blob: 3e75207d92121978d962fa1620cca68da89bfbd0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE task
PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "../dtd/task.dtd">
<task xml:lang="en-us" id="t_project-creating-widget_android">
<title>Creating an Android widget project</title>
<shortdesc>The New Android Widget Project wizard allows you to quickly and easily create a new widget application for
an Android device.</shortdesc>
<cmd>Select <menucascade><uicontrol>File</uicontrol><uicontrol>New</uicontrol><uicontrol>Android Widget Project
using Studio for Android</uicontrol></menucascade>. </cmd>
<stepresult>The New Android Widget Project dialog appears with a number of default values filled
<cmd>Specify a name for your new project in <uicontrol>Project name</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<cmd>If you want your project stored in a subdirectory (named with the project name) within default location
(usually the workspace root) leave <uicontrol>Use default location</uicontrol> selected. Otherwise: </cmd>
<cmd>Clear <uicontrol>Use default location</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<cmd>Use the <uicontrol>Location</uicontrol> field to specify the directory in which the project
subdirectory should be created.</cmd>
<cmd>Verify that the SDK target is correct for your widget application.</cmd>
<cmd>Using the <uicontrol>Application name</uicontrol> field, supply the name that should identify your widget
in the widgets list accessible from the Android home screen.</cmd>
<cmd>Verify the <uicontrol>Package name</uicontrol>, <uicontrol>Activity name</uicontrol>, and <uicontrol>Min
SDK version</uicontrol> fields. All are set to reasonable defaults by the new Android Widget Project wizard,
but all can be changed if needed for your particular application.</cmd>
<cmd>Click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<result>You project is now created and added to those listed in the Project Explorer view. </result>