Update git submodules

* Update frameworks/support from branch 'androidx-master-dev'
  to 07713e7358f003bf0c5e98fb8bb23eb495ac4e94
  - Merge "Hide parentWidth and parentLD in PlacementScope" into androidx-master-dev
  - Hide parentWidth and parentLD in PlacementScope
    When writing a custom layout, parentWidth and parentLayoutDirection
    should not be read from the placement block as they are available or
    calculated in the measure block. This CL is making them protected in
    PlacementScope. The CL also merges the PlacementScope implementations
    used for modifiers and layout nodes, which is now possible after the
    modules' merging.
    Relnote: PlacementScope#parentWidth and PlacementScope#parentLayoutDirection can no longer be read from the placement block of a custom layout.
    Fixes: 168295623
    Test: tests in foundation-layout
    Change-Id: Icc1ae00d774147c5fa7006c4bb408c99c7731690
diff --git a/frameworks/support b/frameworks/support
index 5706d08..07713e7 160000
--- a/frameworks/support
+++ b/frameworks/support
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 5706d0858c92a13bb626c5caabdaa7a13f731640
+Subproject commit 07713e7358f003bf0c5e98fb8bb23eb495ac4e94