blob: 5fa012f5abfeed879d6a06b6809d148432210e45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file is referenced from android/video/brimstone/frontend/app/
* infinite_scroll/infinite_scroll.ts
import {DOCUMENT} from '@angular/common';
import {Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, NgZone, OnChanges, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, SimpleChanges} from '@angular/core';
import {BehaviorSubject, fromEvent, merge, Subject} from 'rxjs';
import {debounceTime, filter, skip, takeUntil} from 'rxjs/operators';
* Directive for implementing an infinite scroll UI.
* The InfiniteScroll directive is agnostic of what the underlying component or
* element is; it only needs to be attached to a scrollable element. The
* scrollable component must handle the `scrollLoad` event and replace its
* `completed` promise with one that resolves when the loading is completed.
* The scrolling threshold is based on a percentage of the container height, and
* not a precise pixel height, because the size of content may not be known in
* advance, and this approach scales to different container heights without
* requiring advance calculations of offsets. Using the container height instead
* of content height also provides consistent behavior in terms of how much
* content remains to be scrolled before triggering a new load, e.g. it will not
* change based on how much content is already loaded/scrolled past.
@Directive({selector: '[mttInfiniteScroll]'})
export class InfiniteScroll implements OnChanges, OnInit, OnDestroy {
* Provides a way to control the initial enabled state of the scroll. When the
* directive is first created, it has no prior history of requests and
* therefore does not know whether or not more data can be loaded. By default,
* it will assume that more data exists. This can be overridden if this
* property has a value of `false` during initialization.
@Input() enableInfiniteScroll = true;
* Specifies throttling of scroll events, in milliseconds.
* This is used to prevent slowdowns due to checking scroll properties (and
* thus triggering forced synchronous layouts) on every scroll. The value
* specified here will be the minimum time between forced layouts, as well as
* the maximum time a user might have to wait before a scroll actually
* triggers loading.
@Input() scrollDebounceTimeMs = DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS;
/** Event emitted when the element has scrolled enough to need new content. */
@Output() readonly scrollLoad = new EventEmitter<InfiniteScrollLoadEvent>();
* Target element to which to apply the scrolling behavior. This property is
* read only once at initialization; subsequent changes will have no effect.
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-input-rename Directive name is the input name.
@Input('mttInfiniteScroll') scrollTarget = InfiniteScrollTarget.SELF;
* The minimum distance from the bottom of the content, expressed as a
* percentage of the total container height, which the scrolled distance must
* exceed in order to trigger a new load.
* For example, given these values:
* - Threshold (%): 75
* - Container height: 200px
* - Content height: 1000px
* Threshold * container height yields 150px. Subtracting from the end of the
* content, we get 1000px - 150px = 850px. The next load will be triggered
* when the BOTTOM of the scroll position is >= 850px, which corresponds to
* a `scrollTop` of 850px - 200px = 650px.
* The actual threshold is always based on the container height, not the
* content height or an arbitrarily-chosen dimension. One way to think of this
* is: in the example above, if we are displaying a table that is 1000px high,
* and every row is exactly 50px, a content load will always be triggered just
* after the third-to-last row starts scrolling into view.
@Input() scrollThreshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_PCT;
private readonly destroyed = new Subject<void>();
private hasMoreContent = false;
private isLoading = false;
private readonly loading = new BehaviorSubject(false);
private readonly element: ElementRef,
@Inject(DOCUMENT) private readonly document: Document,
private readonly zone: NgZone) {}
* Handles changes to component bindings.
* @param changes Latest changes.
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if ('enableInfiniteScroll' in changes) {
this.hasMoreContent = this.enableInfiniteScroll;
/** Cleans up resources used by the component. */
ngOnDestroy() {}
/** Handles component initialization. */
ngOnInit() {
// Set whether current page has more content can be loaded
this.hasMoreContent = this.enableInfiniteScroll;
// Set the current isLoading state
this.loading.subscribe((isLoading) => {
this.isLoading = isLoading;
// Listeners should be installed from outside the Angular zone in order to
// prevent a change-detection cycle from being triggered every time the
// event fires. We'll manually fire change detection when a load starts and
// completes. => {
* Allow targeted element's scroll event to be detected and fire load content
* event accordingly
private installScrollListener() {
const target = this.scrollTarget === InfiniteScrollTarget.DOCUMENT ?
this.document :
const scrollable = this.scrollTarget === InfiniteScrollTarget.DOCUMENT ?
this.document.scrollingElement as HTMLElement ||
this.document.documentElement :
this.element.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
const scrollEvents = fromEvent(target, 'scroll');
const loadCompletedEvents = this.loading.pipe(
filter((isLoading) => !isLoading),
// First event is just the default value, not a transition.
merge(loadCompletedEvents, scrollEvents)
// If isloading is false, now we want to start a loading event
// If isloading is true, we want to wait till that event is finished
filter(() => !this.isLoading && this.hasMoreContent),
filter(() => this.isOverScrollThreshold(scrollable)),
.subscribe(() => {
// On fire loading event, we want to set isLoading to true;
const loadEvent = new InfiniteScrollLoadEvent(); => {
// emit loading event
// the listeners on loadEvent will change the completed Promise
// and pass back whether the current loading page has more content
loadEvent.completed.then((hasMoreContent) => {
this.hasMoreContent = hasMoreContent;
// on event loaded, set isLoading to false;
* Check whether we have scrolled over the Threshold which will determine
* whether later we would need to load more content
* @param element the scrolling element
* @return boolean
private isOverScrollThreshold(element: HTMLElement): boolean {
const thresholdPx = this.scrollThreshold / 100 * element.clientHeight;
const maxScrollBottomPx = element.scrollHeight - thresholdPx;
return element.scrollTop + element.clientHeight >= maxScrollBottomPx;
// return false;
/** Defines available targets for an infinite scroll directive. */
export enum InfiniteScrollTarget {
/** Apply behavior to the specific element with the directive. */
SELF = 'self',
* Apply behavior to the document (body), regardless of which element the
* directive is attached to.
DOCUMENT = 'document'
/** Data for an infinite-scroll loading event. */
export class InfiniteScrollLoadEvent {
* Promise that resolves when the data is finished loading. The boolean
* parameter indicates whether or not more data is available in addition to
* what was just loaded.
completed = Promise.resolve(false);