blob: bcbd55c7ea52e71653d3e07001b46b9f35027d91 [file] [log] [blame]
Note: env setup requires slightly more than a normal Android build,
so that the path gets adjusted for
From the root of your Android tree:
$ . build/
$ . build/make/
$ lunch 2 # generic aosp arm64 eng build
$ mmma tools/tradefederation/core tools/test/graphicsbenchmark
To run, from tools/test/graphicsbenchmark dir:
$ run commandAndExit AndroidTest.xml
Available options include:
--apk-info An XML file describing the list of APKs for qualifications.
--apk-dir Directory contains the APKs for qualifications. If --apk-info is not specified and a
file named 'apk-info.xml' exists in --apk-dir, that file will be used as the apk-info.
Contact a member of the team for alternative test apks.