blob: 8d826f0b99b6f00ca02c523cd14d4359030a643e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
// ProgCache implements Cache via JSON messages over stdin/stdout to a child
// helper process which can then implement whatever caching policy/mechanism it
// wants.
// See
type ProgCache struct {
cmd *exec.Cmd
stdout io.ReadCloser // from the child process
stdin io.WriteCloser // to the child process
bw *bufio.Writer // to stdin
jenc *json.Encoder // to bw
// can are the commands that the child process declared that it supports.
// This is effectively the versioning mechanism.
can map[ProgCmd]bool
// fuzzDirCache is another Cache implementation to use for the FuzzDir
// method. In practice this is the default GOCACHE disk-based
// implementation.
// TODO(bradfitz): maybe this isn't ideal. But we'd need to extend the Cache
// interface and the fuzzing callers to be less disk-y to do more here.
fuzzDirCache Cache
closing atomic.Bool
ctx context.Context // valid until Close via ctxClose
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc // called on Close
readLoopDone chan struct{} // closed when readLoop returns
mu sync.Mutex // guards following fields
nextID int64
inFlight map[int64]chan<- *ProgResponse
outputFile map[OutputID]string // object => abs path on disk
// writeMu serializes writing to the child process.
// It must never be held at the same time as mu.
writeMu sync.Mutex
// ProgCmd is a command that can be issued to a child process.
// If the interface needs to grow, we can add new commands or new versioned
// commands like "get2".
type ProgCmd string
const (
cmdGet = ProgCmd("get")
cmdPut = ProgCmd("put")
cmdClose = ProgCmd("close")
// ProgRequest is the JSON-encoded message that's sent from cmd/go to
// the GOCACHEPROG child process over stdin. Each JSON object is on its
// own line. A ProgRequest of Type "put" with BodySize > 0 will be followed
// by a line containing a base64-encoded JSON string literal of the body.
type ProgRequest struct {
// ID is a unique number per process across all requests.
// It must be echoed in the ProgResponse from the child.
ID int64
// Command is the type of request.
// The cmd/go tool will only send commands that were declared
// as supported by the child.
Command ProgCmd
// ActionID is non-nil for get and puts.
ActionID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // or nil if not used
// ObjectID is set for Type "put" and "output-file".
ObjectID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // or nil if not used
// Body is the body for "put" requests. It's sent after the JSON object
// as a base64-encoded JSON string when BodySize is non-zero.
// It's sent as a separate JSON value instead of being a struct field
// send in this JSON object so large values can be streamed in both directions.
// The base64 string body of a ProgRequest will always be written
// immediately after the JSON object and a newline.
Body io.Reader `json:"-"`
// BodySize is the number of bytes of Body. If zero, the body isn't written.
BodySize int64 `json:",omitempty"`
// ProgResponse is the JSON response from the child process to cmd/go.
// With the exception of the first protocol message that the child writes to its
// stdout with ID==0 and KnownCommands populated, these are only sent in
// response to a ProgRequest from cmd/go.
// ProgResponses can be sent in any order. The ID must match the request they're
// replying to.
type ProgResponse struct {
ID int64 // that corresponds to ProgRequest; they can be answered out of order
Err string `json:",omitempty"` // if non-empty, the error
// KnownCommands is included in the first message that cache helper program
// writes to stdout on startup (with ID==0). It includes the
// ProgRequest.Command types that are supported by the program.
// This lets us extend the protocol gracefully over time (adding "get2",
// etc), or fail gracefully when needed. It also lets us verify the program
// wants to be a cache helper.
KnownCommands []ProgCmd `json:",omitempty"`
// For Get requests.
Miss bool `json:",omitempty"` // cache miss
OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
Size int64 `json:",omitempty"` // in bytes
Time *time.Time `json:",omitempty"` // an Entry.Time; when the object was added to the docs
// DiskPath is the absolute path on disk of the ObjectID corresponding
// a "get" request's ActionID (on cache hit) or a "put" request's
// provided ObjectID.
DiskPath string `json:",omitempty"`
// startCacheProg starts the prog binary (with optional space-separated flags)
// and returns a Cache implementation that talks to it.
// It blocks a few seconds to wait for the child process to successfully start
// and advertise its capabilities.
func startCacheProg(progAndArgs string, fuzzDirCache Cache) Cache {
if fuzzDirCache == nil {
panic("missing fuzzDirCache")
args, err := quoted.Split(progAndArgs)
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("GOCACHEPROG args: %v", err)
var prog string
if len(args) > 0 {
prog = args[0]
args = args[1:]
ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, prog, args...)
out, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("StdoutPipe to GOCACHEPROG: %v", err)
in, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("StdinPipe to GOCACHEPROG: %v", err)
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Cancel = in.Close
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("error starting GOCACHEPROG program %q: %v", prog, err)
pc := &ProgCache{
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: ctxCancel,
fuzzDirCache: fuzzDirCache,
cmd: cmd,
stdout: out,
stdin: in,
bw: bufio.NewWriter(in),
inFlight: make(map[int64]chan<- *ProgResponse),
outputFile: make(map[OutputID]string),
readLoopDone: make(chan struct{}),
// Register our interest in the initial protocol message from the child to
// us, saying what it can do.
capResc := make(chan *ProgResponse, 1)
pc.inFlight[0] = capResc
pc.jenc = json.NewEncoder(
go pc.readLoop(pc.readLoopDone)
// Give the child process a few seconds to report its capabilities. This
// should be instant and not require any slow work by the program.
timer := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
log.Printf("# still waiting for GOCACHEPROG %v ...", prog)
case capRes := <-capResc:
can := map[ProgCmd]bool{}
for _, cmd := range capRes.KnownCommands {
can[cmd] = true
if len(can) == 0 {
base.Fatalf("GOCACHEPROG %v declared no supported commands", prog)
pc.can = can
return pc
func (c *ProgCache) readLoop(readLoopDone chan<- struct{}) {
defer close(readLoopDone)
jd := json.NewDecoder(c.stdout)
for {
res := new(ProgResponse)
if err := jd.Decode(res); err != nil {
if c.closing.Load() {
return // quietly
if err == io.EOF {
inFlight := len(c.inFlight)
base.Fatalf("GOCACHEPROG exited pre-Close with %v pending requests", inFlight)
base.Fatalf("error reading JSON from GOCACHEPROG: %v", err)
ch, ok := c.inFlight[res.ID]
delete(c.inFlight, res.ID)
if ok {
ch <- res
} else {
base.Fatalf("GOCACHEPROG sent response for unknown request ID %v", res.ID)
func (c *ProgCache) send(ctx context.Context, req *ProgRequest) (*ProgResponse, error) {
resc := make(chan *ProgResponse, 1)
if err := c.writeToChild(req, resc); err != nil {
return nil, err
select {
case res := <-resc:
if res.Err != "" {
return nil, errors.New(res.Err)
return res, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
func (c *ProgCache) writeToChild(req *ProgRequest, resc chan<- *ProgResponse) (err error) {
req.ID = c.nextID
c.inFlight[req.ID] = resc
defer func() {
if err != nil {
delete(c.inFlight, req.ID)
defer c.writeMu.Unlock()
if err := c.jenc.Encode(req); err != nil {
return err
if err :='\n'); err != nil {
return err
if req.Body != nil && req.BodySize > 0 {
if err :='"'); err != nil {
return err
e := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding,
wrote, err := io.Copy(e, req.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := e.Close(); err != nil {
return nil
if wrote != req.BodySize {
return fmt.Errorf("short write writing body to GOCACHEPROG for action %x, object %x: wrote %v; expected %v",
req.ActionID, req.ObjectID, wrote, req.BodySize)
if _, err :="\"\n"); err != nil {
return err
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *ProgCache) Get(a ActionID) (Entry, error) {
if !c.can[cmdGet] {
// They can't do a "get". Maybe they're a write-only cache.
// TODO(bradfitz,bcmills): figure out the proper error type here. Maybe
// errors.ErrUnsupported? Is entryNotFoundError even appropriate? There
// might be places where we rely on the fact that a recent Put can be
// read through a corresponding Get. Audit callers and check, and document
// error types on the Cache interface.
return Entry{}, &entryNotFoundError{}
res, err := c.send(c.ctx, &ProgRequest{
Command: cmdGet,
ActionID: a[:],
if err != nil {
return Entry{}, err // TODO(bradfitz): or entryNotFoundError? Audit callers.
if res.Miss {
return Entry{}, &entryNotFoundError{}
e := Entry{
Size: res.Size,
if res.Time != nil {
e.Time = *res.Time
} else {
e.Time = time.Now()
if res.DiskPath == "" {
return Entry{}, &entryNotFoundError{errors.New("GOCACHEPROG didn't populate DiskPath on get hit")}
if copy(e.OutputID[:], res.OutputID) != len(res.OutputID) {
return Entry{}, &entryNotFoundError{errors.New("incomplete ProgResponse OutputID")}
c.noteOutputFile(e.OutputID, res.DiskPath)
return e, nil
func (c *ProgCache) noteOutputFile(o OutputID, diskPath string) {
c.outputFile[o] = diskPath
func (c *ProgCache) OutputFile(o OutputID) string {
return c.outputFile[o]
func (c *ProgCache) Put(a ActionID, file io.ReadSeeker) (_ OutputID, size int64, _ error) {
// Compute output ID.
h := sha256.New()
if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return OutputID{}, 0, err
size, err := io.Copy(h, file)
if err != nil {
return OutputID{}, 0, err
var out OutputID
if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return OutputID{}, 0, err
if !c.can[cmdPut] {
// Child is a read-only cache. Do nothing.
return out, size, nil
res, err := c.send(c.ctx, &ProgRequest{
Command: cmdPut,
ActionID: a[:],
ObjectID: out[:],
Body: file,
BodySize: size,
if err != nil {
return OutputID{}, 0, err
if res.DiskPath == "" {
return OutputID{}, 0, errors.New("GOCACHEPROG didn't return DiskPath in put response")
c.noteOutputFile(out, res.DiskPath)
return out, size, err
func (c *ProgCache) Close() error {
var err error
// First write a "close" message to the child so it can exit nicely
// and clean up if it wants. Only after that exchange do we cancel
// the context that kills the process.
if c.can[cmdClose] {
_, err = c.send(c.ctx, &ProgRequest{Command: cmdClose})
return err
func (c *ProgCache) FuzzDir() string {
// TODO(bradfitz): figure out what to do here. For now just use the
// disk-based default.
return c.fuzzDirCache.FuzzDir()