Ensure the size of general-tests.zip won't exceed the limitation.

Currently, TF download doesn't support ZIP64, so it will break if
the downloaded file exceeds 4GB.
Therefore, we add a validation check to ensure it won't exceeds the
limitation, and will have a design in 2020Q1 to make TF support ZIP64.

Bug: 146459548

Test: tradefed.sh run commandAndExit google/template/lab-base --log-level-display VERBOSE --template:map lab-preparers=empty --template:map test=google/tf/test-mappings-validation --template:map reporters=google/template/reporters/blackbox --additional-files-filter  .*/test_mappings.zip --additional-files-filter  .*/module-info.json --skip-download DEVICE_IMAGE --hostname atp-manager.googleplex.com --protocol https --use-build-api --branch git_master --build-flavor test_suites_x86_64 --build-os linux --build-id 5997886
Change-Id: Ibfc37b7bcd3de8af03b4e2eb96797681c5f2d343
1 file changed