blob: eaec5bf246a648c4b586537c989e9a815b06b729 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package report
import (
// Repo and project related functions
type project struct {
Name string // Name
GitProj *app.GitProject // Git project data
var unknownProject = &project{Name: "unknown", GitProj: &app.GitProject{}}
// Convert repo project to project with source files and revision
// information
func resolveProject(ctx context.Context, repoProj *app.RepoProject, remote *app.RepoRemote, proj ProjectDependencies, getFiles bool, upstreamBranch string) *project {
path := repoProj.Path
if path == "" {
path = repoProj.Name
gitDir := ""
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "overlays/") {
// Assume two levels of overlay path (overlay/XYZ)
path = strings.Join(strings.Split(path, "/")[2:], "/")
// The overlays .git symbolic links are not mapped correctly
// into the jails. Resolve them here, inside the nsjail the
// absolute path for all git repos will be in the form of
// /src/.git/
symlink, _ := os.Readlink(filepath.Join(path, ".git"))
parts := strings.Split(symlink, "/")
repostart := 0
for ; repostart < len(parts); repostart++ {
if parts[repostart] != ".." {
if repostart > 1 {
parts[repostart] = "/src"
gitDir = filepath.Join(parts[repostart:]...)
gitProj, err := proj.Project(ctx, path, gitDir, remote.Name, repoProj.Revision)
if err != nil {
return nil
out := &project{Name: repoProj.Name, GitProj: gitProj}
if getFiles {
_ = proj.PopulateFiles(ctx, gitProj, upstreamBranch)
return out
// Get the build file for a given filename, this is a two step lookup.
// First find the project associated with the file via the file cache,
// then resolve the file via the project found.
// Most files will be relative paths from the repo workspace
func lookupProjectFile(ctx context.Context, rtx *Context, filename string) (*project, *app.GitTreeObj) {
if proj, exists := rtx.Info.FileCache[filename]; exists {
repoName := (filename)[len(proj.GitProj.RepoDir)+1:]
if gitObj, exists := proj.GitProj.Files[repoName]; exists {
return proj, gitObj
return proj, nil
} else {
// Try resolving any symlinks
if realpath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filename); err == nil {
if realpath != filename {
return lookupProjectFile(ctx, rtx, realpath)
if strings.HasPrefix(filename, rtx.RepoBase) {
// Some dependencies pick up the full path try stripping out
relpath := (filename)[len(rtx.RepoBase):]
return lookupProjectFile(ctx, rtx, relpath)
return unknownProject, &app.GitTreeObj{Filename: filename, Sha: ""}
// Create a mapping of projects from the input source manifest
func resolveProjectMap(ctx context.Context, rtx *Context, manifestFile string, getFiles bool, upstreamBranch string) *ProjectInfo {
// Parse the manifest file
manifest, err := rtx.Repo.Manifest(manifestFile)
if err != nil {
return nil
info := &ProjectInfo{}
// Create map of remotes
remotes := make(map[string]*app.RepoRemote)
var defRemotePtr *app.RepoRemote
for i, _ := range manifest.Remotes {
remotes[manifest.Remotes[i].Name] = &manifest.Remotes[i]
defRemotePtr, exists := remotes[manifest.Default.Remote]
if !exists {
fmt.Printf("Failed to find default remote")
info.FileCache = make(map[string]*project)
info.ProjMap = make(map[string]*project)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
projChan := make(chan *project)
repoChan := make(chan *app.RepoProject)
for i := 0; i < rtx.WorkerCount; i++ {
go func() {
for repoProj := range repoChan {
remotePtr := defRemotePtr
if manifest.Projects[i].Remote != nil {
remotePtr = remotes[*manifest.Projects[i].Remote]
proj := resolveProject(ctx, repoProj, remotePtr, rtx.Project, getFiles, upstreamBranch)
if proj != nil {
projChan <- proj
} else {
projChan <- &project{Name: repoProj.Name}
go func() {
go func() {
for i, _ := range manifest.Projects {
repoChan <- &manifest.Projects[i]
for r := range projChan {
if r.GitProj != nil {
info.ProjMap[r.Name] = r
if len(r.GitProj.Files) > 0 {
for n := range r.GitProj.Files {
info.FileCache[filepath.Join(r.GitProj.RepoDir, n)] = r
} else {
fmt.Printf("Failed to resolve %s\n", r.Name)
return info