blob: 2f59bd98e665dd52ebecaa6bec510a6a532869dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package netsim.model;
import "netsim/common.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "rootcanal/configuration.proto";
// A 3D position. A valid Position must have both x and y coordinates.
// The position coordinates are in meters.
message Position {
// positional value of x axis
float x = 1;
// positional value of y axis
float y = 2;
// positional value of z axis
float z = 3;
// A 3D orientation. A valid Orientation must have yaw, pitch, and roll.
// The orientation values are in degrees.
message Orientation {
// Rotational value around vertical axis.
float yaw = 1;
// Rotational value around side-to-side axis
float pitch = 2;
// Rotational value around front-to-back axis
float roll = 3;
// Radio Type used by netsim-grpc in testing module
enum PhyKind {
// Unknown Chip Kind
NONE = 0;
WIFI = 3;
UWB = 4;
// An explicit valued boolean.
// This is to avoid having default values.
enum State {
// Default State
// True state
ON = 1;
// False state
OFF = 2;
// Model of a Chip in netsim
message Chip {
// Type of Radio (BT, WIFI, UWB)
netsim.common.ChipKind kind = 1;
// Chip Identifier
uint32 id = 2;
// optional like "rear-right"
string name = 3;
// optional like Quorvo
string manufacturer = 4;
// optional like DW300
string product_name = 5;
// Radio state associated with the Chip
message Radio {
// Boolean state of Radio
State state = 1;
// Maximum range of Radio
float range = 2;
// Transmitted packet counts
int32 tx_count = 3;
// Received packet counts
int32 rx_count = 4;
// Bluetooth has 2 radios
message Bluetooth {
// BLE
Radio low_energy = 1;
// Bluetooth Classic
Radio classic = 2;
// BD_ADDR address
string address = 3;
// rootcanal Controller Properties
rootcanal.configuration.Controller bt_properties = 4;
// BleBeacon has numerous configurable fields.
// Address, AdvertiseSetting, AdvertiseData.
message BleBeacon {
// Advertise Settigns dictate how the beacon functions on the netwwork.
message AdvertiseSettings {
// How often the beacon sends an advertising packet
// Referenced From
// packages/modules/Bluetooth/framework/java/android/bluetooth/le/
enum AdvertiseMode {
// Perform Bluetooth LE advertising in low power mode. This is the
// default and preferred advertising mode as it consumes the least power
// Perform Bluetooth LE advertising in balanced power mode. This is
// balanced between advertising frequency and power consumption
// Perform Bluetooth LE advertising in low latency, high power mode.
// This has the highest power consumption and should not be used for
// continuous background advertising
// Amount of power to send transmissions. Correlates with signal strength
// and range. Inversely correlates with energy consumption.
// Referenced From
// packages/modules/Bluetooth/framework/java/android/bluetooth/le/
enum AdvertiseTxPower {
// Advertise using the lowest transmission (TX) power level. Low
// transmission power can be used to restrict the visibility range of
// advertising packets
// Advertise using low TX power level. This is the default
LOW = 1;
// Advertise using medium TX power level
// Advertise using high TX power level. This corresponds to largest
// visibility range of the advertising packet
HIGH = 3;
// Time interval between advertisments.
oneof interval {
// How often the beacon sends an advertising packet
AdvertiseMode advertise_mode = 1;
// Numeric time interval between advertisements in ms.
uint64 milliseconds = 2;
// Transmission power level.
oneof tx_power {
// Amount of power to send transmission
AdvertiseTxPower tx_power_level = 3;
// Numeric transmission power in dBm. Must be within [-127, 127].
int32 dbm = 4;
// Whether the beacon will respond to scan requests.
bool scannable = 5;
// Limit adveritising to a given amoutn of time.
uint64 timeout = 6;
// These parameters dictate which fields are included in advertisements or
// scan responses sent by the beacon. Beacons in Betosim will support a
// subset of the complete list of fields found in "Supplement to the
// Bluetooth Core Specification"
message AdvertiseData {
// GATT service proto
message Service {
// UUID of a Bluetooth GATT service for the beacon
string uuid = 1;
// Bytes of data associated with a GATT service provided by the device
bytes data = 2;
// Whether the device name should be included in advertise packet.
bool include_device_name = 1;
// Whether the transmission power level should be included in the
// advertise packet.
bool include_tx_power_level = 2;
// Manufacturer specific data.
bytes manufacturer_data = 3;
// GATT services supported by the devices
repeated Service services = 4;
// Bluetooth Radio
Bluetooth bt = 1;
// BD_ADDR address
string address = 2;
// Settings on how beacon functions
AdvertiseSettings settings = 3;
// Advertising Data
AdvertiseData adv_data = 4;
// Scan Response Data
AdvertiseData scan_response = 5;
oneof chip {
// Dual mode of Bluetooth
Bluetooth bt = 6;
// Bluetooth Beacon Low Energy
BleBeacon ble_beacon = 9;
// UWB
Radio uwb = 7;
Radio wifi = 8;
// Protobuf for ChipCreate
// This is used specifically for CreateDevice
message ChipCreate {
// Protobuf for BleBeaconCreate
// Beacon specific information during creation
message BleBeaconCreate {
// BD_ADDR address
string address = 1;
// Settings on how beacon functions
Chip.BleBeacon.AdvertiseSettings settings = 3;
// Advertising Data
Chip.BleBeacon.AdvertiseData adv_data = 4;
// Scan Response Data
Chip.BleBeacon.AdvertiseData scan_response = 5;
// Type of Radio (BT, WIFI, UWB)
netsim.common.ChipKind kind = 1;
// BD_ADDR address
string address = 2;
// optional like "rear-right"
string name = 3;
// optional like Quorvo
string manufacturer = 4;
// optional like DW300
string product_name = 5;
oneof chip {
// BleBeaconCreate protobuf
BleBeaconCreate ble_beacon = 6;
// optional rootcanal configuration for bluetooth chipsets.
rootcanal.configuration.Controller bt_properties = 7;
// Device model for netsim
message Device {
// Device Identifier
uint32 id = 1;
// Device name. Settable at creation
string name = 2;
// Visibility of device in the scene
State visible = 3;
// Position of Device
Position position = 4;
// Orientation of Device
Orientation orientation = 5;
// Chips in Device. Device can have multiple chips of the same kind.
repeated Chip chips = 6;
// Protobuf for DeviceCreate
// This is used specifically for CreateDevice
message DeviceCreate {
// Device name.
string name = 1;
// Position of Device
Position position = 2;
// Orientation of Device
Orientation orientation = 3;
// Chips in Device
repeated ChipCreate chips = 4;
// Scene model for netsim
message Scene {
// List of devices in the scene.
repeated Device devices = 1;
// Capture model for netsim
message Capture {
// Capture Identifier (Same as Chip Identifier)
uint32 id = 1;
// Type of Radio (BT, WIFI, UWB)
netsim.common.ChipKind chip_kind = 2;
// device AVD name
string device_name = 3;
// capture state
State state = 4;
// size of current capture
int32 size = 5;
// number of records in current capture
int32 records = 6;
// Timestamp of the most recent start_capture
// When "state" is set "ON", timestamp is updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 7;
// True if capture for the chip is attached to netsim.
// False if chip has been detached from netsim.
bool valid = 8;