blob: 6a45a766fb4d1aac589fcc70577b67293a39981a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::{
mpsc::{channel, Sender},
Arc, Mutex,
use std::thread;
use crate::captures::captures_handler;
use crate::devices::chip::ChipIdentifier;
use crate::echip::get;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::{error, info, warn};
use netsim_proto::hci_packet::hcipacket::PacketType;
use protobuf::Enum;
/// The Packet module routes packets from a chip controller instance to
/// different transport managers. Currently transport managers include
/// - GRPC is a PacketStreamer
/// - FD is a file descriptor to a pair of Unix Fifos used by "-s" startup
/// - SOCKET is a TCP stream
// When a connection arrives, the transport registers a responder
// implementing Response trait for the packet stream.
pub trait Response {
fn response(&mut self, packet: Vec<u8>, packet_type: u8);
// When a responder is registered a responder thread is created to
// decouple the chip controller from the network. The thread reads
// ResponsePacket from a queue and sends to responder.
struct ResponsePacket {
packet: Vec<u8>,
packet_type: u8,
// SENDERS is a singleton that contains a hash map from
// (kind,facade_id) to responder queue.
lazy_static! {
static ref SENDERS: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<ChipIdentifier, Sender<ResponsePacket>>>> =
/// Register a chip controller instance to a transport manager.
pub fn register_transport(chip_id: ChipIdentifier, mut responder: Box<dyn Response + Send>) {
let (tx, rx) = channel::<ResponsePacket>();
let mut map = SENDERS.lock().expect("register_transport: poisoned lock");
if map.contains_key(&chip_id) {
error!("register_transport: key already present for chip_id: {chip_id}");
map.insert(chip_id, tx);
let _ = thread::Builder::new().name(format!("transport_writer_{chip_id}")).spawn(move || {
info!("register_transport: started thread chip_id: {chip_id}");
loop {
match rx.recv() {
Ok(ResponsePacket { packet, packet_type }) => {
responder.response(packet, packet_type);
Err(_) => {
info!("register_transport: finished thread chip_id: {chip_id}");
/// Unregister a chip controller instance.
pub fn unregister_transport(chip_id: ChipIdentifier) {
// Shuts down the responder thread, because sender is dropped.
SENDERS.lock().expect("unregister_transport: poisoned lock").remove(&chip_id);
// Handle response from facades.
// Queue the response packet to be handled by the responder thread.
pub fn handle_response(chip_id: ChipIdentifier, packet: &cxx::CxxVector<u8>, packet_type: u8) {
// TODO(b/314840701):
// 1. Per EChip Struct should contain private field of channel & facade_id
// 2. Lookup from ECHIPS with given chip_id
// 3. Call echips.handle_response
let packet_vec = packet.as_slice().to_vec();
captures_handler::handle_packet_response(chip_id, &packet_vec, packet_type.into());
let mut binding = SENDERS.lock().expect("Failed to acquire lock on SENDERS");
if let Some(responder) = binding.get(&chip_id) {
if responder.send(ResponsePacket { packet: packet_vec, packet_type }).is_err() {
warn!("handle_response: send failed for chip_id: {chip_id}");
} else {
warn!("handle_response: unknown chip_id: {chip_id}");
/// Handle requests from transports.
pub fn handle_request(chip_id: ChipIdentifier, packet: &mut Vec<u8>, packet_type: u8) {
captures_handler::handle_packet_request(chip_id, packet, packet_type.into());
// Prepend packet_type to packet if specified
if PacketType::HCI_PACKET_UNSPECIFIED.value()
!= <u8 as std::convert::Into<i32>>::into(packet_type)
packet.insert(0, packet_type);
// Perform handle_request
match get(chip_id) {
Some(emulated_chip) => emulated_chip.handle_request(packet),
None => warn!("SharedEmulatedChip doesn't exist for {chip_id}"),
/// Handle requests from transports in C++.
pub fn handle_request_cxx(chip_id: u32, packet: &cxx::CxxVector<u8>, packet_type: u8) {
let mut packet_vec = packet.as_slice().to_vec();
handle_request(chip_id, &mut packet_vec, packet_type);
mod tests {
use super::*;
struct TestTransport {}
impl Response for TestTransport {
fn response(&mut self, _packet: Vec<u8>, _packet_type: u8) {}
fn test_register_transport() {
let val: Box<dyn Response + Send> = Box::new(TestTransport {});
register_transport(0, val);
let binding = SENDERS.lock().unwrap();
fn test_unregister_transport() {
register_transport(1, Box::new(TestTransport {}));