blob: 3c665ccfedfac5b46428b4739c85ba395f8ae3c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Netsim cxx libraries.
mod captures;
mod devices;
mod http_server;
mod ranging;
mod system;
mod transport;
mod uwb;
mod version;
use std::pin::Pin;
use cxx::let_cxx_string;
use ffi::CxxServerResponseWriter;
use http_server::http_request::StrHeaders;
use http_server::server_response::ServerResponseWritable;
use crate::transport::fd::handle_response;
use crate::transport::fd::run_fd_transport;
use crate::captures::handlers::{
clear_pcap_files, handle_capture_cxx, handle_packet_request, handle_packet_response,
use crate::http_server::run_http_server;
use crate::ranging::*;
use crate::uwb::facade::*;
use crate::version::*;
#[cxx::bridge(namespace = "netsim")]
mod ffi {
extern "Rust" {
#[cxx_name = "RunFdTransport"]
fn run_fd_transport(startup_json: &String);
#[cxx_name = "RunHttpServer"]
fn run_http_server();
// Ranging
#[cxx_name = "DistanceToRssi"]
fn distance_to_rssi(tx_power: i8, distance: f32) -> i8;
// Version
#[cxx_name = "GetVersion"]
fn get_version() -> String;
// handle_capture_cxx translates each argument into an appropriate Rust type
#[cxx_name = "HandleCaptureCxx"]
fn handle_capture_cxx(
responder: Pin<&mut CxxServerResponseWriter>,
method: String,
param: String,
body: String,
// Packet hub
#[cxx_name = HandleResponse]
#[namespace = "netsim::fd"]
fn handle_response(kind: u32, facade_id: u32, packet: &CxxVector<u8>, packet_type: u8);
// Capture Resource
#[cxx_name = HandleRequest]
#[namespace = "netsim::pcap"]
fn handle_packet_request(
kind: u32,
facade_id: u32,
packet: &CxxVector<u8>,
packet_type: u32,
#[cxx_name = HandleResponse]
#[namespace = "netsim::pcap"]
fn handle_packet_response(
kind: u32,
facade_id: u32,
packet: &CxxVector<u8>,
packet_type: u32,
// Clearing out all pcap Files in temp directory
#[cxx_name = ClearPcapFiles]
#[namespace = "netsim::pcap"]
fn clear_pcap_files() -> bool;
// Uwb Facade.
#[cxx_name = HandleUwbRequestCxx]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb"]
fn handle_uwb_request(facade_id: u32, packet: &[u8]);
#[cxx_name = PatchCxx]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_patch(_facade_id: u32, _proto_bytes: &[u8]);
#[cxx_name = GetCxx]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_get(_facade_id: u32) -> Vec<u8>;
#[cxx_name = Reset]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_reset(_facade_id: u32);
#[cxx_name = Remove]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_remove(_facade_id: u32);
#[cxx_name = Add]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_add(_chip_id: u32) -> u32;
#[cxx_name = Start]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_start();
#[cxx_name = Stop]
#[namespace = "netsim::uwb::facade"]
pub fn uwb_stop();
unsafe extern "C++" {
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
type AddChipResult;
fn get_chip_id(self: &AddChipResult) -> u32;
fn get_device_id(self: &AddChipResult) -> u32;
fn get_facade_id(self: &AddChipResult) -> u32;
#[rust_name = "add_chip_cxx"]
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
fn AddChipCxx(
guid: &CxxString,
device_name: &CxxString,
chip_kind: u32,
chip_name: &CxxString,
manufacturer: &CxxString,
product_name: &CxxString,
) -> UniquePtr<AddChipResult>;
#[rust_name = "remove_chip"]
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
fn RemoveChip(device_id: u32, chip_id: u32);
#[rust_name = "get_devices"]
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
fn GetDevices(
request: &CxxString,
response: Pin<&mut CxxString>,
error_message: Pin<&mut CxxString>,
) -> u32;
#[rust_name = "get_devices_bytes"]
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
fn GetDevicesBytes(vec: &mut Vec<u8>) -> bool;
#[rust_name = "get_facade_id"]
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
fn GetFacadeId(chip_id: i32) -> i32;
#[rust_name = "patch_device"]
#[namespace = "netsim::scene_controller"]
fn PatchDevice(
request: &CxxString,
response: Pin<&mut CxxString>,
error_message: Pin<&mut CxxString>,
) -> u32;
/// A C++ class which can be used to respond to a request.
#[namespace = "netsim::frontend"]
type CxxServerResponseWriter;
#[namespace = "netsim::frontend"]
fn put_ok_with_length(self: &CxxServerResponseWriter, mime_type: &CxxString, length: usize);
#[namespace = "netsim::frontend"]
fn put_chunk(self: &CxxServerResponseWriter, chunk: &[u8]);
#[namespace = "netsim::frontend"]
fn put_ok(self: &CxxServerResponseWriter, mime_type: &CxxString, body: &CxxString);
#[namespace = "netsim::frontend"]
fn put_error(self: &CxxServerResponseWriter, error_code: u32, error_message: &CxxString);
#[rust_name = "handle_request_cxx"]
#[namespace = "netsim::packet_hub"]
fn HandleRequestCxx(kind: u32, facade_id: u32, packet: &Vec<u8>, packet_type: u8);
/// CxxServerResponseWriter is defined in server_response_writable.h
/// Wrapper struct allows the impl to discover the respective C++ methods
struct CxxServerResponseWriterWrapper<'a> {
writer: Pin<&'a mut CxxServerResponseWriter>,
impl ServerResponseWritable for CxxServerResponseWriterWrapper<'_> {
fn put_ok_with_length(&mut self, mime_type: &str, length: usize, _headers: StrHeaders) {
let_cxx_string!(mime_type = mime_type);
self.writer.put_ok_with_length(&mime_type, length);
fn put_chunk(&mut self, chunk: &[u8]) {
fn put_ok(&mut self, mime_type: &str, body: &str, _headers: StrHeaders) {
let_cxx_string!(mime_type = mime_type);
let_cxx_string!(body = body);
self.writer.put_ok(&mime_type, &body);
fn put_error(&mut self, error_code: u16, error_message: &str) {
let_cxx_string!(error_message = error_message);
self.writer.put_error(error_code.into(), &error_message);
fn put_ok_with_vec(&mut self, _mime_type: &str, _body: Vec<u8>, _headers: StrHeaders) {