInterface) {
return this.implementsInterface(superclassDef);
return false;
ArrayClassDef arraySuperclassDef = (ArrayClassDef)superclassDef;
if (this.arrayDimensions == arraySuperclassDef.arrayDimensions) {
ClassDef baseElementClass = arraySuperclassDef.getBaseElementClass();
if (baseElementClass.isInterface) {
return true;
return baseElementClass.extendsClass(arraySuperclassDef.getBaseElementClass());
} else if (this.arrayDimensions > arraySuperclassDef.arrayDimensions) {
ClassDef baseElementClass = arraySuperclassDef.getBaseElementClass();
if (baseElementClass.isInterface) {
return true;
if (baseElementClass == ClassPath.theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
public static class PrimitiveClassDef extends ClassDef {
protected PrimitiveClassDef(String primitiveClassType) {
super(primitiveClassType, ClassDef.PrimitiveClassDef);
assert primitiveClassType.charAt(0) != 'L' && primitiveClassType.charAt(0) != '[';
public static class UnresolvedClassDef extends ClassDef {
protected UnresolvedClassDef(String unresolvedClassDef) {
super(unresolvedClassDef, ClassDef.UnresolvedClassDef);
assert unresolvedClassDef.charAt(0) == 'L';
protected ValidationException unresolvedValidationException() {
return new ValidationException(String.format("class %s cannot be resolved.", this.getClassType()));
public ClassDef getSuperclass() {
return theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef;
public int getClassDepth() {
throw unresolvedValidationException();
public boolean isInterface() {
throw unresolvedValidationException();
public boolean extendsClass(ClassDef superclassDef) {
if (superclassDef != theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef && superclassDef != this) {
throw unresolvedValidationException();
return true;
public boolean implementsInterface(ClassDef interfaceDef) {
throw unresolvedValidationException();
public boolean hasVirtualMethod(String method) {
if (!super.hasVirtualMethod(method)) {
throw unresolvedValidationException();
return true;
public static class FieldDef {
public final String definingClass;
public final String name;
public final String type;
public FieldDef(String definingClass, String name, String type) {
this.definingClass = definingClass; = name;
this.type = type;
public static class ClassDef implements Comparable<ClassDef> {
private final String classType;
private final ClassDef superclass;
* This is a list of all of the interfaces that a class implements, either directly or indirectly. It includes
* all interfaces implemented by the superclass, and all super-interfaces of any implemented interface. The
* intention is to make it easier to determine whether the class implements a given interface or not.
private final TreeSet<ClassDef> implementedInterfaces;
private final boolean isInterface;
private final int classDepth;
// classes can only be public or package-private. Internally, any private/protected inner class is actually
// package-private.
private final boolean isPublic;
private final VirtualMethod[] vtable;
//this maps a method name of the form method(III)Ljava/lang/String; to an integer
//If the value is non-negative, it is a vtable index
//If it is -1, it is a non-static direct method,
//If it is -2, it is a static method
private final HashMap<String, Integer> methodLookup;
private final SparseArray<FieldDef> instanceFields;
public final static int ArrayClassDef = 0;
public final static int PrimitiveClassDef = 1;
public final static int UnresolvedClassDef = 2;
private final static int DirectMethod = -1;
private final static int StaticMethod = -2;
* The following fields are used only during the initial loading of classes, and are set to null afterwards
* TODO: free these
//This is only the virtual methods that this class declares itself.
private VirtualMethod[] virtualMethods;
//this is a list of all the interfaces that the class implements directory, or any super interfaces of those
//interfaces. It is generated in such a way that it is ordered in the same way as dalvik's ClassObject.iftable,
private LinkedHashMap<String, ClassDef> interfaceTable;
* This constructor is used for the ArrayClassDef, PrimitiveClassDef and UnresolvedClassDef subclasses
* @param classType the class type
* @param classFlavor one of ArrayClassDef, PrimitiveClassDef or UnresolvedClassDef
protected ClassDef(String classType, int classFlavor) {
if (classFlavor == ArrayClassDef) {
assert classType.charAt(0) == '[';
this.classType = classType;
this.superclass = ClassPath.theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef;
implementedInterfaces = new TreeSet<ClassDef>();
isInterface = false;
isPublic = true;
vtable = superclass.vtable;
methodLookup = superclass.methodLookup;
instanceFields = superclass.instanceFields;
classDepth = 1; //1 off from java.lang.Object
virtualMethods = null;
interfaceTable = null;
} else if (classFlavor == PrimitiveClassDef) {
//primitive type
assert classType.charAt(0) != '[' && classType.charAt(0) != 'L';
this.classType = classType;
this.superclass = null;
implementedInterfaces = null;
isInterface = false;
isPublic = true;
vtable = null;
methodLookup = null;
instanceFields = null;
classDepth = 0; //TODO: maybe use -1 to indicate not applicable?
virtualMethods = null;
interfaceTable = null;
} else /*if (classFlavor == UnresolvedClassDef)*/ {
assert classType.charAt(0) == 'L';
this.classType = classType;
this.superclass = ClassPath.getClassDef("Ljava/lang/Object;");
implementedInterfaces = new TreeSet<ClassDef>();
isInterface = false;
isPublic = true;
vtable = superclass.vtable;
methodLookup = superclass.methodLookup;
instanceFields = superclass.instanceFields;
classDepth = 1; //1 off from java.lang.Object
virtualMethods = null;
interfaceTable = null;
protected ClassDef(UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo) {
classType = classInfo.classType;
isPublic = classInfo.isPublic;
isInterface = classInfo.isInterface;
superclass = loadSuperclass(classInfo);
if (superclass == null) {
classDepth = 0;
} else {
classDepth = superclass.classDepth + 1;
implementedInterfaces = loadAllImplementedInterfaces(classInfo);
//TODO: we can probably get away with only creating the interface table for interface types
interfaceTable = loadInterfaceTable(classInfo);
virtualMethods = classInfo.virtualMethods;
vtable = loadVtable(classInfo);
int directMethodCount = 0;
if (classInfo.directMethods != null) {
directMethodCount = classInfo.directMethods.length;
methodLookup = new HashMap<String, Integer>((int)Math.ceil(((vtable.length + directMethodCount)/ .7f)), .75f);
for (int i=0; i<vtable.length; i++) {
methodLookup.put(vtable[i].method, i);
if (directMethodCount > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<classInfo.directMethods.length; i++) {
if (classInfo.staticMethods[i]) {
methodLookup.put(classInfo.directMethods[i], StaticMethod);
} else {
methodLookup.put(classInfo.directMethods[i], DirectMethod);
instanceFields = loadFields(classInfo);
public String getClassType() {
return classType;
public ClassDef getSuperclass() {
return superclass;
public int getClassDepth() {
return classDepth;
public boolean isInterface() {
return this.isInterface;
public boolean isPublic() {
return this.isPublic;
public boolean extendsClass(ClassDef superclassDef) {
if (superclassDef == null) {
return false;
if (this == superclassDef) {
return true;
if (superclassDef instanceof UnresolvedClassDef) {
throw ((UnresolvedClassDef)superclassDef).unresolvedValidationException();
int superclassDepth = superclassDef.classDepth;
ClassDef ancestor = this;
while (ancestor.classDepth > superclassDepth) {
ancestor = ancestor.getSuperclass();
return ancestor == superclassDef;
* Returns true if this class implements the given interface. This searches the interfaces that this class
* directly implements, any interface implemented by this class's superclasses, and any super-interface of
* any of these interfaces.
* @param interfaceDef the interface
* @return true if this class implements the given interface
public boolean implementsInterface(ClassDef interfaceDef) {
assert !(interfaceDef instanceof UnresolvedClassDef);
return implementedInterfaces.contains(interfaceDef);
public boolean hasVirtualMethod(String method) {
Integer val = methodLookup.get(method);
if (val == null || val < 0) {
return false;
return true;
public int getMethodType(String method) {
Integer val = methodLookup.get(method);
if (val == null) {
return -1;
if (val >= 0) {
return DeodexUtil.Virtual;
if (val == DirectMethod) {
return DeodexUtil.Direct;
if (val == StaticMethod) {
return DeodexUtil.Static;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected method type");
public FieldDef getInstanceField(int fieldOffset) {
return this.instanceFields.get(fieldOffset, null);
public String getVirtualMethod(int vtableIndex) {
if (vtableIndex < 0 || vtableIndex >= vtable.length) {
return null;
return this.vtable[vtableIndex].method;
private void swap(byte[] fieldTypes, FieldDef[] fields, int position1, int position2) {
byte tempType = fieldTypes[position1];
fieldTypes[position1] = fieldTypes[position2];
fieldTypes[position2] = tempType;
FieldDef tempField = fields[position1];
fields[position1] = fields[position2];
fields[position2] = tempField;
private ClassDef loadSuperclass(UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo) {
if (classInfo.classType.equals("Ljava/lang/Object;")) {
if (classInfo.superclassType != null) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext("Invalid superclass " +
classInfo.superclassType + " for Ljava/lang/Object;. " +
"The Object class cannot have a superclass");
return null;
} else {
String superclassType = classInfo.superclassType;
if (superclassType == null) {
throw new ExceptionWithContext(classInfo.classType + " has no superclass");
ClassDef superclass;
try {
superclass = ClassPath.getClassDef(superclassType);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex,
String.format("Could not find superclass %s", superclassType));
if (!isInterface && superclass.isInterface) {
throw new ValidationException("Class " + classType + " has the interface " + superclass.classType +
" as its superclass");
if (isInterface && !superclass.isInterface && superclass !=
ClassPath.theClassPath.javaLangObjectClassDef) {
throw new ValidationException("Interface " + classType + " has the non-interface class " +
superclass.classType + " as its superclass");
return superclass;
private TreeSet<ClassDef> loadAllImplementedInterfaces(UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo) {
assert classType != null;
assert classType.equals("Ljava/lang/Object;") || superclass != null;
assert classInfo != null;
TreeSet<ClassDef> implementedInterfaceSet = new TreeSet<ClassDef>();
if (superclass != null) {
for (ClassDef interfaceDef: superclass.implementedInterfaces) {
if (classInfo.interfaces != null) {
for (String interfaceType: classInfo.interfaces) {
ClassDef interfaceDef;
try {
interfaceDef = ClassPath.getClassDef(interfaceType);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex,
String.format("Could not find interface %s", interfaceType));
assert interfaceDef.isInterface();
interfaceDef = interfaceDef.getSuperclass();
while (!interfaceDef.getClassType().equals("Ljava/lang/Object;")) {
assert interfaceDef.isInterface();
interfaceDef = interfaceDef.getSuperclass();
return implementedInterfaceSet;
private LinkedHashMap<String, ClassDef> loadInterfaceTable(UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo) {
if (classInfo.interfaces == null) {
return null;
LinkedHashMap<String, ClassDef> interfaceTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, ClassDef>();
for (String interfaceType: classInfo.interfaces) {
if (!interfaceTable.containsKey(interfaceType)) {
ClassDef interfaceDef;
try {
interfaceDef = ClassPath.getClassDef(interfaceType);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex,
String.format("Could not find interface %s", interfaceType));
interfaceTable.put(interfaceType, interfaceDef);
if (interfaceDef.interfaceTable != null) {
for (ClassDef superInterface: interfaceDef.interfaceTable.values()) {
if (!interfaceTable.containsKey(superInterface.classType)) {
interfaceTable.put(superInterface.classType, superInterface);
return interfaceTable;
//TODO: check the case when we have a package private method that overrides an interface method
private VirtualMethod[] loadVtable(UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo) {
//TODO: it might be useful to keep track of which class's implementation is used for each virtual method. In other words, associate the implementing class type with each vtable entry
List<VirtualMethod> virtualMethodList = new LinkedList<VirtualMethod>();
//copy the virtual methods from the superclass
int methodIndex = 0;
if (superclass != null) {
for (int i=0; i<superclass.vtable.length; i++) {
assert superclass.instanceFields != null;
//iterate over the virtual methods in the current class, and only add them when we don't already have the
//method (i.e. if it was implemented by the superclass)
if (!this.isInterface) {
if (classInfo.virtualMethods != null) {
addToVtable(classInfo.virtualMethods, virtualMethodList);
if (interfaceTable != null) {
for (ClassDef interfaceDef: interfaceTable.values()) {
if (interfaceDef.virtualMethods == null) {
addToVtable(interfaceDef.virtualMethods, virtualMethodList);
VirtualMethod[] vtable = new VirtualMethod[virtualMethodList.size()];
for (int i=0; i<virtualMethodList.size(); i++) {
vtable[i] = virtualMethodList.get(i);
return vtable;
private void addToVtable(VirtualMethod[] localMethods, List<VirtualMethod> vtable) {
for (VirtualMethod virtualMethod: localMethods) {
boolean found = false;
for (int i=0; i<vtable.size(); i++) {
VirtualMethod superMethod = vtable.get(i);
if (superMethod.method.equals(virtualMethod.method)) {
if (!ClassPath.theClassPath.checkPackagePrivateAccess || this.canAccess(superMethod)) {
found = true;
vtable.set(i, virtualMethod);
if (!found) {
private boolean canAccess(VirtualMethod virtualMethod) {
if (!virtualMethod.isPackagePrivate) {
return true;
String otherPackage = getPackage(virtualMethod.containingClass);
String ourPackage = getPackage(this.classType);
return otherPackage.equals(ourPackage);
private String getPackage(String classType) {
int lastSlash = classType.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash < 0) {
return "";
return classType.substring(1, lastSlash);
private int getNextFieldOffset() {
if (instanceFields == null || instanceFields.size() == 0) {
return 8;
int lastItemIndex = instanceFields.size()-1;
int fieldOffset = instanceFields.keyAt(lastItemIndex);
FieldDef lastField = instanceFields.valueAt(lastItemIndex);
switch (lastField.type.charAt(0)) {
case 'J':
case 'D':
return fieldOffset + 8;
return fieldOffset + 4;
private SparseArray<FieldDef> loadFields(UnresolvedClassInfo classInfo) {
//This is a bit of an "involved" operation. We need to follow the same algorithm that dalvik uses to
//arrange fields, so that we end up with the same field offsets (which is needed for deodexing).
//See mydroid/dalvik/vm/oo/Class.c - computeFieldOffsets()
final byte REFERENCE = 0;
final byte WIDE = 1;
final byte OTHER = 2;
FieldDef[] fields = null;
//the "type" for each field in fields. 0=reference,1=wide,2=other
byte[] fieldTypes = null;
if (classInfo.instanceFields != null) {
fields = new FieldDef[classInfo.instanceFields.length];
fieldTypes = new byte[fields.length];
for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
String[] fieldInfo = classInfo.instanceFields[i];
String fieldName = fieldInfo[0];
String fieldType = fieldInfo[1];
fieldTypes[i] = getFieldType(fieldType);
fields[i] = new FieldDef(classInfo.classType, fieldName, fieldType);
if (fields == null) {
fields = new FieldDef[0];
fieldTypes = new byte[0];
//The first operation is to move all of the reference fields to the front. To do this, find the first
//non-reference field, then find the last reference field, swap them and repeat
int back = fields.length - 1;
int front;
for (front = 0; front<fields.length; front++) {
if (fieldTypes[front] != REFERENCE) {
while (back > front) {
if (fieldTypes[back] == REFERENCE) {
swap(fieldTypes, fields, front, back--);
if (fieldTypes[front] != REFERENCE) {
int startFieldOffset = 8;
if (this.superclass != null) {
startFieldOffset = this.superclass.getNextFieldOffset();
int fieldIndexMod;
if ((startFieldOffset % 8) == 0) {
fieldIndexMod = 0;
} else {
fieldIndexMod = 1;
//next, we need to group all the wide fields after the reference fields. But the wide fields have to be
//8-byte aligned. If we're on an odd field index, we need to insert a 32-bit field. If the next field
//is already a 32-bit field, use that. Otherwise, find the first 32-bit field from the end and swap it in.
//If there are no 32-bit fields, do nothing for now. We'll add padding when calculating the field offsets
if (front < fields.length && (front % 2) != fieldIndexMod) {
if (fieldTypes[front] == WIDE) {
//we need to swap in a 32-bit field, so the wide fields will be correctly aligned
back = fields.length - 1;
while (back > front) {
if (fieldTypes[back] == OTHER) {
swap(fieldTypes, fields, front++, back);
} else {
//there's already a 32-bit field here that we can use
//do the swap thing for wide fields
back = fields.length - 1;
for (; front<fields.length; front++) {
if (fieldTypes[front] != WIDE) {
while (back > front) {
if (fieldTypes[back] == WIDE) {
swap(fieldTypes, fields, front, back--);
if (fieldTypes[front] != WIDE) {
int superFieldCount = 0;
if (superclass != null) {
superFieldCount = superclass.instanceFields.size();
//now the fields are in the correct order. Add them to the SparseArray and lookup, and calculate the offsets
int totalFieldCount = superFieldCount + fields.length;
SparseArray<FieldDef> instanceFields = new SparseArray<FieldDef>(totalFieldCount);
int fieldOffset;
if (superclass != null && superFieldCount > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<superFieldCount; i++) {
instanceFields.append(superclass.instanceFields.keyAt(i), superclass.instanceFields.valueAt(i));
fieldOffset = instanceFields.keyAt(superFieldCount-1);
FieldDef lastSuperField = superclass.instanceFields.valueAt(superFieldCount-1);
char fieldType = lastSuperField.type.charAt(0);
if (fieldType == 'J' || fieldType == 'D') {
fieldOffset += 8;
} else {
fieldOffset += 4;
} else {
//the field values start at 8 bytes into the DataObject dalvik structure
fieldOffset = 8;
boolean gotDouble = false;
for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
FieldDef field = fields[i];
//add padding to align the wide fields, if needed
if (fieldTypes[i] == WIDE && !gotDouble) {
if (!gotDouble) {
if (fieldOffset % 8 != 0) {
assert fieldOffset % 8 == 4;
fieldOffset += 4;
gotDouble = true;
instanceFields.append(fieldOffset, field);
if (fieldTypes[i] == WIDE) {
fieldOffset += 8;
} else {
fieldOffset += 4;
return instanceFields;
private byte getFieldType(String fieldType) {
switch (fieldType.charAt(0)) {
case '[':
case 'L':
return 0; //REFERENCE
case 'J':
case 'D':
return 1; //WIDE
return 2; //OTHER
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof ClassDef)) return false;
ClassDef classDef = (ClassDef) o;
return classType.equals(classDef.classType);
public int hashCode() {
return classType.hashCode();
public int compareTo(ClassDef classDef) {
return classType.compareTo(classDef.classType);
private static class VirtualMethod {
public String containingClass;
public String method;
public boolean isPackagePrivate;
* This aggregates the basic information about a class in an easy-to-use format, without requiring references
* to any other class.
private static class UnresolvedClassInfo {
public final String dexFilePath;
public final String classType;
public final boolean isPublic;
public final boolean isInterface;
public final String superclassType;
public final String[] interfaces;
public final boolean[] staticMethods;
public final String[] directMethods;
public final VirtualMethod[] virtualMethods;
public final String[][] instanceFields;
public UnresolvedClassInfo(String dexFilePath, ClassDefItem classDefItem) {
this.dexFilePath = dexFilePath;
classType = classDefItem.getClassType().getTypeDescriptor();
isPublic = (classDefItem.getAccessFlags() & AccessFlags.PUBLIC.getValue()) != 0;
isInterface = (classDefItem.getAccessFlags() & AccessFlags.INTERFACE.getValue()) != 0;
TypeIdItem superclassType = classDefItem.getSuperclass();
if (superclassType == null) {
this.superclassType = null;
} else {
this.superclassType = superclassType.getTypeDescriptor();
interfaces = loadInterfaces(classDefItem);
ClassDataItem classDataItem = classDefItem.getClassData();
if (classDataItem != null) {
boolean[][] _staticMethods = new boolean[1][];
directMethods = loadDirectMethods(classDataItem, _staticMethods);
staticMethods = _staticMethods[0];
virtualMethods = loadVirtualMethods(classDataItem);
instanceFields = loadInstanceFields(classDataItem);
} else {
staticMethods = null;
directMethods = null;
virtualMethods = null;
instanceFields = null;
private String[] loadInterfaces(ClassDefItem classDefItem) {
TypeListItem typeList = classDefItem.getInterfaces();
if (typeList != null) {
List<TypeIdItem> types = typeList.getTypes();
if (types != null && types.size() > 0) {
String[] interfaces = new String[types.size()];
for (int i=0; i<interfaces.length; i++) {
interfaces[i] = types.get(i).getTypeDescriptor();
return interfaces;
return null;
private String[] loadDirectMethods(ClassDataItem classDataItem, boolean[][] _staticMethods) {
List<EncodedMethod> encodedMethods = classDataItem.getDirectMethods();
if (encodedMethods.size() > 0) {
boolean[] staticMethods = new boolean[encodedMethods.size()];
String[] directMethods = new String[encodedMethods.size()];
for (int i=0; i<encodedMethods.size(); i++) {
EncodedMethod encodedMethod = encodedMethods.get(i);
if ((encodedMethod.accessFlags & AccessFlags.STATIC.getValue()) != 0) {
staticMethods[i] = true;
directMethods[i] = encodedMethod.method.getShortMethodString();
_staticMethods[0] = staticMethods;
return directMethods;
return null;
private VirtualMethod[] loadVirtualMethods(ClassDataItem classDataItem) {
List<EncodedMethod> encodedMethods = classDataItem.getVirtualMethods();
if (encodedMethods.size() > 0) {
VirtualMethod[] virtualMethods = new VirtualMethod[encodedMethods.size()];
for (int i=0; i<encodedMethods.size(); i++) {
virtualMethods[i] = new VirtualMethod();
EncodedMethod encodedMethod = encodedMethods.get(i);
virtualMethods[i].isPackagePrivate = methodIsPackagePrivate(encodedMethod.accessFlags);
virtualMethods[i].containingClass = classDataItem.getParentType().getTypeDescriptor();
virtualMethods[i].method = encodedMethods.get(i).method.getShortMethodString();
return virtualMethods;
return null;
private static boolean methodIsPackagePrivate(int accessFlags) {
return (accessFlags & (AccessFlags.PRIVATE.getValue() |
AccessFlags.PROTECTED.getValue() |
AccessFlags.PUBLIC.getValue())) == 0;
private String[][] loadInstanceFields(ClassDataItem classDataItem) {
List<EncodedField> encodedFields = classDataItem.getInstanceFields();
if (encodedFields.size() > 0) {
String[][] instanceFields = new String[encodedFields.size()][2];
for (int i=0; i<encodedFields.size(); i++) {
EncodedField encodedField = encodedFields.get(i);
instanceFields[i][0] = encodedField.field.getFieldName().getStringValue();
instanceFields[i][1] = encodedField.field.getFieldType().getTypeDescriptor();
return instanceFields;
return null;