blob: 9d6f56874444efc0e7ac04268ff1879d17355c16 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "../dtd/reference.dtd">
<reference id="u_db-classes-create" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Create Database Management Classes</title>
<shortdesc>Creates classes you can use to manage and access your application's database: content providers for each of
the database's tables, and a SQL open helper that can create and if desired initialize your database at runtime. To
access this dialog you right-click your project in the Package Explorer and select <menucascade><uicontrol>Studio
for Android</uicontrol><uicontrol>Create Database Management Classes</uicontrol></menucascade>. Note that these
classes are generated based upon the schema from an existing database; thus, you must have a version of your
application's database on your development computer.</shortdesc>
<stentry>The project to which the database management classes are to be added.</stentry>
<stentry><uicontrol>Database File</uicontrol></stentry>
<stentry>The SQLite database file from which the classes are to be generated. Note that this database file
need not be in your current project; click <uicontrol>Filesystem</uicontrol> to select a database from
anywhere that is accessible to your development computer, or <uicontrol>Workspace</uicontrol> to select a
database from within the current project. If the database is not part of your current project, it will be
copied to the project's <codeph>assets</codeph> folder.</stentry>
<stentry><uicontrol>Generate SQL Open Helper</uicontrol></stentry>
<stentry>Adds a SQL Open Helper class to your project. The SQL Open Helper can automatically check for an
accessible database at runtime, and if necessary copy an initial database from the <codeph>assets</codeph>
folder within your APK to the proper location in <codeph>/data/data/</codeph>. This allows your application
to start with a pre-populated database on first launch.</stentry>
<stentry><uicontrol>SQL Open Helper</uicontrol></stentry>
<stentry>If <uicontrol>Generate SQL Open Helper</uicontrol> is selected, specify the desired name of the
generated helper class using the <uicontrol>Name</uicontrol> field. Also indicate the source folder into
which the generated class is to be written using the <uicontrol>Source folder</uicontrol> field, and the
package of which the class is to be a member using the <uicontrol>Package</uicontrol> field.</stentry>
<stentry><uicontrol>Generate Content Providers for each table</uicontrol></stentry>
<stentry>Generates a content provider class for each table in the specified database. Content providers allow
you to create Live Folders that can show the contents of your database tables, and can make your database
tables accessible to other applications.</stentry>
<stentry><uicontrol>Content Provider</uicontrol></stentry>
<stentry>If <uicontrol>Generate Content Providers for each table</uicontrol> is selected, specify the source
folder into which the generated classes are to be written using the <uicontrol>Source Folder</uicontrol>
field, and the package of which the classes are to be a member using the <uicontrol>Package</uicontrol>
field. Each generated content provider class will be named for the table from which it was generated; the
class name will have the form <i>table_name</i><codeph>ContentProvider</codeph>. If the generated source
file names conflict with existing files within the specified source folder, the existing files will be
overwritten unless you clear the <uicontrol>Overwrite if it already exists</uicontrol> option.</stentry>