blob: 2793042f38c0b631f397a6b12b8079765b46c79c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package local
// Command line implementation of Git interface
import (
// Separate out the executable to allow tests to override the results
type gitExec interface {
ProjectInfo(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir string) (out *bytes.Buffer, err error)
RemoteUrl(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, remote string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
Tree(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, revision string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
CommitInfo(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, revision string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
DiffBranches(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, upstream, sha string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
type gitCli struct {
git gitExec // Git executable
// Create GIT project based on input parameters
func (cli gitCli) Project(ctx context.Context, path, gitDir, remote, revision string) (*app.GitProject, error) {
workDir := path
// Set defaults
if remote == "" {
remote = "origin"
if gitDir == "" {
gitDir = ".git"
if raw, err := cli.git.ProjectInfo(ctx, gitDir, workDir); err == nil {
topLevel, projRevision, err := parseProjectInfo(raw)
if err == nil {
// Update work dir to use absolute path
workDir = topLevel
if revision == "" {
revision = projRevision
// Create project to use to run commands
out := &app.GitProject{
RepoDir: path,
WorkDir: workDir,
GitDir: gitDir,
Remote: remote,
Revision: revision,
Files: make(map[string]*app.GitTreeObj)}
// Remote URL
if raw, err := cli.git.RemoteUrl(ctx, gitDir, workDir, remote); err == nil {
url, err := parseRemoteUrl(raw)
if err == nil {
out.RemoteUrl = url
return out, nil
// Get all files in the repository if, upstream branch is provided mark which files differ from upstream
func (cli gitCli) PopulateFiles(ctx context.Context, proj *app.GitProject, upstream string) error {
if raw, err := cli.git.Tree(ctx, proj.GitDir, proj.WorkDir, proj.Revision); err == nil {
lsFiles, err := parseLsTree(raw)
if err == nil {
for _, file := range lsFiles {
proj.Files[file.Filename] = file
if upstream != "" {
if diff, err := cli.git.DiffBranches(ctx, proj.GitDir, proj.WorkDir, upstream, proj.Revision); err == nil {
if diffFiles, err := parseBranchDiff(diff); err == nil {
for f, d := range diffFiles {
if file, exists := proj.Files[f]; exists {
file.BranchDiff = d
return nil
// Get the commit information associated with the input sha
func (cli gitCli) CommitInfo(ctx context.Context, proj *app.GitProject, sha string) (*app.GitCommit, error) {
if sha == "" {
sha = "HEAD"
raw, err := cli.git.CommitInfo(ctx, proj.GitDir, proj.WorkDir, sha)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parseCommitInfo(raw)
// parse rev-parse
func parseProjectInfo(data *bytes.Buffer) (topLevel string, revision string, err error) {
s := bufio.NewScanner(data)
scanner := newLineScanner(2)
if err = scanner.Parse(s); err != nil {
return "", "", err
return scanner.Lines[0], scanner.Lines[1], nil
// parse remote get-url
func parseRemoteUrl(data *bytes.Buffer) (url string, err error) {
s := bufio.NewScanner(data)
scanner := newLineScanner(1)
if err = scanner.Parse(s); err != nil {
return "", err
return scanner.Lines[0], nil
// parse ls-tree
func parseLsTree(data *bytes.Buffer) ([]*app.GitTreeObj, error) {
out := []*app.GitTreeObj{}
s := bufio.NewScanner(data)
for s.Scan() {
obj := &app.GitTreeObj{}
// Filename could contain a <space> as quotepath is turned off, truncating the name here
fmt.Sscanf(s.Text(), "%s %s %s %s", &obj.Permissions, &obj.Type, &obj.Sha, &obj.Filename)
out = append(out, obj)
return out, nil
// parse branch diff (diff --num-stat)
func parseBranchDiff(data *bytes.Buffer) (map[string]*app.GitDiff, error) {
out := make(map[string]*app.GitDiff)
s := bufio.NewScanner(data)
for s.Scan() {
d := &app.GitDiff{}
var fname, added, deleted string
_, err := fmt.Sscanf(s.Text(), "%s %s %s", &added, &deleted, &fname)
if err == nil {
if added == "-" || deleted == "-" {
d.BinaryDiff = true
} else {
d.AddedLines, _ = strconv.Atoi(added)
d.DeletedLines, _ = strconv.Atoi(deleted)
out[fname] = d
return out, nil
// parse commit diff-tree
func parseCommitInfo(data *bytes.Buffer) (*app.GitCommit, error) {
out := &app.GitCommit{Files: []app.GitCommitFile{}}
s := bufio.NewScanner(data)
first := true
for s.Scan() {
if first {
out.Sha = s.Text()
} else {
file := app.GitCommitFile{}
t := ""
fmt.Sscanf(s.Text(), "%s %s", &t, &file.Filename)
switch t {
case "M":
file.Type = app.GitFileModified
case "A":
file.Type = app.GitFileAdded
case "R":
file.Type = app.GitFileRemoved
out.Files = append(out.Files, file)
first = false
return out, nil
// Command line git
type gitCmd struct {
cmd string // GIT executable
timeout time.Duration // Timeout for commands
// Run git command in working directory
func (git *gitCmd) runDirCmd(ctx context.Context, gitDir string, workDir string, args []string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
gitArgs := append([]string{"--git-dir", gitDir, "-C", workDir}, args...)
out, err, _ := run(ctx, git.timeout, git.cmd, gitArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to run %s %s [error %s]", git.cmd, strings.Join(gitArgs, " ")))
return out, nil
func (git *gitCmd) ProjectInfo(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
return git.runDirCmd(ctx, gitDir, workDir, []string{"rev-parse", "--show-toplevel", "HEAD"})
func (git *gitCmd) RemoteUrl(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, remote string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
return git.runDirCmd(ctx, gitDir, workDir, []string{"remote", "get-url", remote})
func (git *gitCmd) Tree(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, revision string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "core.quotepath=off", "ls-tree", "--full-name", revision, "-r", "-t"}
return git.runDirCmd(ctx, gitDir, workDir, cmdArgs)
func (git *gitCmd) CommitInfo(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, sha string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
cmdArgs := []string{"diff-tree", "-r", "-m", "--name-status", "--root", sha}
return git.runDirCmd(ctx, gitDir, workDir, cmdArgs)
func (git *gitCmd) DiffBranches(ctx context.Context, gitDir, workDir, upstream, sha string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
cmdArgs := []string{"diff", "--numstat", fmt.Sprintf("%s...%s", upstream, sha)}
return git.runDirCmd(ctx, gitDir, workDir, cmdArgs)
func NewGitCli() *gitCli {
cli := &gitCli{git: &gitCmd{cmd: "git", timeout: 100000 * time.Millisecond}}
return cli