blob: f65d56bb43231cbe5d2f7bc79ef3e1169dbfafb8 [file] [log] [blame]
import gdb
def parse_address_to_int(address):
int_address_string = gdb.execute(
'p/d {}'.format(address), to_string=True)
int_address = int(int_address_string.split('=')[1].strip())
return int_address
def parse_gdb_equals(str):
str is $1 = value. so it returns value
return str.split("=")[1].strip()
class HeapMapping:
Wrapper class for dictionary to have customization for the dictionary
and one entry point
address_length_mapping = {}
address_set = set()
def put(address, length):
HeapMapping.address_length_mapping[address] = length
def get(address):
Gets the length of the dynamic array corresponding to address. Suppose dynamic
array is {1,2,3,4,5} and starting address is 400 which is passed as address to this
method, then method would return 20(i.e. 5 * sizeof(int)). When this address
is offsetted for eg 408 is passed to this method, then it will return remainder
number of bytes allocated, here it would be 12 (i.e. 420 - 408)
Algorithm tries to find address in address_length_apping, if it doesn't find it
then it tries to find the range that can fit the address. if it fails to find such
mapping then it would return None.
length_found = HeapMapping.address_length_mapping.get(address)
if length_found:
return length_found
address_list = list(HeapMapping.address_set)
left = 0
right = len(address_list) - 1
while left <= right:
mid = int((left + right) / 2)
if address > address_list[mid]:
left = mid + 1
# only < case would be accounted in else.
# As == would be handled in the if-check above (outside while)
right = mid - 1
index = left - 1
if index == -1:
return None
base_address = address_list[index]
base_len = HeapMapping.address_length_mapping.get(base_address)
if base_address + base_len > address:
return base_address + base_len - address
return None
def remove(address):
HeapMapping.address_length_mapping.pop(address, None)
class AllocationFinishedBreakpoint(gdb.FinishBreakpoint):
Sets temporary breakpoints on returns (specifically returns of memory allocations)
to record address allocated.
It get instantiated from AllocationBreakpoint and ReallocationBreakpoint. When it is
instantiated from ReallocationBreakPoint, it carries prev_address.
def __init__(self, length, prev_address=None):
self.length = length
self.prev_address = prev_address
def stop(self):
Called when the return address in the current frame is hit. It parses hex address
into int address. If return address is not null then it stores address and length
into the address_length_mapping dictionary.
return_address = self.return_value
if return_address is not None or return_address == 0x0:
if self.prev_address != None:
# Converting hex address to int address
int_address = parse_address_to_int(return_address)
HeapMapping.put(int_address, self.length)
return False
class AllocationBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
Handler class when malloc and operator new[] gets hit
def __init__(self, spec):
super().__init__(spec, internal=True)
def stop(self):
# handle malloc and new
func_args_string = gdb.execute('info args', to_string=True)
if func_args_string.find("=") != -1:
# There will be just 1 argument to malloc. So no need to handle multiline
length = int(parse_gdb_equals(func_args_string))
return False
class ReallocationBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
Handler class when realloc gets hit
def __init__(self, spec):
super().__init__(spec, internal=True)
def stop(self):
# handle realloc
func_args_string = gdb.execute('info args', to_string=True)
if func_args_string.find("=") != -1:
args = func_args_string.split("\n")
address = parse_gdb_equals(args[0])
int_address = parse_address_to_int(address)
length = int(parse_gdb_equals(args[1]))
AllocationFinishedBreakpoint(length, int_address)
return False
class DeallocationBreakpoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
Handler class when free and operator delete[] gets hit
def __init__(self, spec):
super().__init__(spec, internal=True)
def stop(self):
func_args_string = gdb.execute('info args', to_string=True)
if func_args_string.find("=") != -1:
address = parse_gdb_equals(func_args_string)
int_address = parse_address_to_int(address)
return False
class WatchHeap(gdb.Command):
Custom Command to keep track of Heap Memory Allocation.
Currently keeps tracks of memory allocated/deallocated using
malloc, realloc, free, operator new[] and operator delete[]
def __init__(self):
super(WatchHeap, self).__init__("watch_heap", gdb.COMMAND_USER)
def complete(self, text, word):
def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
# TODO : Check whether break location methods are defined
AllocationBreakpoint("operator new[]")
DeallocationBreakpoint("operator delete[]")
class PrintHeapPointer(gdb.Command):
Custom command to print memory allocated at dynamic time
def __init__(self):
super(PrintHeapPointer, self).__init__("print_ptr", gdb.COMMAND_USER)
def complete(self, text, word):
def invoke(self, args, from_tty=True):
value = gdb.parse_and_eval(args)
if value.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
print("Type : ", value.type)
starting_address_string = gdb.execute(
'p/x {}'.format(value), to_string=True)
print("Address: ",
int_address = parse_address_to_int(value)
# print memory
except Exception:
print('No symbol found!')
def print_heap(self, address):
Prints the memory that is being pointed by address in hex format
address : raw pointer
memory_size = HeapMapping.get(address)
if memory_size:
print('Length :', memory_size)
result = ''
i = 0
while i < memory_size:
byte_string = gdb.execute(
'x/1bx {}'.format(address), to_string=True)
result += byte_string.split(':')[1].strip() + " "
address += 1
i += 1
print("No address mapping found!")
if __name__ == '__main__':