Handle device actions for metric collectors

This change introduces two ITestDevice api methods that will allow
metric collectors to register themselves to receive device events like
reboot. It also introduces an Interface declaring all the device events
that can be received.

This change includes implementation to report reboot start and end
events to all device event receivers. It also makes sure that these
event callbacks don't enter a dead loop.

This change also includes required changes to DeviceTraceCollector to
enable this feature.

Bug: 268512240
Test: Presubmit, "run host --class com.android.tradefed.presubmit.DeviceStateTransitionFuncTests --auto-collect DEVICE_TRACE"
Change-Id: Ie1bf29a9c403f6b59fbd316080b4d52cd8f37050
7 files changed
tree: 428933cd34036ed48ea5b8a64be4b1290a6a9888
  1. aoa_helper/
  2. atest_proto/
  3. clearcut_client/
  4. common_util/
  5. device_build_interfaces/
  6. external_dependencies/
  7. global_configuration/
  8. invocation_interfaces/
  9. isolation/
  10. javatests/
  11. lite/
  12. proto/
  13. reference_tests/
  14. remote/
  15. res/
  16. src/
  17. test_framework/
  18. test_observatory/
  19. test_result_interfaces/
  20. util_apps/
  21. .classpath
  22. .gitignore
  23. .project
  24. Android.bp
  25. Android.mk
  26. aosp_sha.sh
  27. atest_tradefed.sh
  28. CleanSpec.mk
  29. error_prone_rules.mk
  30. MANIFEST.mf
  31. OWNERS
  32. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  33. pylintrc
  34. README.md
  35. run_tf_cmd.sh
  36. script_help.sh
  38. tradefed.sh
  39. tradefed_win.bat

Trade Federation (TF / Tradefed)

TF is a test harness used to drive Android automated testing. It runs on test hosts and monitors the connected devices, handling test scheduling & execution and device management.

Other test harnesses like Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) and Vendor Test Suite (VTS) use TF as a basis and extend it for their particular needs.

Building TF:

  • source build/envsetup.sh
  • tapas tradefed-all
  • make -j8

Getting Code Reviewed

1. Create your change in Gerrit
2. Add the reviewer named "Tradefed Codereview" (email: tradefed-codereview@tradefederation.google.com.iam.gserviceaccount.com)
3. Review the code review guidance at go/tf-guidelines and go/tradefed-code-reviews
4. GWSQ should add a couple of people from the team to review your code and give feedback.

More information

More information at: https://source.android.com/docs/core/tests/tradefed/

See more details about Tradefed Architecture at: https://source.android.com/docs/core/tests/tradefed/architecture

If you are a tests writer you should start looking in the test_framework/ component which contains everything needed to write a tests in Tradefed.