blob: a782f6601fd114f7fcac0751ff4a0191b5363832 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Test
class OptionsTest : DriverTest() {
private val DESCRIPTION = """
$PROGRAM_NAME extracts metadata from source code to generate artifacts such as the signature files, the SDK stub files,
external annotations etc.
private val FLAGS = """
Usage: metalava <flags>
This message.
Show the version of metalava.
Only include vital output
Include extra diagnostic output
Attempt to colorize the output (defaults to true if ${"$"}TERM is xterm)
Do not attempt to colorize the output
Cancel any other "action" flags other than generating signature files. This
is here to make it easier customize build system tasks, particularly for
the "make update-api" task.
Cancel any other "action" flags other than checking signature files. This
is here to make it easier customize build system tasks, particularly for
the "make checkapi" task.
--repeat-errors-max <N>
When specified, repeat at most N errors before finishing.
API sources:
--source-files <files>
A comma separated list of source files to be parsed. Can also be @ followed
by a path to a text file containing paths to the full set of files to
--source-path <paths>
One or more directories (separated by `:`) containing source files (within
a package hierarchy). If --strict-input-files, --strict-input-files:warn,
or --strict-input-files:stack are used, files accessed under --source-path
that are not explicitly specified in --source-files are reported as
--classpath <paths>
One or more directories or jars (separated by `:`) containing classes that
should be on the classpath when parsing the source files
--merge-qualifier-annotations <file>
An external annotations file to merge and overlay the sources, or a
directory of such files. Should be used for annotations intended for
inclusion in the API to be written out, e.g. nullability. Formats supported
are: IntelliJ's external annotations database format, .jar or .zip files
containing those, Android signature files, and Java stub files.
--merge-inclusion-annotations <file>
An external annotations file to merge and overlay the sources, or a
directory of such files. Should be used for annotations which determine
inclusion in the API to be written out, i.e. show and hide. The only format
supported is Java stub files.
Triggers validation of nullability annotations for any class where
--merge-qualifier-annotations includes a Java stub file.
Triggers validation of nullability annotations for any class listed in the
named file (one top-level class per line, # prefix for comment line).
--nullability-warnings-txt <file>
Specifies where to write warnings encountered during validation of
nullability annotations. (Does not trigger validation by itself.)
Specifies that errors encountered during validation of nullability
annotations should not be treated as errors. They will be written out to
the file specified in --nullability-warnings-txt instead.
--input-api-jar <file>
A .jar file to read APIs from directly
--manifest <file>
A manifest file, used to for check permissions to cross check APIs
--replace-documentation <p> <r> <t>
Amongst nonempty documentation of items from Java packages <p> and their
subpackages, replaces any matches of regular expression <r> with
replacement text <t>. <p> is given as a nonempty list of Java package names
separated by ':' (e.g. "java:android.util"); <t> may contain backreferences
($1, $2 etc.) to matching groups from <r>.
--hide-package <package>
Remove the given packages from the API even if they have not been marked
with @hide
--show-annotation <annotation class>
Unhide any hidden elements that are also annotated with the given
--show-single-annotation <annotation>
Like --show-annotation, but does not apply to members; these must also be
explicitly annotated
--show-for-stub-purposes-annotation <annotation class>
Like --show-annotation, but elements annotated with it are assumed to be
"implicitly" included in the API surface, and they'll be included in
certain kinds of output such as stubs, but not in others, such as the
signature file and API lint
--hide-annotation <annotation class>
Treat any elements annotated with the given annotation as hidden
--hide-meta-annotation <meta-annotation class>
Treat as hidden any elements annotated with an annotation which is itself
annotated with the given meta-annotation
Include un-annotated public APIs in the signature file as well
--java-source <level>
Sets the source level for Java source files; default is 1.8.
--kotlin-source <level>
Sets the source level for Kotlin source files; default is 1.5.
--sdk-home <dir>
If set, locate the `android.jar` file from the given Android SDK
--compile-sdk-version <api>
Use the given API level
--jdk-home <dir>
If set, add the Java APIs from the given JDK to the classpath
--stub-packages <package-list>
List of packages (separated by :) which will be used to filter out
irrelevant code. If specified, only code in these packages will be included
in signature files, stubs, etc. (This is not limited to just the stubs; the
name is historical.) You can also use ".*" at the end to match subpackages,
so `foo.*` will match both `foo` and ``.
--subtract-api <api file>
Subtracts the API in the given signature or jar file from the current API
being emitted via --api, --stubs, --doc-stubs, etc. Note that the
subtraction only applies to classes; it does not subtract members.
--typedefs-in-signatures <ref|inline>
Whether to include typedef annotations in signature files.
`--typedefs-in-signatures ref` will include just a reference to the typedef
class, which is not itself part of the API and is not included as a class,
and `--typedefs-in-signatures inline` will include the constants themselves
into each usage site. You can also supply `--typedefs-in-signatures none`
to explicitly turn it off, if the default ever changes.
Prevents references to classes on the classpath from being added to the
generated stub files.
Only include elements that are public
Only include elements that are public or protected
Only include elements that are public, protected or package protected
Include all elements except those that are marked hidden
Include all elements, including hidden
Extracting Signature Files:
--api <file>
Generate a signature descriptor file
--dex-api <file>
Generate a DEX signature descriptor file listing the APIs
--removed-api <file>
Generate a signature descriptor file for APIs that have been removed
Sets the output signature file format to be the given version.
Controls whether nullness annotations should be formatted as in Kotlin
(with "?" for nullable types, "" for non nullable types, and "!" for
unknown. The default is yes.
Controls whether default values should be included in signature files. The
default is yes.
Whether the signature files should include a comment listing the format
version of the signature file.
--proguard <file>
Write a ProGuard keep file for the API
--sdk-values <dir>
Write SDK values files to the given directory
[EXPERIMENTAL] If set, use Kotlin PSI for Kotlin instead of UAST
Generating Stubs:
--stubs <dir>
Generate stub source files for the API
--doc-stubs <dir>
Generate documentation stub source files for the API. Documentation stub
files are similar to regular stub files, but there are some differences.
For example, in the stub files, we'll use special annotations like
@RecentlyNonNull instead of @NonNull to indicate that an element is
recently marked as non null, whereas in the documentation stubs we'll just
list this as @NonNull. Another difference is that @doconly elements are
included in documentation stubs, but not regular stubs, etc.
[CURRENTLY EXPERIMENTAL] If specified, stubs generated from Kotlin source
code will be written in Kotlin rather than the Java programming language.
Include annotations such as @Nullable in the stub files.
Exclude annotations such as @Nullable from the stub files; the default.
--pass-through-annotation <annotation classes>
A comma separated list of fully qualified names of annotation classes that
must be passed through unchanged.
--exclude-annotation <annotation classes>
A comma separated list of fully qualified names of annotation classes that
must be stripped from metalava's outputs.
Enhance documentation in various ways, for example auto-generating
documentation based on source annotations present in the code. This is
implied by --doc-stubs.
Exclude element documentation (javadoc and kdoc) from the generated stubs.
(Copyright notices are not affected by this, they are always included.
Documentation stubs (--doc-stubs) are not affected.)
--write-stubs-source-list <file>
Write the list of generated stub files into the given source list file. If
generating documentation stubs and you haven't also specified
--write-doc-stubs-source-list, this list will refer to the documentation
stubs; otherwise it's the non-documentation stubs.
--write-doc-stubs-source-list <file>
Write the list of generated doc stub files into the given source list file
--register-artifact <api-file> <id>
Registers the given id for the packages found in the given signature file.
metalava will inject an @artifactId <id> tag into every top level stub
class in that API.
Diffs and Checks:
Whether the signature file being read should be interpreted as having
encoded its types using Kotlin style types: a suffix of "?" for nullable
types, no suffix for non nullable types, and "!" for unknown. The default
is no.
--check-compatibility:type:state <file>
Check compatibility. Type is one of 'api' and 'removed', which checks
either the public api or the removed api. State is one of 'current' and
'released', to check either the currently in development API or the last
publicly released API, respectively. Different compatibility checks apply
in the two scenarios. For example, to check the code base against the
current public API, use --check-compatibility:api:current.
--check-compatibility:base <file>
When performing a compat check, use the provided signature file as a base
api, which is treated as part of the API being checked. This allows us to
compute the full API surface from a partial API surface (e.g. the current
@SystemApi txt file), which allows us to recognize when an API is moved
from the partial API to the base API and avoid incorrectly flagging this as
an API removal.
--api-lint [api file]
Check API for Android API best practices. If a signature file is provided,
only the APIs that are new since the API will be checked.
--api-lint-ignore-prefix [prefix]
A list of package prefixes to ignore API issues in when running with
--migrate-nullness <api file>
Compare nullness information with the previous stable API and mark newly
annotated APIs as under migration.
Promote all warnings to errors
Promote all API lint warnings to errors
--error <id>
Report issues of the given id as errors
--warning <id>
Report issues of the given id as warnings
--lint <id>
Report issues of the given id as having lint-severity
--hide <id>
Hide/skip issues of the given id
--report-even-if-suppressed <file>
Write all issues into the given file, even if suppressed (via annotation or
baseline) but not if hidden (by '--hide')
--baseline <file>
Filter out any errors already reported in the given baseline file, or
create if it does not already exist
--update-baseline [file]
Rewrite the existing baseline file with the current set of warnings. If
some warnings have been fixed, this will delete them from the baseline
files. If a file is provided, the updated baseline is written to the given
file; otherwise the original source baseline file is updated.
--baseline:api-lint <file> --update-baseline:api-lint [file]
Same as --baseline and --update-baseline respectively, but used
specifically for API lint issues performed by --api-lint.
--baseline:compatibility:released <file> --update-baseline:compatibility:released [file]
Same as --baseline and --update-baseline respectively, but used
specifically for API compatibility issues performed by
--check-compatibility:api:released and
--merge-baseline [file]
Like --update-baseline, but instead of always replacing entries in the
baseline, it will merge the existing baseline with the new baseline. This
is useful if metalava runs multiple times on the same source tree with
different flags at different times, such as occasionally with --api-lint.
Normally, encountering error will fail the build, even when updating
baselines. This flag allows you to tell metalava to continue without
errors, such that all the baselines in the source tree can be updated in
one go.
Whether to delete baseline files if they are updated and there is nothing
to include.
--error-message:api-lint <message>
If set, metalava shows it when errors are detected in --api-lint.
--error-message:compatibility:released <message>
If set, metalava shows it when errors are detected in
--check-compatibility:api:released and
--error-message:compatibility:current <message>
If set, metalava shows it when errors are detected in
--check-compatibility:api:current and
--api-xml <file>
Like --api, but emits the API in the JDiff XML format instead
--convert-to-jdiff <sig> <xml>
Reads in the given signature file, and writes it out in the JDiff XML
format. Can be specified multiple times.
--convert-new-to-jdiff <old> <new> <xml>
Reads in the given old and new api files, computes the difference, and
writes out only the new parts of the API in the JDiff XML format.
--convert-to-v1 <sig> <sig>
Reads in the given signature file and writes it out as a signature file in
the original v1/doclava format.
--convert-to-v2 <sig> <sig>
Reads in the given signature file and writes it out as a signature file in
the new signature format, v2.
--convert-new-to-v2 <old> <new> <sig>
Reads in the given old and new api files, computes the difference, and
writes out only the new parts of the API in the v2 format.
Extracting Annotations:
--extract-annotations <zipfile>
Extracts source annotations from the source files and writes them into the
given zip file
--include-annotation-classes <dir>
Copies the given stub annotation source files into the generated stub
sources; <dir> is typically metalava/stub-annotations/src/main/java/.
--rewrite-annotations <dir/jar>
For a bytecode folder or output jar, rewrites the androidx annotations to
be package private
--force-convert-to-warning-nullability-annotations <package1:-package2:...>
On every API declared in a class referenced by the given filter, makes
nullability issues appear to callers as warnings rather than errors by
replacing @Nullable/@NonNull in these APIs with
--copy-annotations <source> <dest>
For a source folder full of annotation sources, generates corresponding
package private versions of the same annotations.
If true, include source-retention annotations in the stub files. Does not
apply to signature files. Source retention annotations are extracted into
the external annotations files instead.
Injecting API Levels:
--apply-api-levels <api-versions.xml>
Reads an XML file containing API level descriptions and merges the
information into the documentation
Extracting API Levels:
--generate-api-levels <xmlfile>
Reads android.jar SDK files and generates an XML file recording the API
level for each class, method and field
--android-jar-pattern <pattern>
Patterns to use to locate Android JAR files. The default is
Sets the first API level to generate an API database from; usually 1
Sets the current API level of the current source code
Sets the code name for the current source code
Points to the current API jar, if any
Disable implicit root directory detection. Otherwise, metalava adds in
source roots implied by the source files
--strict-input-files <file>
Do not read files that are not explicitly specified in the command line.
All violations are written to the given file. Reads on directories are
always allowed, but metalava still tracks reads on directories that are not
specified in the command line, and write them to the file.
--strict-input-files:warn <file>
Warn when files not explicitly specified on the command line are read. All
violations are written to the given file. Reads on directories not
specified in the command line are allowed but also logged.
--strict-input-files:stack <file>
Same as --strict-input-files but also print stacktraces.
--strict-input-files-exempt <files or dirs>
Used with --strict-input-files. Explicitly allow access to files and/or
directories (separated by `:). Can also be @ followed by a path to a text
file containing paths to the full set of files and/or directories.
Environment Variables:
Set to true to have metalava emit all the arguments it was invoked with.
Helpful when debugging or reproducing under a debugger what the build
system is doing.
One or more arguments (concatenated by space) to insert into the command
line, before the documentation flags.
One or more arguments (concatenated by space) to append to the end of the
command line, after the generate documentation flags.
fun `Test invalid arguments`() {
val args = listOf(ARG_NO_COLOR, "--blah-blah-blah")
val stdout = StringWriter()
val stderr = StringWriter()
originalArgs = args.toTypedArray(),
stdout = PrintWriter(stdout),
stderr = PrintWriter(stderr)
assertEquals(BANNER + "\n\n", stdout.toString())
Aborting: Invalid argument --blah-blah-blah
fun `Test help`() {
val args = listOf(ARG_NO_COLOR, "--help")
val stdout = StringWriter()
val stderr = StringWriter()
originalArgs = args.toTypedArray(),
stdout = PrintWriter(stdout),
stderr = PrintWriter(stderr)
assertEquals("", stderr.toString())
fun `Test issue severity options`() {
extraArguments = arrayOf(
assertEquals(Severity.HIDDEN, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.START_WITH_LOWER))
assertEquals(Severity.LINT, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.ENDS_WITH_IMPL))
assertEquals(Severity.WARNING, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.START_WITH_UPPER))
assertEquals(Severity.ERROR, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.ARRAY_RETURN))
fun `Test multiple issue severity options`() {
extraArguments = arrayOf("--hide", "StartWithLower,StartWithUpper,ArrayReturn")
assertEquals(Severity.HIDDEN, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.START_WITH_LOWER))
assertEquals(Severity.HIDDEN, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.START_WITH_UPPER))
assertEquals(Severity.HIDDEN, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.ARRAY_RETURN))
fun `Test issue severity options with inheriting issues`() {
extraArguments = arrayOf("--error", "RemovedClass")
assertEquals(Severity.ERROR, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.REMOVED_CLASS))
assertEquals(Severity.ERROR, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.REMOVED_DEPRECATED_CLASS))
fun `Test issue severity options with case insensitive names`() {
extraArguments = arrayOf("--hide", "arrayreturn"),
expectedIssues = "warning: Case-insensitive issue matching is deprecated, use --hide ArrayReturn instead of --hide arrayreturn [DeprecatedOption]"
assertEquals(Severity.HIDDEN, defaultConfiguration.getSeverity(Issues.ARRAY_RETURN))
fun `Test issue severity options with non-existing issue`() {
extraArguments = arrayOf("--hide", "ThisIssueDoesNotExist"),
expectedFail = "Aborting: Unknown issue id: --hide ThisIssueDoesNotExist"
fun `Test for --strict-input-files-exempt`() {
val top = temporaryFolder.newFolder()
val dir = File(top, "childdir").apply { mkdirs() }
val grandchild1 = File(dir, "grandchiild1").apply { createNewFile() }
val grandchild2 = File(dir, "grandchiild2").apply { createNewFile() }
val file1 = File(top, "file1").apply { createNewFile() }
val file2 = File(top, "file2").apply { createNewFile() }
try {
extraArguments = arrayOf(
file1.path + File.pathSeparatorChar + dir.path
assertFalse(FileReadSandbox.isAccessAllowed(file2)) // Access *not* allowed
} finally {