blob: 3dc6c37b1f96548ed0a976e8a85a511fba44b859 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Packet Capture handlers and singleton for HTTP and gRPC server.
//! This module implements a handler for GET, PATCH, LIST capture
//! /v1/captures --> handle_capture_list
//! /v1/captures/{id} --> handle_capture_patch, handle_capture_get
//! handle_capture_cxx calls handle_capture, which calls handle_capture_* based on uri
//! handle_packet_request and handle_packet_response is invoked by packet_hub
//! to write packets to files if capture state is on.
// TODO(b/274506882): Implement gRPC status proto on error responses. Also write better
// and more descriptive error messages with proper error codes.
use cxx::CxxVector;
use frontend_proto::common::ChipKind;
use frontend_proto::frontend::{GetDevicesResponse, ListCaptureResponse};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use netsim_common::util::time_display::TimeDisplay;
use protobuf::Message;
use protobuf_json_mapping::{print_to_string_with_options, PrintOptions};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Result};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::RwLock;
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use crate::captures::capture::{Captures, ChipId};
use crate::ffi::{get_devices_bytes, CxxServerResponseWriter};
use crate::http_server::http_request::{HttpHeaders, HttpRequest};
use crate::http_server::server_response::ResponseWritable;
use crate::CxxServerResponseWriterWrapper;
use super::capture::CaptureInfo;
use super::pcap_util::{append_record, PacketDirection};
use super::PCAP_MIME_TYPE;
const CHUNK_LEN: usize = 1_048_576;
const JSON_PRINT_OPTION: PrintOptions = PrintOptions {
enum_values_int: false,
proto_field_name: false,
always_output_default_values: true,
_future_options: (),
// The Capture resource is a singleton that manages all captures
lazy_static! {
static ref RESOURCE: RwLock<Captures> = RwLock::new(Captures::new());
// Update the Captures collection to reflect the currently connected devices.
// This function removes entries from Captures when devices/chips
// go away and adds entries when new devices/chips connect.
// Note: if a device disconnects and there is captured data, the entry
// remains with a flag valid = false so it can be retrieved.
fn update_captures(captures: &mut Captures) {
// Perform get_devices_bytes ffi to receive bytes of GetDevicesResponse
// Print error and return empty hashmap if GetDevicesBytes fails.
let mut vec = Vec::<u8>::new();
if !get_devices_bytes(&mut vec) {
println!("netsim error: GetDevicesBytes failed - returning an empty set of captures");
// Parse get_devices_response
let device_response = GetDevicesResponse::parse_from_bytes(&vec).unwrap();
// Adding to Captures hashmap
let mut chip_ids = HashSet::<ChipId>::new();
for device in device_response.devices {
for chip in device.chips {
if !captures.contains( {
let capture = CaptureInfo::new(
// Two cases when device gets disconnected:
// 1. The device had no capture, remove completely.
// 2. The device had capture, indicate by capture.set_valid(false)
enum RemovalIndicator {
Gone(ChipId), // type ChipId = i32
Unused(ChipId), // type ChipId = i32
// Check if the active_capture entry still exists in the chips.
let mut removal = Vec::<RemovalIndicator>::new();
for (chip_id, capture) in captures.iter() {
let lock = capture.lock().unwrap();
let proto_capture = lock.get_capture_proto();
if !chip_ids.contains(chip_id) {
if proto_capture.size == 0 {
} else {
// Now remove/update the captures based on the loop above
for indicator in removal {
match indicator {
RemovalIndicator::Unused(key) => captures.remove(&key),
RemovalIndicator::Gone(key) => {
for capture in captures.get(key).iter() {
capture.lock().unwrap().valid = false;
// Helper function for getting file name from the given fields.
fn get_file(id: ChipId, device_name: String, chip_kind: ChipKind) -> Result<File> {
let mut filename = std::env::temp_dir();
filename.push(format!("{:?}-{:}-{:?}.pcap", id, device_name, chip_kind));
// TODO: GetCapture should return the information of the capture. Need to reconsider
// uri hierarchy.
// GET /captures/id/{id} --> Get Capture information
// GET /captures/contents/{id} --> Download Pcap file
pub fn handle_capture_get(writer: ResponseWritable, captures: &mut Captures, id: ChipId) {
// Get the most updated active captures
if let Some(capture) = captures.get(id).map(|arc_capture| arc_capture.lock().unwrap()) {
if capture.size == 0 {
writer.put_error(404, "Capture file not found");
} else if let Ok(mut file) = get_file(id, capture.device_name.clone(), capture.chip_kind) {
let mut buffer = [0u8; CHUNK_LEN];
let time_display = TimeDisplay::new(capture.seconds, capture.nanos as u32);
let header_value = format!(
"attachment; filename=\"{:?}-{:}-{:?}-{}.pcap\"",
&[("Content-Disposition", header_value.as_str())],
loop {
match buffer) {
Ok(0) => break,
Ok(length) => writer.put_chunk(&buffer[..length]),
Err(_) => writer.put_error(404, "Error reading pcap file"),
} else {
writer.put_error(404, "Cannot open Capture file");
} else {
writer.put_error(404, "Cannot access Capture Resource")
pub fn handle_capture_list(writer: ResponseWritable, captures: &mut Captures) {
// Get the most updated active captures
// Instantiate ListCaptureResponse and add Captures
let mut response = ListCaptureResponse::new();
for capture in captures.values() {
// Perform protobuf-json-mapping with the given protobuf
if let Ok(json_response) = print_to_string_with_options(&response, &JSON_PRINT_OPTION) {
writer.put_ok("text/json", &json_response, &[])
} else {
writer.put_error(404, "proto to JSON mapping failure")
pub fn handle_capture_patch(
writer: ResponseWritable,
captures: &mut Captures,
id: ChipId,
state: bool,
) {
// Get the most updated active captures
if let Some(mut capture) = captures.get(id).map(|arc_capture| arc_capture.lock().unwrap()) {
match state {
true => {
if let Err(err) = capture.start_capture() {
writer.put_error(404, err.to_string().as_str());
false => capture.stop_capture(),
// Perform protobuf-json-mapping with the given protobuf
if let Ok(json_response) =
print_to_string_with_options(&capture.get_capture_proto(), &JSON_PRINT_OPTION)
writer.put_ok("text/json", &json_response, &[]);
} else {
writer.put_error(404, "proto to JSON mapping failure");
/// The Rust capture handler used directly by Http frontend for LIST, GET, and PATCH
pub fn handle_capture(request: &HttpRequest, param: &str, writer: ResponseWritable) {
if request.uri.as_str() == "/v1/captures" {
match request.method.as_str() {
"GET" => {
let mut captures = RESOURCE.write().unwrap();
handle_capture_list(writer, &mut captures);
_ => writer.put_error(404, "Not found."),
} else {
match request.method.as_str() {
"GET" => {
let mut captures = RESOURCE.write().unwrap();
let id = match param.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => {
writer.put_error(404, "Incorrect ID type for capture, ID should be i32.");
handle_capture_get(writer, &mut captures, id);
"PATCH" => {
let mut captures = RESOURCE.write().unwrap();
let id = match param.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => {
writer.put_error(404, "Incorrect ID type for capture, ID should be i32.");
let body = &request.body;
let state = String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()).unwrap();
match state.as_str() {
"1" => handle_capture_patch(writer, &mut captures, id, true),
"2" => handle_capture_patch(writer, &mut captures, id, false),
_ => writer.put_error(404, "Incorrect state for PatchCapture"),
_ => writer.put_error(404, "Not found."),
/// capture handle cxx for grpc server to call
pub fn handle_capture_cxx(
responder: Pin<&mut CxxServerResponseWriter>,
method: String,
param: String,
body: String,
) {
let mut request = HttpRequest {
uri: String::new(),
headers: HttpHeaders::new(),
version: "1.1".to_string(),
body: body.as_bytes().to_vec(),
if param.is_empty() {
request.uri = "/v1/captures".to_string();
} else {
request.uri = format!("/v1/captures/{}", param);
&mut CxxServerResponseWriterWrapper { writer: responder },
// Helper function for translating u32 representation of ChipKind
fn int_to_chip_kind(kind: u32) -> ChipKind {
match kind {
1 => ChipKind::BLUETOOTH,
2 => ChipKind::WIFI,
3 => ChipKind::UWB,
_ => ChipKind::UNSPECIFIED,
// A common code for handle_request and handle_response cxx mehtods
fn handle_packet(
kind: u32,
facade_id: u32,
packet: &CxxVector<u8>,
packet_type: u32,
direction: PacketDirection,
) {
let captures =;
let facade_key = CaptureInfo::new_facade_key(int_to_chip_kind(kind), facade_id as i32);
if let Some(mut capture) = captures
.map(|arc_capture| arc_capture.lock().unwrap())
if let Some(ref mut file) = capture.file {
if int_to_chip_kind(kind) == ChipKind::BLUETOOTH {
let timestamp =
SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time went backwards");
match append_record(timestamp, file, direction, packet_type, packet.as_slice()) {
Ok(size) => {
capture.size += size;
capture.records += 1;
Err(err) => {
println!("netsimd: {err:?}");
// Cxx Method for packet_hub to invoke (Host to Controller Packet Flow)
pub fn handle_packet_request(kind: u32, facade_id: u32, packet: &CxxVector<u8>, packet_type: u32) {
handle_packet(kind, facade_id, packet, packet_type, PacketDirection::HostToController)
// Cxx Method for packet_hub to invoke (Controller to Host Packet Flow)
pub fn handle_packet_response(kind: u32, facade_id: u32, packet: &CxxVector<u8>, packet_type: u32) {
handle_packet(kind, facade_id, packet, packet_type, PacketDirection::ControllerToHost)