blob: d66867033494682c881c628e1f20c834227b6ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Call the caller of __builtin_dispatch indirectly. Specify the
feature test function as a function pointer. Make sure cloning
still happens. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-options "-O2 -fclone-hot-version-paths -fdump-tree-optimized" } */
int __attribute__ ((version_selector))
featureTest ()
return 1;
foo ()
return 0;
bar ()
return 1;
int __attribute__ ((hot))
dispatch ()
int (*funcp)() = featureTest;
int ret = __builtin_dispatch (funcp, (void *)foo, (void *)bar);
return ret;
int __attribute__ ((hot))
main (int argc, char **argv)
int (*ptr)() = dispatch;
return (*ptr)();
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "dispatchv\.clone\.0" "optimized" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "dispatchv\.clone\.1" "optimized" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "main\.clone\.0" "optimized" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "main\.clone\.1" "optimized" } } */
/* { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "optimized" } } */