blob: cf6938266d8ea59e8768f9346833aeec96d9bdd6 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::entry::Entry;
use crate::cbor::dice::entry::PayloadFields;
use crate::cbor::{cose_error, value_from_bytes};
use crate::dice::{Chain, ChainForm, DegenerateChain, Payload};
use crate::publickey::PublicKey;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use ciborium::value::Value;
use coset::{cbor::value::Value::Array, AsCborValue, CoseKey};
impl ChainForm {
/// Decode and validate a CBOR-encoded DICE chain. The form of chain is inferred from the
/// structure of the data.
pub fn from_cbor(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
let (root_public_key, it) = root_and_entries_from_cbor(bytes)?;
if it.len() == 1 {
// The chain could be degenerate so interpret it as such until it's seen to be more
// than a single self-signed entry. Care is taken to not consume the iterator in case
// it ends up needing to be interpreted as a proper DICE chain.
let value = it.as_slice()[0].clone();
let entry = Entry::verify_cbor_value(value, &root_public_key)
.context("parsing degenerate entry")?;
let fields =
PayloadFields::from_cbor(entry.payload()).context("parsing degenerate payload")?;
let chain =
DegenerateChain::new(fields.issuer, fields.subject, fields.subject_public_key)
.context("creating DegenerateChain")?;
if root_public_key.pkey().public_eq(chain.public_key().pkey()) {
return Ok(Self::Degenerate(chain));
Ok(Self::Proper(Chain::from_root_and_entries(root_public_key, it)?))
impl Chain {
/// Decode and validate a Chain from its CBOR representation. This ensures the CBOR is
/// well-formed, that all required fields are present, and all present fields contain
/// reasonable values. The signature of each certificate is validated and the payload
/// extracted. This does not perform any semantic validation of the data in the
/// certificates such as the Authority, Config and Code hashes.
pub fn from_cbor(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
let (root_public_key, it) = root_and_entries_from_cbor(bytes)?;
Self::from_root_and_entries(root_public_key, it)
fn from_root_and_entries(root: PublicKey, values: std::vec::IntoIter<Value>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut payloads = Vec::with_capacity(values.len());
let mut previous_public_key = &root;
for (n, value) in values.enumerate() {
let entry = Entry::verify_cbor_value(value, previous_public_key)
.with_context(|| format!("Invalid entry at index {}", n))?;
let payload = Payload::from_cbor(entry.payload())
.with_context(|| format!("Invalid payload at index {}", n))?;
let previous = payloads.last().unwrap();
previous_public_key = previous.subject_public_key();
Self::validate(root, payloads).context("Building chain")
fn root_and_entries_from_cbor(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(PublicKey, std::vec::IntoIter<Value>)> {
let value = value_from_bytes(bytes).context("Unable to decode top-level CBOR")?;
let array = match value {
Array(array) if array.len() >= 2 => array,
_ => bail!("Expected an array of at least length 2, found: {:?}", value),
let mut it = array.into_iter();
let root_public_key = CoseKey::from_cbor_value(
.context("Error parsing root public key CBOR")?;
let root_public_key = PublicKey::from_cose_key(&root_public_key).context("Invalid root key")?;
Ok((root_public_key, it))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fs;
fn chain_form_valid_proper() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/valid_ed25519.chain").unwrap();
let form = ChainForm::from_cbor(&chain).unwrap();
assert!(matches!(form, ChainForm::Proper(_)));
fn chain_form_valid_degenerate() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/cf_degenerate.chain").unwrap();
let form = ChainForm::from_cbor(&chain).unwrap();
assert!(matches!(form, ChainForm::Degenerate(_)));
fn check_chain_valid_ed25519() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/valid_ed25519.chain").unwrap();
let chain = Chain::from_cbor(&chain).unwrap();
assert_eq!(chain.payloads().len(), 8);
fn check_chain_valid_p256() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/valid_p256.chain").unwrap();
let chain = Chain::from_cbor(&chain).unwrap();
assert_eq!(chain.payloads().len(), 3);
fn check_chain_bad_p256() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/bad_p256.chain").unwrap();
fn check_chain_bad_pub_key() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/bad_pub_key.chain").unwrap();
fn check_chain_bad_final_signature() {
let chain = fs::read("testdata/dice/bad_final_signature.chain").unwrap();