blob: e7969ed0fe63efc070a27e6f4160802d9dd4998a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.ide.BrowserUtil;
import com.intellij.ide.DataManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.CommonDataKeys;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.AbstractProgressIndicatorExBase;
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.util.ProgressIndicatorBase;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper;
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages;
import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ex.ProgressIndicatorEx;
import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ex.WindowManagerEx;
import icons.GoogleLoginIcons;
import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
* Class that handles logging in to Google services.
// TODO: explore changing class to an application service
public class GoogleLogin {
private ClientInfo clientInfo;
private AndroidUiFacade uiFacade;
private AndroidPreferencesOAuthDataStore dataStore;
private CredentialedUserRoster users;
private static GoogleLogin instance;
public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(GoogleLogin.class);
private GoogleLogin() {
this.clientInfo = getClientInfo();
this.uiFacade = new AndroidUiFacade();
this.users = new CredentialedUserRoster();
this.dataStore = new AndroidPreferencesOAuthDataStore();
* Gets the {@link GoogleLogin} object.
* @return the {@link GoogleLogin} object.
public static GoogleLogin getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new GoogleLogin();
return instance;
static void setInstance(GoogleLogin newInstance) {
instance = newInstance;
* Displays a dialog to prompt the user to login into Google Services.
* @throws InvalidThreadTypeException
public static void promptToLogIn() throws InvalidThreadTypeException {
promptToLogIn(null, null);
* Displays a dialog to prompt the user to login into Google Services
* if there is current no active user. Does nothing if there is an active
* user. This function must be called from the event dispatch thread (EDT).
* @param message If not null, this message would be the title of the dialog.
* @param callback if not null, then this callback is called when the login
* either succeeds or fails.
* @throws InvalidThreadTypeException
public static void promptToLogIn(@Nullable final String message, @Nullable final IGoogleLoginCompletedCallback callback)
throws InvalidThreadTypeException {
if (!instance.isLoggedIn()) {
if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread()) {
getInstance().logIn(message, callback);
} else {
throw new InvalidThreadTypeException("promptToLogin");
* Returns an HttpRequestFactory object that has been signed with the active user's
* authentication headers to use to make http requests. If the user has not
* signed in, this method will block and pop up the login dialog to the user.
* If the user cancels signing in, this method will return null.
* If the access token that was used to sign this transport was revoked or
* has expired, then execute() invoked on Request objects constructed from
* this transport will throw an exception, for example,
* " 401 Unauthorized"
* @return An HttpRequestFactory object that has been signed with the active user's
* authentication headers or null if there is no active user.
public HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory() {
return createRequestFactory(null);
* Returns an HttpRequestFactory object that has been signed with the active user's
* authentication headers to use to make http requests. If the user has not
* signed in, this method will block and pop up the login dialog to the user.
* If the user cancels signing in, this method will return null.
* If the access token that was used to sign this transport was revoked or
* has expired, then execute() invoked on Request objects constructed from
* this transport will throw an exception, for example,
* " 401 Unauthorized"
* @param message The message to display in the login dialog if the user needs
* to log in to complete this action. If null, then no message area
* is created. See {@link #logIn(String)}
* @return An HttpRequestFactory object that has been signed with the active user's
* authentication headers or null if there is no active user.
public HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory(@Nullable String message) {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
// TODO: prompt user to select an existing user or sign in
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().createRequestFactory(message);
* Makes a request to get an OAuth2 access token from the OAuth2 refresh token
* if it is expired.
* @return an OAuth2 token, or null if there was an error or no active user
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong while fetching the token.
public String fetchAccessToken() throws IOException {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().fetchAccessToken();
* Returns the OAuth2 Client ID for the active user.
* @return the OAuth2 Client ID for the active user.
public String fetchOAuth2ClientId() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().fetchOAuth2ClientId();
* Returns the OAuth2 Client Secret for the active user.
* @return the OAuth2 Client Secret for the active user.
public String fetchOAuth2ClientSecret() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().fetchOAuth2ClientSecret();
* Returns the OAuth2 refresh token for the active user, logging in to obtain it if necessary.
* If there is no active user, this method blocks and prompts the user to log in or select
* an already logged in user.
* @return the refresh token, or {@code null} if the user cancels out of a request to log in
public String fetchOAuth2RefreshToken() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().fetchOAuth2RefreshToken();
* Makes a request to get an OAuth2 access token from the OAuth2 refresh
* token. This token is short lived.
* @return an OAuth2 token, or null if there was an error or if there is
* active user.
* @throws IOException if something goes wrong while fetching the token.
public String fetchOAuth2Token() throws IOException {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().fetchOAuth2Token();
* Returns the credentials of the active user. If there is no active user,
* returns credentials with the access token and refresh token set to null.
* @return the OAuth credentials.
public Credential getCredential() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().getCredential();
* Returns the active user's email address, or null if there is no active user,
* @return the active user's email address, or null if there is no active user,
public String getEmail() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().getEmail();
* Returns true if the plugin was able to connect to the internet to try to
* verify the stored oauth credentials at start up or false otherwise.
public boolean isConnected() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if(activeUser == null) {
return false;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().isConnected();
* Verifies whether there is an active user of not.
* @return true if there is an active user, false otherwise.
public boolean isLoggedIn() {
return users.isActiveUserAvailable();
* See {@link #logIn(String)}.
public void logIn() {
logIn(null, null);
* Opens an external browser to allow the user to sign in.
* If the user is already signed in, this updates the user's credentials.
* If the logging process fails, a message dialog will pop up to notify
* the user. If the logging process succeeds, a logging event will be fired.
* @param message if not null, then this message is displayed above the
* login dialog. This is for when the user is presented
* the login dialog from doing something other than logging in, such
* as accessing Google API services. It should say something like
* "Importing a project from Google Project Hosting requires signing
* in."
* @param callback if not null, then this callback is called when the login
* either succeeds or fails.
public void logIn(@Nullable final String message, @Nullable final IGoogleLoginCompletedCallback callback) {
final GoogleLoginState state = createGoogleLoginState(false);
// We pass in the current project, which causes intelliJ to properly figure out the parent window.
// This keeps the cancel dialog on top and visible.
new Task.Modal(getCurrentProject(), "Please sign in via the opened browser...", true) {
private boolean loggedIn = false;
public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) {
if (!(indicator instanceof ProgressIndicatorEx)) {
((ProgressIndicatorEx)indicator).addStateDelegate(new AbstractProgressIndicatorExBase() {
public void cancel() {
assert uiFacade != null;
loggedIn = state != null && state.logInWithLocalServer(message);
public void onCancel() {
public void onSuccess() {
private void notifyOnComplete() {
// TODO: add user preference to chose to use pop-up copy and paste dialog
if(loggedIn) {
IGoogleLoginCompletedCallback localCallback = new IGoogleLoginCompletedCallback() {
public void onLoginCompleted() {
if(callback != null) {
users.addUser(new CredentialedUser(state, localCallback));
else if (callback != null) {
private static Project getCurrentProject() {
Window activeWindow = WindowManagerEx.getInstanceEx().getMostRecentFocusedWindow();
if (activeWindow == null) {
return null;
return CommonDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(activeWindow));
* Logs out the active user by popping up a question dialog asking if the active user really
* wants to quit. If the active user chooses to sign out, signs out the active user and all other
* signed in users.
* @return true if the user logged out, false otherwise
public boolean logOut() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return false;
boolean loggedOut = activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().logOut();
if(loggedOut) {
return loggedOut;
* Logs out the active user and all other signed in users.
* @param showPrompt if true, opens a prompt asking if the user really wants
* to log out. If false, the user is logged out
* @return true if the user was logged out or is already logged out, and false
* if the user chose not to log out
public boolean logOut(boolean showPrompt) {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return false;
boolean loggedOut = activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().logOut(showPrompt);
if(loggedOut) {
return loggedOut;
* Creates a new {@link Credential}. If there is an active user, populates
* the newly created {@link Credential} with the active user's access and refresh tokens, else
* the access and refresh token will be set to null.
* @return a new {@link Credential}.
public Credential makeCredential() {
CredentialedUser activeUser = users.getActiveUser();
if (activeUser == null) {
return null;
return activeUser.getGoogleLoginState().makeCredential();
* Sets the active user to <code>userEmail</code> if <code>userEmail</code> is a logged
* in user.
* @param userEmail The user to be set as active.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>userEmail</code> does not exist i.e. is
* not a logged in user.
public void setActiveUser(String userEmail) throws IllegalArgumentException {
* Returns a copy of the map of the current logged in users.
* @return Copy of current logged in users.
public LinkedHashMap<String, CredentialedUser> getAllUsers() {
return users.getAllUsers();
* Returns the active user.
* @return the active user.
public CredentialedUser getActiveUser() {
return users.getActiveUser();
* When the login menu item is instantiated by the UI, it calls this method so that
* when logIn() is called by something other than the login menu item itself, the
* login menu item can be notified to update its UI.
* @param button The login menu item.
public void setLoginMenuItemContribution(GoogleLoginActionButton button) {
* Logs out all signed in users without popping up logout confirmation message.
private void logOutAllUsers() {
for (CredentialedUser aUser : users.getAllUsers().values()) {
aUser.getGoogleLoginState().logOut(false /* showPrompt */);
* Gets all the implementations of {@link GoogleLoginListener} and registers them to
* <code>state</code>.
private void addLoginListenersFromExtensionPoints() {
GoogleLoginListener[] loginListeners = Extensions.getExtensions(GoogleLoginListener.EP_NAME);
for(GoogleLoginListener listener : loginListeners) {
* Creates a new instance of {@link GoogleLoginState}
* @return a new instance of {@link GoogleLoginState}
private GoogleLoginState createGoogleLoginState(boolean initializingUsers) {
GoogleLoginState state =
new GoogleLoginState(
new AndroidPreferencesOAuthDataStore(),
new AndroidLoggerFacade());
if (initializingUsers && !state.isLoggedIn()) {
// Logs user out if oauth scope for active user's credentials
// does not match the current scope
return null;
return state;
* Returns the Client Info for Android Studio in a {@link}.
* @return the Client Info for Android Studio in a {@link}.
private static ClientInfo getClientInfo() {
String id = LoginContext.getId();
String info = LoginContext.getInfo();
if (id != null && id.trim().length() > 0
&& info != null && info.trim().length() > 0) {
return new ClientInfo(id, info);
throw new IllegalStateException("The client information for Android Studio was not found");
// TODO: update code to specify parent
private static void logErrorAndDisplayDialog(@NotNull final String title, @NotNull final Exception exception) {
LOG.error(exception.getMessage(), exception);
GoogleLoginUtils.showErrorDialog(exception.getMessage(), title);
* The client information for an application.
private static class ClientInfo {
private final String id;
private final String info;
public ClientInfo(String id, String info) { = id; = info;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getInfo() {
return info;
* An implementation of {@link UiFacade} using Swing dialogs and external browsers.
private class AndroidUiFacade implements UiFacade {
private GoogleLoginActionButton myButton;
private volatile CancellableServerReceiver receiver = null;
public String obtainVerificationCodeFromUserInteraction(String title, GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authCodeRequestUrl) {
GoogleLoginCopyAndPasteDialog dialog = new GoogleLoginCopyAndPasteDialog(myButton, authCodeRequestUrl, "Google Login");;
if (dialog.getExitCode() == DialogWrapper.CANCEL_EXIT_CODE) {
return null;
return Strings.emptyToNull(dialog.getVerificationCode());
public void stop() {
CancellableServerReceiver localreceiver = receiver;
if (localreceiver != null) {
try {
catch(IOException e) {
logErrorAndDisplayDialog("Google Login", e);
public VerificationCodeHolder obtainVerificationCodeFromExternalUserInteraction(String title) {
receiver = new CancellableServerReceiver();
String redirectUrl;
try {
redirectUrl = receiver.getRedirectUri();
catch (IOException e) {
logErrorAndDisplayDialog(title == null? "Google Login" : title, e);
return null;
AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authCodeRequestUrl =
new AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(GoogleOAuthConstants.AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL, clientInfo.getId())
String verificationCode;
try {
verificationCode = receiver.waitForCode();
catch (RequestCancelledException e) {
GoogleLoginUtils.showErrorDialog("Login cancelled.", "Google Login");
return null;
catch (IOException e) {
logErrorAndDisplayDialog(title == null ? "Google Login" : title, e);
return null;
finally {
receiver = null;
return new VerificationCodeHolder(verificationCode, redirectUrl);
public void showErrorDialog(String title, String message) {
Messages.showErrorDialog(message, title);
public boolean askYesOrNo(String title, String message) {
String updatedMessage = message;
if (message.equals("Are you sure you want to sign out?")) {
updatedMessage += " This will sign out all logged in users.";
return (Messages.showYesNoDialog(updatedMessage, title, GoogleLoginIcons.GOOGLE_FAVICON) == Messages.YES);
public void notifyStatusIndicator() {
if (myButton != null) {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Sets the login menu item.
* @param button The login menu item.
public void setLoginMenuItemContribution(GoogleLoginActionButton trim) {
this.myButton = trim;
* An implementation of the {@link OAuthDataStore} interface using java preferences.
private class AndroidPreferencesOAuthDataStore implements OAuthDataStore {
public void saveOAuthData(OAuthData credentials) {
public OAuthData loadOAuthData() {
return GoogleLoginPrefs.loadOAuthData();
public void clearStoredOAuthData() {
public void initializeUsers() {
String activeUserString = GoogleLoginPrefs.getActiveUser();
List<String> allUsers = GoogleLoginPrefs.getStoredUsers();
String removedUsers = "";
for (String aUser : allUsers) {
// Add a new user, so that loadOAuth called from the GoogleLoginState constructor
// will be able to create a customized key to get that user's OAuth data
// This will be overwritten with new GoogleLoginState object
users.addUser(new CredentialedUser(aUser));
// CredentialedUser's credentials will be updated from the persistent storage in GoogleLoginState constructor
GoogleLoginState delegate = createGoogleLoginState(true);
// delegate will be null if current scopes differ from scopes with users saved auth credentials
if(delegate == null) {
removedUsers += aUser + ", ";
if(aUser.equals(activeUserString)) {
activeUserString = null;
IGoogleLoginCompletedCallback callback = new IGoogleLoginCompletedCallback() {
public void onLoginCompleted() {
users.addUser(new CredentialedUser(delegate, callback));
if(activeUserString == null) {
} else {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
LOG.warn("Error while initiating users", ex);
// Set no active user
// Log removed users
if (!removedUsers.isEmpty()) {"The following user(s) had expired authentication scopes: "
+ removedUsers
+ "and have been logged out.");
private static class AndroidLoggerFacade implements LoggerFacade {
public void logError(String msg, Throwable t) {
LOG.error(msg, t);
public void logWarning(String msg) {