blob: d4f4b676cdd57161d518c286a0564bf81bd2eebd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.NoSuchOption
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.groups.OptionGroup
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.convert
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.default
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.multiple
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.option
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.unique
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.file
import java.util.Locale
import kotlin.text.Charsets.UTF_8
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.ApiVersion
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageVersion
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageVersionSettings
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageVersionSettingsImpl
* Global options for the metadata extraction tool
* This is an empty options which is created to avoid having a nullable options. It is replaced with
* the actual options to use, either created from the command line arguments for the main process or
* with arguments supplied by tests.
var options =
Options().let {
// Call parse with an empty array to ensure that the properties are set to the correct
// defaults.
private const val INDENT_WIDTH = 45
const val ARG_FORMAT = "--format"
const val ARG_CLASS_PATH = "--classpath"
const val ARG_SOURCE_PATH = "--source-path"
const val ARG_SOURCE_FILES = "--source-files"
const val ARG_API = "--api"
const val ARG_API_OVERLOADED_METHOD_ORDER = "--api-overloaded-method-order"
const val ARG_XML_API = "--api-xml"
const val ARG_API_CLASS_RESOLUTION = "--api-class-resolution"
const val ARG_CONVERT_TO_JDIFF = "--convert-to-jdiff"
const val ARG_CONVERT_NEW_TO_JDIFF = "--convert-new-to-jdiff"
const val ARG_DEX_API = "--dex-api"
const val ARG_SDK_VALUES = "--sdk-values"
const val ARG_REMOVED_API = "--removed-api"
const val ARG_MERGE_QUALIFIER_ANNOTATIONS = "--merge-qualifier-annotations"
const val ARG_MERGE_INCLUSION_ANNOTATIONS = "--merge-inclusion-annotations"
const val ARG_VALIDATE_NULLABILITY_FROM_MERGED_STUBS = "--validate-nullability-from-merged-stubs"
const val ARG_VALIDATE_NULLABILITY_FROM_LIST = "--validate-nullability-from-list"
const val ARG_NULLABILITY_WARNINGS_TXT = "--nullability-warnings-txt"
const val ARG_NULLABILITY_ERRORS_NON_FATAL = "--nullability-errors-non-fatal"
const val ARG_INPUT_API_JAR = "--input-api-jar"
const val ARG_STUBS = "--stubs"
const val ARG_DOC_STUBS = "--doc-stubs"
const val ARG_KOTLIN_STUBS = "--kotlin-stubs"
const val ARG_STUBS_SOURCE_LIST = "--write-stubs-source-list"
const val ARG_DOC_STUBS_SOURCE_LIST = "--write-doc-stubs-source-list"
/** Used by Firebase, see b/116185431#comment15, not used by Android Platform or AndroidX */
const val ARG_PROGUARD = "--proguard"
const val ARG_EXTRACT_ANNOTATIONS = "--extract-annotations"
const val ARG_EXCLUDE_ALL_ANNOTATIONS = "--exclude-all-annotations"
const val ARG_EXCLUDE_DOCUMENTATION_FROM_STUBS = "--exclude-documentation-from-stubs"
const val ARG_ENHANCE_DOCUMENTATION = "--enhance-documentation"
const val ARG_HIDE_PACKAGE = "--hide-package"
const val ARG_MANIFEST = "--manifest"
const val ARG_MIGRATE_NULLNESS = "--migrate-nullness"
const val ARG_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_API_RELEASED = "--check-compatibility:api:released"
const val ARG_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_REMOVED_RELEASED = "--check-compatibility:removed:released"
const val ARG_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_BASE_API = "--check-compatibility:base"
const val ARG_NO_NATIVE_DIFF = "--no-native-diff"
const val ARG_OUTPUT_KOTLIN_NULLS = "--output-kotlin-nulls"
const val ARG_OUTPUT_DEFAULT_VALUES = "--output-default-values"
const val ARG_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = "--warnings-as-errors"
const val ARG_LINTS_AS_ERRORS = "--lints-as-errors"
const val ARG_SHOW_ANNOTATION = "--show-annotation"
const val ARG_SHOW_SINGLE_ANNOTATION = "--show-single-annotation"
const val ARG_HIDE_ANNOTATION = "--hide-annotation"
const val ARG_HIDE_META_ANNOTATION = "--hide-meta-annotation"
const val ARG_SUPPRESS_COMPATIBILITY_META_ANNOTATION = "--suppress-compatibility-meta-annotation"
const val ARG_SHOW_FOR_STUB_PURPOSES_ANNOTATION = "--show-for-stub-purposes-annotation"
const val ARG_SHOW_UNANNOTATED = "--show-unannotated"
const val ARG_ERROR = "--error"
const val ARG_WARNING = "--warning"
const val ARG_LINT = "--lint"
const val ARG_HIDE = "--hide"
const val ARG_ERROR_CATEGORY = "--error-category"
const val ARG_WARNING_CATEGORY = "--warning-category"
const val ARG_LINT_CATEGORY = "--lint-category"
const val ARG_HIDE_CATEGORY = "--hide-category"
const val ARG_APPLY_API_LEVELS = "--apply-api-levels"
const val ARG_GENERATE_API_LEVELS = "--generate-api-levels"
const val ARG_ANDROID_JAR_PATTERN = "--android-jar-pattern"
const val ARG_CURRENT_VERSION = "--current-version"
const val ARG_FIRST_VERSION = "--first-version"
const val ARG_CURRENT_CODENAME = "--current-codename"
const val ARG_CURRENT_JAR = "--current-jar"
const val ARG_GENERATE_API_VERSION_HISTORY = "--generate-api-version-history"
const val ARG_API_VERSION_SIGNATURE_FILES = "--api-version-signature-files"
const val ARG_API_VERSION_NAMES = "--api-version-names"
const val ARG_API_LINT = "--api-lint"
const val ARG_API_LINT_IGNORE_PREFIX = "--api-lint-ignore-prefix"
const val ARG_JAVA_SOURCE = "--java-source"
const val ARG_KOTLIN_SOURCE = "--kotlin-source"
const val ARG_SDK_HOME = "--sdk-home"
const val ARG_JDK_HOME = "--jdk-home"
const val ARG_COMPILE_SDK_VERSION = "--compile-sdk-version"
const val ARG_INCLUDE_ANNOTATIONS = "--include-annotations"
const val ARG_COPY_ANNOTATIONS = "--copy-annotations"
const val ARG_INCLUDE_SOURCE_RETENTION = "--include-source-retention"
const val ARG_PASS_THROUGH_ANNOTATION = "--pass-through-annotation"
const val ARG_EXCLUDE_ANNOTATION = "--exclude-annotation"
const val ARG_INCLUDE_SIG_VERSION = "--include-signature-version"
const val ARG_PASS_BASELINE_UPDATES = "--pass-baseline-updates"
const val ARG_BASELINE = "--baseline"
const val ARG_BASELINE_API_LINT = "--baseline:api-lint"
const val ARG_BASELINE_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_RELEASED = "--baseline:compatibility:released"
const val ARG_REPORT_EVEN_IF_SUPPRESSED = "--report-even-if-suppressed"
const val ARG_UPDATE_BASELINE = "--update-baseline"
const val ARG_UPDATE_BASELINE_API_LINT = "--update-baseline:api-lint"
const val ARG_MERGE_BASELINE = "--merge-baseline"
const val ARG_STUB_PACKAGES = "--stub-packages"
const val ARG_STUB_IMPORT_PACKAGES = "--stub-import-packages"
const val ARG_DELETE_EMPTY_BASELINES = "--delete-empty-baselines"
const val ARG_DELETE_EMPTY_REMOVED_SIGNATURES = "--delete-empty-removed-signatures"
const val ARG_SUBTRACT_API = "--subtract-api"
const val ARG_TYPEDEFS_IN_SIGNATURES = "--typedefs-in-signatures"
const val ARG_IGNORE_CLASSES_ON_CLASSPATH = "--ignore-classes-on-classpath"
const val ARG_ERROR_MESSAGE_API_LINT = "--error-message:api-lint"
const val ARG_ERROR_MESSAGE_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_RELEASED = "--error-message:compatibility:released"
const val ARG_NO_IMPLICIT_ROOT = "--no-implicit-root"
const val ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES = "--strict-input-files"
const val ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES_STACK = "--strict-input-files:stack"
const val ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES_WARN = "--strict-input-files:warn"
const val ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES_EXEMPT = "--strict-input-files-exempt"
const val ARG_REPEAT_ERRORS_MAX = "--repeat-errors-max"
const val ARG_SDK_JAR_ROOT = "--sdk-extensions-root"
const val ARG_SDK_INFO_FILE = "--sdk-extensions-info"
const val ARG_USE_K2_UAST = "--Xuse-k2-uast"
class Options(commonOptions: CommonOptions = defaultCommonOptions) : OptionGroup() {
/** Writer to direct output to */
var stdout: PrintWriter = PrintWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
/** Writer to direct error messages to */
var stderr: PrintWriter = PrintWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.err))
/** Internal list backing [sources] */
private val mutableSources: MutableList<File> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [sourcePath] */
private val mutableSourcePath: MutableList<File> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [classpath] */
private val mutableClassPath: MutableList<File> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal builder backing [allShowAnnotations] */
private val allShowAnnotationsBuilder = AnnotationFilterBuilder()
/** Internal builder backing [showAnnotations] */
private val showAnnotationsBuilder = AnnotationFilterBuilder()
/** Internal builder backing [showSingleAnnotations] */
private val showSingleAnnotationsBuilder = AnnotationFilterBuilder()
/** Internal builder backing [showForStubPurposesAnnotations] */
private val showForStubPurposesAnnotationBuilder = AnnotationFilterBuilder()
/** Internal list backing [hideAnnotations] */
private val hideAnnotationsBuilder = AnnotationFilterBuilder()
/** Internal list backing [hideMetaAnnotations] */
private val mutableHideMetaAnnotations: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [stubImportPackages] */
private val mutableStubImportPackages: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
/** Internal list backing [mergeQualifierAnnotations] */
private val mutableMergeQualifierAnnotations: MutableList<File> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [mergeInclusionAnnotations] */
private val mutableMergeInclusionAnnotations: MutableList<File> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [hidePackages] */
private val mutableHidePackages: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [skipEmitPackages] */
private val mutableSkipEmitPackages: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [convertToXmlFiles] */
private val mutableConvertToXmlFiles: MutableList<ConvertFile> = mutableListOf()
/** Internal list backing [passThroughAnnotations] */
private val mutablePassThroughAnnotations: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
/** Internal list backing [excludeAnnotations] */
private val mutableExcludeAnnotations: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()
/** API to subtract from signature and stub generation. Corresponds to [ARG_SUBTRACT_API]. */
var subtractApi: File? = null
/** Validator for nullability annotations, if validation is enabled. */
var nullabilityAnnotationsValidator: NullabilityAnnotationsValidator? = null
/** Whether nullability validation errors should be considered fatal. */
var nullabilityErrorsFatal = true
* A file to write non-fatal nullability validation issues to. If null, all issues are treated
* as fatal or else logged as warnings, depending on the value of [nullabilityErrorsFatal].
var nullabilityWarningsTxt: File? = null
* Whether to validate nullability for all the classes where we are merging annotations from
* external java stub files. If true, [nullabilityAnnotationsValidator] must be set.
var validateNullabilityFromMergedStubs = false
* A file containing a list of classes whose nullability annotations should be validated. If
* set, [nullabilityAnnotationsValidator] must also be set.
var validateNullabilityFromList: File? = null
* Whether to include element documentation (javadoc and KDoc) is in the generated stubs.
* (Copyright notices are not affected by this, they are always included. Documentation stubs
* (--doc-stubs) are not affected.)
var includeDocumentationInStubs = true
* Enhance documentation in various ways, for example auto-generating documentation based on
* source annotations present in the code. This is implied by --doc-stubs.
var enhanceDocumentation = false
* Whether nullness annotations should be displayed as ?/!/empty instead of
* with @NonNull/@Nullable.
var outputKotlinStyleNulls = false // requires v3
/** Whether default values should be included in signature files */
var outputDefaultValues = true
/** The output format version being used */
var outputFormat: FileFormat = FileFormat.recommended
/** If true, treat all warnings as errors */
var warningsAreErrors: Boolean = false
/** If true, treat all API lint warnings as errors */
var lintsAreErrors: Boolean = false
/** The list of source roots */
val sourcePath: List<File> = mutableSourcePath
/** The list of dependency jars */
val classpath: List<File> = mutableClassPath
/** All source files to parse */
var sources: List<File> = mutableSources
val apiClassResolution by
help =
Determines how class resolution is performed when loading API signature files. Any
classes that cannot be found will be treated as empty.",
enumValueHelpGetter = { },
default = ApiClassResolution.API_CLASSPATH,
key = { it.optionValue },
* Whether to include APIs with annotations (intended for documentation purposes). This includes
* [showAnnotations], [showSingleAnnotations] and [showForStubPurposesAnnotations].
val allShowAnnotations by lazy(allShowAnnotationsBuilder::build)
* A filter that will match annotations which will cause an annotated item (and its enclosed
* items unless overridden by a closer annotation) to be included in the API surface.
* @see [allShowAnnotations]
val showAnnotations by lazy(showAnnotationsBuilder::build)
* Like [showAnnotations], but does not work recursively.
* @see [allShowAnnotations]
private val showSingleAnnotations by lazy(showSingleAnnotationsBuilder::build)
* Annotations that defines APIs that are implicitly included in the API surface. These APIs
* will be included in certain kinds of output such as stubs, but others (e.g. API lint and the
* API signature file) ignore them.
* @see [allShowAnnotations]
private val showForStubPurposesAnnotations by lazy(showForStubPurposesAnnotationBuilder::build)
* Whether to include unannotated elements if {@link #showAnnotations} is set. Note: This only
* applies to signature files, not stub files.
var showUnannotated = false
/** Whether to validate the API for best practices */
var checkApi = false
val checkApiIgnorePrefix: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
/** If non null, an API file to use to hide for controlling what parts of the API are new */
var checkApiBaselineApiFile: File? = null
/** Packages to include (if null, include all) */
var stubPackages: PackageFilter? = null
/** Packages to import (if empty, include all) */
var stubImportPackages: Set<String> = mutableStubImportPackages
/** Packages to exclude/hide */
var hidePackages: List<String> = mutableHidePackages
/** Packages that we should skip generating even if not hidden; typically only used by tests */
var skipEmitPackages: List<String> = mutableSkipEmitPackages
/** Annotations to hide */
val hideAnnotations by lazy(hideAnnotationsBuilder::build)
/** Meta-annotations to hide */
var hideMetaAnnotations = mutableHideMetaAnnotations
val annotationManager: AnnotationManager by lazy {
reporter = reporter,
passThroughAnnotations = passThroughAnnotations,
allShowAnnotations = allShowAnnotations,
showAnnotations = showAnnotations,
showSingleAnnotations = showSingleAnnotations,
showForStubPurposesAnnotations = showForStubPurposesAnnotations,
hideAnnotations = hideAnnotations,
hideMetaAnnotations = hideMetaAnnotations,
suppressCompatibilityMetaAnnotations = suppressCompatibilityMetaAnnotations,
excludeAnnotations = excludeAnnotations,
typedefMode = typedefMode,
apiPredicate = ApiPredicate(),
/** Meta-annotations for which annotated APIs should not be checked for compatibility. */
private val suppressCompatibilityMetaAnnotations by
help =
Suppress compatibility checks for any elements within the scope of an
annotation which is itself annotated with the given meta-annotation.
metavar = "<meta-annotation class>",
* Whether the generated API can contain classes that are not present in the source but are
* present on the classpath. Defaults to true for backwards compatibility but is set to false if
* any API signatures are imported as they must provide a complete set of all classes required
* but not provided by the generated API.
* Once all APIs are either self-contained or imported all the required references this will be
* removed and no classes will be allowed from the classpath JARs.
var allowClassesFromClasspath = true
/** Whether to report warnings and other diagnostics along the way */
var quiet = commonOptions.verbosity.quiet
* Whether to report extra diagnostics along the way (note that verbose isn't the same as not
* quiet)
var verbose = commonOptions.verbosity.verbose
/** If set, a directory to write stub files to. Corresponds to the --stubs/-stubs flag. */
var stubsDir: File? = null
* If set, a directory to write documentation stub files to. Corresponds to the --stubs/-stubs
* flag.
var docStubsDir: File? = null
* If set, a source file to write the stub index (list of source files) to. Can be passed to
* other tools like javac/javadoc using the special @-syntax.
var stubsSourceList: File? = null
* If set, a source file to write the doc stub index (list of source files) to. Can be passed to
* other tools like javac/javadoc using the special @-syntax.
var docStubsSourceList: File? = null
/** Whether code compiled from Kotlin should be emitted as .kt stubs instead of .java stubs */
var kotlinStubs = false
/** Proguard Keep list file to write */
var proguard: File? = null
/** If set, a file to write an API file to. Corresponds to the --api/-api flag. */
var apiFile: File? = null
enum class OverloadedMethodOrder(val comparator: Comparator<MethodItem>, val help: String) {
/** Sort overloaded methods according to source order. */
help =
preserves the order in which overloaded methods appear in the source files. This means
that refactorings of the source files which change the order but not the API can cause
unnecessary changes in the API signature files.
/** Sort overloaded methods by their signature. */
help =
sorts overloaded methods by their signature. This means that refactorings of the source
files which change the order but not the API will have no effect on the API signature
* Determines how overloaded methods, i.e. methods with the same name, are ordered in signature
* files.
val apiOverloadedMethodOrder by
help =
Specifies the order of overloaded methods in signature files.
Applies to the contents of the files specified on $ARG_API and $ARG_REMOVED_API.
enumValueHelpGetter = { },
default = OverloadedMethodOrder.SIGNATURE,
/** Like [apiFile], but with JDiff xml format. */
var apiXmlFile: File? = null
/** If set, a file to write the DEX signatures to. Corresponds to [ARG_DEX_API]. */
var dexApiFile: File? = null
/** Path to directory to write SDK values to */
var sdkValueDir: File? = null
* If set, a file to write extracted annotations to. Corresponds to the --extract-annotations
* flag.
var externalAnnotations: File? = null
/** For [ARG_COPY_ANNOTATIONS], the source directory to read stub annotations from */
var privateAnnotationsSource: File? = null
/** For [ARG_COPY_ANNOTATIONS], the target directory to write converted stub annotations from */
var privateAnnotationsTarget: File? = null
/** A [Manifest] object to look up available permissions and min_sdk_version. */
val manifest by
help =
A manifest file, used to check permissions to cross check APIs and retrieve min_sdk_version.
.file(mustExist = true, canBeDir = false, mustBeReadable = true)
.convert("<file>") { Manifest(it) }
.default(emptyManifest, defaultForHelp = "no manifest")
* If set, a file to write a dex API file to. Corresponds to the
* --removed-dex-api/-removedDexApi flag.
var removedApiFile: File? = null
/** Whether output should be colorized */
var terminal = commonOptions.terminal
/** Whether to generate annotations into the stubs */
var generateAnnotations = false
/** The set of annotation classes that should be passed through unchanged */
var passThroughAnnotations = mutablePassThroughAnnotations
/** The set of annotation classes that should be removed from all outputs */
var excludeAnnotations = mutableExcludeAnnotations
/** A signature file to migrate nullness data from */
var migrateNullsFrom: File? = null
/** Private backing list for [compatibilityChecks]] */
private val mutableCompatibilityChecks: MutableList<CheckRequest> = mutableListOf()
/** The list of compatibility checks to run */
val compatibilityChecks: List<CheckRequest> = mutableCompatibilityChecks
/** The API to use a base for the otherwise checked API during compat checks. */
var baseApiForCompatCheck: File? = null
/** If false, attempt to use the native diff utility on the system */
var noNativeDiff = false
/** Existing external annotation files to merge in */
var mergeQualifierAnnotations: List<File> = mutableMergeQualifierAnnotations
var mergeInclusionAnnotations: List<File> = mutableMergeInclusionAnnotations
* We modify the annotations on these APIs to ask kotlinc to treat it as only a warning if a
* caller of one of these APIs makes an incorrect assumption about its nullability.
var forceConvertToWarningNullabilityAnnotations: PackageFilter? = null
* An optional <b>jar</b> file to load classes from instead of from source. This is similar to
* the [classpath] attribute except we're explicitly saying that this is the complete set of
* classes and that we <b>should</b> generate signatures/stubs from them or use them to diff
* APIs with (whereas [classpath] is only used to resolve types.)
var apiJar: File? = null
/** mapping from API level to android.jar files, if computing API levels */
var apiLevelJars: Array<File>? = null
/** The api level of the codebase, or -1 if not known/specified */
var currentApiLevel = -1
* The first api level of the codebase; typically 1 but can be higher for example for the System
* API.
var firstApiLevel = 1
* The codename of the codebase: non-null string if this is a developer preview build, null if
* this is a release build.
var currentCodeName: String? = null
/** API level XML file to generate */
var generateApiLevelXml: File? = null
/** Whether references to missing classes should be removed from the api levels file. */
var removeMissingClassesInApiLevels: Boolean = false
/** Reads API XML file to apply into documentation */
var applyApiLevelsXml: File? = null
/** Directory of prebuilt extension SDK jars that contribute to the API */
var sdkJarRoot: File? = null
* Rules to filter out some of the extension SDK APIs from the API, and assign extensions to the
* APIs that are kept
var sdkInfoFile: File? = null
/** API version history JSON file to generate */
var generateApiVersionsJson: File? = null
/** Ordered list of signatures for each past API version, if generating an API version JSON */
var apiVersionSignatureFiles: List<File>? = null
* The names of the API versions in [apiVersionSignatureFiles], in the same order, and the name
* of the current API version
var apiVersionNames: List<String>? = null
/** Whether to include the signature file format version header in most signature files */
var includeSignatureFormatVersion: Boolean = true
/** Whether to include the signature file format version header in removed signature files */
val includeSignatureFormatVersionNonRemoved: EmitFileHeader
get() =
if (includeSignatureFormatVersion) {
} else {
/** Whether to include the signature file format version header in removed signature files */
val includeSignatureFormatVersionRemoved: EmitFileHeader
get() =
if (includeSignatureFormatVersion) {
if (deleteEmptyRemovedSignatures) {
} else {
} else {
/** A baseline to check against */
var baseline: Baseline? = null
/** A baseline to check against, specifically used for "API lint" (i.e. [ARG_API_LINT]) */
private var baselineApiLint: Baseline? = null
* A baseline to check against, specifically used for "check-compatibility:*:released" (i.e.
private var baselineCompatibilityReleased: Baseline? = null
var allBaselines: List<Baseline> = emptyList()
* If set, metalava will show this error message when "API lint" (i.e. [ARG_API_LINT]) fails.
private var errorMessageApiLint: String = DefaultLintErrorMessage
* If set, metalava will show this error message when "check-compatibility:*:released" fails.
private var errorMessageCompatibilityReleased: String? = null
/** [Reporter] for "api-lint" */
var reporterApiLint: Reporter = DefaultReporter(null, null)
* [Reporter] for "check-compatibility:*:released". (i.e. [ARG_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_API_RELEASED]
var reporterCompatibilityReleased: Reporter = DefaultReporter(null, null)
internal var allReporters: List<DefaultReporter> = emptyList()
/** If updating baselines, don't fail the build */
var passBaselineUpdates = false
/** If updating baselines and the baseline is empty, delete the file */
var deleteEmptyBaselines = false
/** If generating a removed signature file and it is empty, delete it */
var deleteEmptyRemovedSignatures = false
/** Whether the baseline should only contain errors */
var baselineErrorsOnly = false
/** Writes a list of all errors, even if they were suppressed in baseline or via annotation. */
private var reportEvenIfSuppressed: File? = null
var reportEvenIfSuppressedWriter: PrintWriter? = null
* Whether to omit locations for warnings and errors. This is not a flag exposed to users or
* listed in help; this is intended for the unit test suite, used for example for the test which
* checks compatibility between signature and API files where the paths vary.
var omitLocations = false
/** The language level to use for Java files, set with [ARG_JAVA_SOURCE] */
var javaLanguageLevel: LanguageLevel = defaultJavaLanguageLevel
/** The language level to use for Java files, set with [ARG_KOTLIN_SOURCE] */
var kotlinLanguageLevel: LanguageVersionSettings = defaultKotlinLanguageLevel
* The JDK to use as a platform, if set with [ARG_JDK_HOME]. This is only set when metalava is
* used for non-Android projects.
var jdkHome: File? = null
* The JDK to use as a platform, if set with [ARG_SDK_HOME]. If this is set along with
* [ARG_COMPILE_SDK_VERSION], metalava will automatically add the platform's android.jar file to
* the classpath if it does not already find the android.jar file in the classpath.
private var sdkHome: File? = null
* The compileSdkVersion, set by [ARG_COMPILE_SDK_VERSION]. For example, for R it would be "29".
* For R preview, if would be "R".
private var compileSdkVersion: String? = null
/** List of signature files to export as JDiff files */
internal val convertToXmlFiles: List<ConvertFile> = mutableConvertToXmlFiles
* How to handle typedef annotations in signature files; corresponds to
val typedefMode by
help = """Whether to include typedef annotations in signature files.""",
enumValueHelpGetter = { },
default = TypedefMode.NONE,
key = { it.optionValue },
/** Allow implicit root detection (which is the default behavior). See [ARG_NO_IMPLICIT_ROOT] */
var allowImplicitRoot = true
enum class StrictInputFileMode {
override val shouldFail = true
override val shouldFail = true
open val shouldFail = false
companion object {
fun fromArgument(arg: String): StrictInputFileMode {
return when (arg) {
* Whether we should allow metalava to read files that are not explicitly specified in the
var strictInputFiles = StrictInputFileMode.PERMISSIVE
var strictInputViolationsFile: File? = null
var strictInputViolationsPrintWriter: PrintWriter? = null
/** Temporary folder to use instead of the JDK default, if any */
var tempFolder: File? = null
/** When non-0, metalava repeats all the errors at the end of the run, at most this many. */
var repeatErrorsMax = 0
var useK2Uast = false
fun parse(
args: Array<String>,
/** Writer to direct output to */
stdout: PrintWriter = PrintWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.out)),
/** Writer to direct error messages to */
stderr: PrintWriter = PrintWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.err)),
) {
this.stdout = stdout
this.stderr = stderr
var androidJarPatterns: MutableList<String>? = null
var currentJar: File? = null
reporter = DefaultReporter(null, null)
val baselineBuilder = Baseline.Builder().apply { description = "base" }
val baselineApiLintBuilder = Baseline.Builder().apply { description = "api-lint" }
val baselineCompatibilityReleasedBuilder =
Baseline.Builder().apply { description = "compatibility:released" }
fun getBaselineBuilderForArg(flag: String): Baseline.Builder =
when (flag) {
ARG_MERGE_BASELINE -> baselineBuilder
ARG_UPDATE_BASELINE_API_LINT -> baselineApiLintBuilder
else -> error("Internal error: Invalid flag: $flag")
var index = 0
while (index < args.size) {
when (val arg = args[index]) {
// For now we don't distinguish between bootclasspath and classpath
"-bootclasspath" -> {
val path = getValue(args, ++index)
"-sourcepath" -> {
val path = getValue(args, ++index)
if (path.isBlank()) {
// Don't compute absolute path; we want to skip this file later on.
// For current directory one should use ".", not "".
} else {
if (path.endsWith(SdkConstants.DOT_JAVA)) {
throw DriverException(
"$arg should point to a source root directory, not a source file ($path)"
mutableSourcePath.addAll(stringToExistingDirsOrJars(path, false))
val listString = getValue(args, ++index)
listString.split(",").forEach { path ->
if (subtractApi != null) {
throw DriverException(stderr = "Only one $ARG_SUBTRACT_API can be supplied")
subtractApi = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
// TODO: Remove the legacy --merge-annotations flag once it's no longer used to
// update P docs
"--merge-annotations" ->
stringToExistingDirsOrFiles(getValue(args, ++index))
stringToExistingDirsOrFiles(getValue(args, ++index))
val nextArg = getValue(args, ++index)
forceConvertToWarningNullabilityAnnotations = PackageFilter.parse(nextArg)
validateNullabilityFromMergedStubs = true
nullabilityAnnotationsValidator =
nullabilityAnnotationsValidator ?: NullabilityAnnotationsValidator()
validateNullabilityFromList = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
nullabilityAnnotationsValidator =
nullabilityAnnotationsValidator ?: NullabilityAnnotationsValidator()
nullabilityWarningsTxt = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
ARG_NULLABILITY_ERRORS_NON_FATAL -> nullabilityErrorsFatal = false
ARG_SDK_VALUES -> sdkValueDir = stringToNewDir(getValue(args, ++index))
"-api" -> apiFile = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
ARG_XML_API -> apiXmlFile = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
"-dexApi" -> dexApiFile = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
"-removedApi" -> removedApiFile = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
"-showAnnotation" -> {
val annotation = getValue(args, ++index)
// These should also be counted as allShowAnnotations
val annotation = getValue(args, ++index)
// These should also be counted as allShowAnnotations
"-show-for-stub-purposes-annotation" -> {
val annotation = getValue(args, ++index)
// These should also be counted as allShowAnnotations
"-showUnannotated" -> showUnannotated = true
"-hideAnnotation" -> hideAnnotationsBuilder.add(getValue(args, ++index))
"-hideMetaAnnotation" -> mutableHideMetaAnnotations.add(getValue(args, ++index))
"-stubs" -> stubsDir = stringToNewDir(getValue(args, ++index))
ARG_DOC_STUBS -> docStubsDir = stringToNewDir(getValue(args, ++index))
ARG_KOTLIN_STUBS -> kotlinStubs = true
ARG_STUBS_SOURCE_LIST -> stubsSourceList = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
docStubsSourceList = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
ARG_EXCLUDE_ALL_ANNOTATIONS -> generateAnnotations = false
ARG_EXCLUDE_DOCUMENTATION_FROM_STUBS -> includeDocumentationInStubs = false
ARG_ENHANCE_DOCUMENTATION -> enhanceDocumentation = true
// Note that this only affects stub generation, not signature files.
// For signature files, clear the compatibility mode
// (--annotations-in-signatures)
ARG_INCLUDE_ANNOTATIONS -> generateAnnotations = true
val annotations = getValue(args, ++index)
annotations.split(",").forEach { path ->
val annotations = getValue(args, ++index)
annotations.split(",").forEach { path -> mutableExcludeAnnotations.add(path) }
// Flag used by test suite to avoid including locations in
// the output when diffing against golden files
"--omit-locations" -> omitLocations = true
"-proguard" -> proguard = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
"-hidePackage" -> mutableHidePackages.add(getValue(args, ++index))
"-stubpackages" -> {
val packages = getValue(args, ++index)
val filter =
?: run {
val newFilter = PackageFilter()
stubPackages = newFilter
"-stubimportpackages" -> {
val packages = getValue(args, ++index)
for (pkg in packages.split(File.pathSeparatorChar)) {
"--skip-emit-packages" -> {
val packages = getValue(args, ++index)
mutableSkipEmitPackages += packages.split(File.pathSeparatorChar)
allowClassesFromClasspath = false
val nextArg = getValue(args, ++index)
val builder = getBaselineBuilderForArg(arg)
builder.file = stringToExistingFile(nextArg)
val relative = getValue(args, ++index)
if (reportEvenIfSuppressed != null) {
throw DriverException(
"Only one $ARG_REPORT_EVEN_IF_SUPPRESSED is allowed; found both $reportEvenIfSuppressed and $relative"
reportEvenIfSuppressed = stringToNewOrExistingFile(relative)
reportEvenIfSuppressedWriter = reportEvenIfSuppressed?.printWriter()
val builder = getBaselineBuilderForArg(arg)
builder.merge = (arg == ARG_MERGE_BASELINE)
if (index < args.size - 1) {
val nextArg = args[index + 1]
if (!nextArg.startsWith("-")) {
builder.updateFile = stringToNewOrExistingFile(nextArg)
ARG_ERROR_MESSAGE_API_LINT -> errorMessageApiLint = getValue(args, ++index)
errorMessageCompatibilityReleased = getValue(args, ++index)
ARG_PASS_BASELINE_UPDATES -> passBaselineUpdates = true
ARG_DELETE_EMPTY_BASELINES -> deleteEmptyBaselines = true
ARG_DELETE_EMPTY_REMOVED_SIGNATURES -> deleteEmptyRemovedSignatures = true
ARG_INPUT_API_JAR -> apiJar = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
externalAnnotations = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
privateAnnotationsSource = stringToExistingDir(getValue(args, ++index))
privateAnnotationsTarget = stringToNewDir(getValue(args, ++index))
"--previous-api" -> {
migrateNullsFrom = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
null as File?,
"--previous-api is deprecated; instead " +
"use $ARG_MIGRATE_NULLNESS $migrateNullsFrom"
// See if the next argument specifies the nullness API codebase
if (index < args.size - 1) {
val nextArg = args[index + 1]
if (!nextArg.startsWith("-")) {
val file = stringToExistingFile(nextArg)
if (file.isFile) {
migrateNullsFrom = file
val file = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
mutableCompatibilityChecks.add(CheckRequest(file, ApiType.PUBLIC_API))
val file = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
mutableCompatibilityChecks.add(CheckRequest(file, ApiType.REMOVED))
val file = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
baseApiForCompatCheck = file
ARG_NO_NATIVE_DIFF -> noNativeDiff = true
"-error" -> setIssueSeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.ERROR, arg)
"-warning" -> setIssueSeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.WARNING, arg)
"-lint" -> setIssueSeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.LINT, arg)
"-hide" -> setIssueSeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.HIDDEN, arg)
"-error-category" ->
setCategorySeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.ERROR, arg)
"-warning-category" ->
setCategorySeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.WARNING, arg)
"-lint-category" -> setCategorySeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.LINT, arg)
"-hide-category" ->
setCategorySeverity(getValue(args, ++index), Severity.HIDDEN, arg)
ARG_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS -> warningsAreErrors = true
ARG_LINTS_AS_ERRORS -> lintsAreErrors = true
"-werror" -> {
// Temporarily disabled; this is used in various builds but is pretty much
// never what we want.
// warningsAreErrors = true
"-lerror" -> {
// Temporarily disabled; this is used in various builds but is pretty much
// never what we want.
// lintsAreErrors = true
checkApi = true
if (index < args.size - 1) {
val nextArg = args[index + 1]
if (!nextArg.startsWith("-")) {
val file = stringToExistingFile(nextArg)
if (file.isFile) {
checkApiBaselineApiFile = file
checkApiIgnorePrefix.add(getValue(args, ++index))
// Extracting API levels
val list =
?: run {
val list = arrayListOf<String>()
androidJarPatterns = list
list.add(getValue(args, ++index))
currentApiLevel = Integer.parseInt(getValue(args, ++index))
if (currentApiLevel <= 26) {
throw DriverException(
"Suspicious currentApi=$currentApiLevel, expected at least 27"
firstApiLevel = Integer.parseInt(getValue(args, ++index))
val codeName = getValue(args, ++index)
if (codeName != "REL") {
currentCodeName = codeName
currentJar = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
generateApiLevelXml = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
applyApiLevelsXml =
if (args.contains(ARG_GENERATE_API_LEVELS)) {
// If generating the API file at the same time, it doesn't have
// to already exist
stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
} else {
stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
removeMissingClassesInApiLevels = true
generateApiVersionsJson = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
apiVersionSignatureFiles = stringToExistingFiles(getValue(args, ++index))
apiVersionNames = getValue(args, ++index).split(' ')
// doclava compatibility:
"-convert2xmlnostrip" -> {
val strip = arg == "-convert2xml"
val signatureFile = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
val outputFile = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
ConvertFile(signatureFile, outputFile, null, strip)
// doclava compatibility:
"-new_api_no_strip" -> {
val strip = arg == "-new_api"
val baseFile = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
val signatureFile = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
val jDiffFile = stringToNewFile(getValue(args, ++index))
ConvertFile(signatureFile, jDiffFile, baseFile, strip)
"-encoding" -> {
val value = getValue(args, ++index)
if (value.uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) != "UTF-8") {
throw DriverException("$value: Only UTF-8 encoding is supported")
"-source" -> {
val value = getValue(args, ++index)
val level = LanguageLevel.parse(value)
when {
level == null ->
throw DriverException(
"$value is not a valid or supported Java language level"
level.isLessThan(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_7) ->
throw DriverException("$arg must be at least 1.7")
else -> javaLanguageLevel = level
val value = getValue(args, ++index)
kotlinLanguageLevel = kotlinLanguageVersionSettings(value)
jdkHome = stringToExistingDir(getValue(args, ++index))
sdkHome = stringToExistingDir(getValue(args, ++index))
compileSdkVersion = getValue(args, ++index)
allowImplicitRoot = false
if (strictInputViolationsFile != null) {
throw DriverException(
strictInputFiles = StrictInputFileMode.fromArgument(arg)
val file = stringToNewOrExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
strictInputViolationsFile = file
strictInputViolationsPrintWriter = file.printWriter()
val listString = getValue(args, ++index)
listString.split(File.pathSeparatorChar).forEach { path ->
// Throw away the result; just let the function add the files to the
// allowed list.
repeatErrorsMax = Integer.parseInt(getValue(args, ++index))
ARG_USE_K2_UAST -> useK2Uast = true
sdkJarRoot = stringToExistingDir(getValue(args, ++index))
sdkInfoFile = stringToExistingFile(getValue(args, ++index))
"--temp-folder" -> {
tempFolder = stringToNewOrExistingDir(getValue(args, ++index))
// Option only meant for tests (not documented); doesn't work in all cases (to do
// that we'd
// need JNA to call libc)
"--pwd" -> {
val pwd = stringToExistingDir(getValue(args, ++index)).absoluteFile
System.setProperty("user.dir", pwd.path)
else -> {
if (arg.startsWith(ARG_OUTPUT_KOTLIN_NULLS)) {
outputKotlinStyleNulls =
} else {
yesNo(arg.substring(ARG_OUTPUT_KOTLIN_NULLS.length + 1))
} else if (arg.startsWith(ARG_OUTPUT_DEFAULT_VALUES)) {
outputDefaultValues =
} else {
yesNo(arg.substring(ARG_OUTPUT_DEFAULT_VALUES.length + 1))
} else if (arg.startsWith(ARG_INCLUDE_SIG_VERSION)) {
includeSignatureFormatVersion =
if (arg == ARG_INCLUDE_SIG_VERSION) true
else yesNo(arg.substring(ARG_INCLUDE_SIG_VERSION.length + 1))
} else if (arg.startsWith(ARG_FORMAT)) {
outputFormat =
when (arg) {
"$ARG_FORMAT=v1" -> FileFormat.V1
"$ARG_FORMAT=v2" -> FileFormat.V2
"$ARG_FORMAT=v3" -> FileFormat.V3
"$ARG_FORMAT=v4" -> FileFormat.V4
"$ARG_FORMAT=recommended" -> FileFormat.recommended
"$ARG_FORMAT=latest" -> FileFormat.latest
else ->
throw DriverException(
stderr =
"Unexpected signature format; expected v1, v2, v3 or v4"
} else if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
// Some other argument: display usage info and exit
throw NoSuchOption(givenName = arg)
} else {
// All args that don't start with "-" are taken to be filenames
if (generateApiLevelXml != null) {
if (currentApiLevel == -1) {
throw DriverException(
// <String> is redundant here but while IDE (with newer type inference engine
// understands that) the current 1.3.x compiler does not
val patterns = androidJarPatterns ?: run { mutableListOf<String>() }
// Fallbacks
apiLevelJars =
currentApiLevel + if (isDeveloperPreviewBuild()) 1 else 0,
if ((sdkJarRoot == null) != (sdkInfoFile == null)) {
throw DriverException(
stderr = "$ARG_SDK_JAR_ROOT and $ARG_SDK_INFO_FILE must both be supplied"
// apiVersionNames will include the current version but apiVersionSignatureFiles will not,
// so there should be 1 more name than signature file (or both can be null)
val numVersionNames = apiVersionNames?.size ?: 0
val numVersionFiles = apiVersionSignatureFiles?.size ?: 0
if (numVersionNames != 0 && numVersionNames != numVersionFiles + 1) {
throw DriverException(
"$ARG_API_VERSION_NAMES must have one more version than $ARG_API_VERSION_SIGNATURE_FILES to include the current version name"
// outputKotlinStyleNulls implies at least format=v3
if (outputKotlinStyleNulls) {
if (outputFormat < FileFormat.V3) {
outputFormat = FileFormat.V3
// If the caller has not explicitly requested that unannotated classes and
// members should be shown in the output then only show them if no annotations were
// provided.
if (!showUnannotated && allShowAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
showUnannotated = true
// Fix up [Baseline] files and [Reporter]s.
val baselineHeaderComment =
if (isBuildingAndroid())
"// See tools/metalava/ for how to update this file.\n\n"
else ""
baselineBuilder.headerComment = baselineHeaderComment
baselineApiLintBuilder.headerComment = baselineHeaderComment
baselineCompatibilityReleasedBuilder.headerComment = baselineHeaderComment
if (baselineBuilder.file == null) {
// If default baseline is a file, use it.
val defaultBaselineFile = getDefaultBaselineFile()
if (defaultBaselineFile != null && defaultBaselineFile.isFile) {
baselineBuilder.file = defaultBaselineFile
baseline =
baselineApiLint =
baselineCompatibilityReleased =
// Override the default reporters.
reporterApiLint = DefaultReporter(baselineApiLint ?: baseline, errorMessageApiLint)
reporterCompatibilityReleased =
baselineCompatibilityReleased ?: baseline,
// Build "all baselines" and "all reporters"
// Baselines are nullable, so selectively add to the list.
allBaselines = listOfNotNull(baseline, baselineApiLint, baselineCompatibilityReleased)
// Reporters are non-null.
// Downcast to DefaultReporter to gain access to some implementation specific functionality.
allReporters =
.map { it as DefaultReporter }
fun isDeveloperPreviewBuild(): Boolean = currentCodeName != null
/** Update the classpath to insert android.jar or JDK classpath elements if necessary */
private fun updateClassPath() {
val sdkHome = sdkHome
val jdkHome = jdkHome
if (
sdkHome != null &&
compileSdkVersion != null &&
classpath.none { == FN_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY }
) {
val jar = File(sdkHome, "platforms/android-$compileSdkVersion")
if (jar.isFile) {
} else {
throw DriverException(
stderr =
"Could not find android.jar for API level " +
"$compileSdkVersion in SDK $sdkHome: $jar does not exist"
if (jdkHome != null) {
throw DriverException(
stderr = "Do not specify both $ARG_SDK_HOME and $ARG_JDK_HOME"
} else if (jdkHome != null) {
val isJre = !isJdkFolder(jdkHome)
val roots = JavaSdkUtil.getJdkClassesRoots(jdkHome.toPath(), isJre).map { it.toFile() }
fun isJdkModular(homePath: File): Boolean {
return File(homePath, "jmods").isDirectory
* Produce a default file name for the baseline. It's normally "baseline.txt", but can be
* prefixed by show annotations; e.g. @TestApi -> test-baseline.txt, @SystemApi ->
* system-baseline.txt, etc.
* Note because the default baseline file is not explicitly set in the command line, this file
* would trigger a --strict-input-files violation. To avoid that, always explicitly pass a
* baseline file.
private fun getDefaultBaselineFile(): File? {
if (sourcePath.isNotEmpty() && sourcePath[0].path.isNotBlank()) {
fun annotationToPrefix(qualifiedName: String): String {
val name = qualifiedName.substring(qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
return name.lowercase(Locale.US).removeSuffix("api") + "-"
val sb = StringBuilder()
allShowAnnotations.getIncludedAnnotationNames().forEach {
var base = sourcePath[0]
// Convention: in AOSP, signature files are often in sourcepath/api: let's place
// baseline
// files there too
val api = File(base, "api")
if (api.isDirectory) {
base = api
return File(base, sb.toString())
} else {
return null
* Find an android stub jar that matches the given criteria.
* Note because the default baseline file is not explicitly set in the command line, this file
* would trigger a --strict-input-files violation. To avoid that, use
* --strict-input-files-exempt to exempt the jar directory.
private fun findAndroidJars(
args: Array<String>,
androidJarPatterns: List<String>,
minApi: Int,
currentApiLevel: Int,
currentJar: File?
): Array<File> {
val apiLevelFiles = mutableListOf<File>()
// api level 0: placeholder, should not be processed.
// (This is here because we want the array index to match
// the API level)
val element = File("not an api: the starting API index is $minApi")
for (i in 0 until minApi) {
// Get all the android.jar. They are in platforms-#
var apiLevel = minApi - 1
while (true) {
try {
var jar: File? = null
if (apiLevel == currentApiLevel) {
jar = currentJar
if (jar == null) {
jar = getAndroidJarFile(apiLevel, androidJarPatterns)
if (jar == null || !jar.isFile) {
if (verbose) {
stdout.println("Last API level found: ${apiLevel - 1}")
if (apiLevel < 28) {
// Clearly something is wrong with the patterns; this should result in a
// build error
val argList = mutableListOf<String>()
args.forEachIndexed { index, arg ->
argList.add(args[index + 1])
throw DriverException(
stderr =
"Could not find android.jar for API level $apiLevel; the " +
"$ARG_ANDROID_JAR_PATTERN set might be invalid: ${argList.joinToString()}"
if (verbose) {
stdout.println("Found API $apiLevel at ${jar.path}")
} catch (e: IOException) {
return apiLevelFiles.toTypedArray()
private fun getAndroidJarFile(apiLevel: Int, patterns: List<String>): File? {
// Note this method doesn't register the result to [FileReadSandbox]
return patterns
.map { fileForPathInner(it.replace("%", apiLevel.toString())) }
.firstOrNull { it.isFile }
private fun yesNo(answer: String): Boolean {
return when (answer) {
"on" -> true
"off" -> false
else -> throw DriverException(stderr = "Unexpected $answer; expected yes or no")
/** Makes sure that the flag combinations make sense */
private fun checkFlagConsistency() {
if (apiJar != null && sources.isNotEmpty()) {
throw DriverException(
stderr = "Specify either $ARG_SOURCE_FILES or $ARG_INPUT_API_JAR, not both"
private fun getValue(args: Array<String>, index: Int): String {
if (index >= args.size) {
throw DriverException("Missing argument for ${args[index - 1]}")
return args[index]
private fun stringToExistingDirs(value: String): List<File> {
val files = mutableListOf<File>()
for (path in value.split(File.pathSeparatorChar)) {
val file = fileForPathInner(path)
if (!file.isDirectory) {
throw DriverException("$file is not a directory")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(files)
private fun stringToExistingDirsOrJars(value: String, exempt: Boolean = true): List<File> {
val files = mutableListOf<File>()
for (path in value.split(File.pathSeparatorChar)) {
val file = fileForPathInner(path)
if (!file.isDirectory && !(file.path.endsWith(SdkConstants.DOT_JAR) && file.isFile)) {
throw DriverException("$file is not a jar or directory")
if (exempt) {
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(files)
return files
private fun stringToExistingDirsOrFiles(value: String): List<File> {
val files = mutableListOf<File>()
for (path in value.split(File.pathSeparatorChar)) {
val file = fileForPathInner(path)
if (!file.exists()) {
throw DriverException("$file does not exist")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(files)
private fun stringToExistingFileOrDir(value: String): File {
val file = fileForPathInner(value)
if (!file.exists()) {
throw DriverException("$file is not a file or directory")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(file)
private fun stringToExistingFiles(value: String): List<File> {
return stringToExistingFilesOrDirsInternal(value, false)
private fun stringToExistingFilesOrDirs(value: String): List<File> {
return stringToExistingFilesOrDirsInternal(value, true)
private fun stringToExistingFilesOrDirsInternal(value: String, allowDirs: Boolean): List<File> {
val files = mutableListOf<File>()
.map { fileForPathInner(it) }
.forEach { file ->
if (file.path.startsWith("@")) {
// File list; files to be read are stored inside. SHOULD have been one per line
// but sadly often uses spaces for separation too (so we split by whitespace,
// which means you can't point to files in paths with spaces)
val listFile = File(file.path.substring(1))
if (!allowDirs && !listFile.isFile) {
throw DriverException("$listFile is not a file")
val contents = Files.asCharSource(listFile, UTF_8).read()
val pathList =
.map { File(it) }
.forEach {
if (!allowDirs && !it.isFile) {
throw DriverException("$it is not a file")
} else {
if (!allowDirs && !file.isFile) {
throw DriverException("$file is not a file")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(files)
private fun stringToNewOrExistingDir(value: String): File {
val dir = fileForPathInner(value)
if (!dir.isDirectory) {
val ok = dir.mkdirs()
if (!ok) {
throw DriverException("Could not create $dir")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(dir)
private fun stringToNewOrExistingFile(value: String): File {
val file = fileForPathInner(value)
if (!file.exists()) {
val parentFile = file.parentFile
if (parentFile != null && !parentFile.isDirectory) {
val ok = parentFile.mkdirs()
if (!ok) {
throw DriverException("Could not create $parentFile")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(file)
private fun stringToNewDir(value: String): File {
val output = fileForPathInner(value)
val ok =
if (output.exists()) {
if (output.isDirectory) {
if (output.exists()) {
} else {
} else {
if (!ok) {
throw DriverException("Could not create $output")
return FileReadSandbox.allowAccess(output)
fun getUsage(terminal: Terminal, width: Int): String {
val usage = StringWriter()
val printWriter = PrintWriter(usage)
usage(printWriter, terminal, width)
return usage.toString()
private fun usage(out: PrintWriter, terminal: Terminal, width: Int) {
val args =
"When specified, repeat at most N errors before finishing.",
"API sources:",
"$ARG_SOURCE_FILES <files>",
"A comma separated list of source files to be parsed. Can also be " +
"@ followed by a path to a text file containing paths to the full set of files to parse.",
"$ARG_SOURCE_PATH <paths>",
"One or more directories (separated by `${File.pathSeparator}`) " +
"containing source files (within a package hierarchy). If $ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES, " +
"$ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES_WARN, or $ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES_STACK are used, files accessed under " +
"$ARG_SOURCE_PATH that are not explicitly specified in $ARG_SOURCE_FILES are reported as " +
"$ARG_CLASS_PATH <paths>",
"One or more directories or jars (separated by " +
"`${File.pathSeparator}`) containing classes that should be on the classpath when parsing the " +
"source files",
"An external annotations file to merge and overlay " +
"the sources, or a directory of such files. Should be used for annotations intended for " +
"inclusion in the API to be written out, e.g. nullability. Formats supported are: IntelliJ's " +
"external annotations database format, .jar or .zip files containing those, Android signature " +
"files, and Java stub files.",
"An external annotations file to merge and overlay " +
"the sources, or a directory of such files. Should be used for annotations which determine " +
"inclusion in the API to be written out, i.e. show and hide. The only format supported is " +
"Java stub files.",
"Triggers validation of nullability annotations " +
"for any class where $ARG_MERGE_QUALIFIER_ANNOTATIONS includes a Java stub file.",
"Triggers validation of nullability annotations " +
"for any class listed in the named file (one top-level class per line, # prefix for comment line).",
"Specifies where to write warnings encountered during " +
"validation of nullability annotations. (Does not trigger validation by itself.)",
"Specifies that errors encountered during validation of " +
"nullability annotations should not be treated as errors. They will be written out to the " +
"file specified in $ARG_NULLABILITY_WARNINGS_TXT instead.",
"$ARG_INPUT_API_JAR <file>",
"A .jar file to read APIs from directly",
"$ARG_HIDE_PACKAGE <package>",
"Remove the given packages from the API even if they have not been " +
"marked with @hide",
"$ARG_SHOW_ANNOTATION <annotation class>",
"Unhide any hidden elements that are also annotated " + "with the given annotation",
"Like $ARG_SHOW_ANNOTATION, but does not apply " +
"to members; these must also be explicitly annotated",
"Like $ARG_SHOW_ANNOTATION, but elements annotated " +
"with it are assumed to be \"implicitly\" included in the API surface, and they'll be included " +
"in certain kinds of output such as stubs, but not in others, such as the signature file and API lint",
"$ARG_HIDE_ANNOTATION <annotation class>",
"Treat any elements annotated with the given annotation " + "as hidden",
"$ARG_HIDE_META_ANNOTATION <meta-annotation class>",
"Treat as hidden any elements annotated with an " +
"annotation which is itself annotated with the given meta-annotation",
"Include un-annotated public APIs in the signature file as well",
"$ARG_JAVA_SOURCE <level>",
"Sets the source level for Java source files; default is 1.8.",
"Sets the source level for Kotlin source files; default is ${LanguageVersionSettingsImpl.DEFAULT.languageVersion}.",
"$ARG_SDK_HOME <dir>",
"If set, locate the `android.jar` file from the given Android SDK",
"Use the given API level",
"$ARG_JDK_HOME <dir>",
"If set, add the Java APIs from the given JDK to the classpath",
"$ARG_STUB_PACKAGES <package-list>",
"List of packages (separated by ${File.pathSeparator}) which will " +
"be used to filter out irrelevant code. If specified, only code in these packages will be " +
"included in signature files, stubs, etc. (This is not limited to just the stubs; the name " +
"is historical.) You can also use \".*\" at the end to match subpackages, so `foo.*` will " +
"match both `foo` and ``.",
"$ARG_SUBTRACT_API <api file>",
"Subtracts the API in the given signature or jar file from the " +
"current API being emitted via $ARG_API, $ARG_STUBS, $ARG_DOC_STUBS, etc. " +
"Note that the subtraction only applies to classes; it does not subtract members.",
"Prevents references to classes on the classpath from being added to " +
"the generated stub files.",
"Extracting Signature Files:",
// TODO: Document --show-annotation!
"$ARG_API <file>",
"Generate a signature descriptor file",
"$ARG_DEX_API <file>",
"Generate a DEX signature descriptor file listing the APIs",
"$ARG_REMOVED_API <file>",
"Generate a signature descriptor file for APIs that have been removed",
"$ARG_API_OVERLOADED_METHOD_ORDER <source|signature>",
"Specifies the order of overloaded methods in signature files (default `signature`). " +
"Applies to the contents of the files specified on $ARG_API and $ARG_REMOVED_API. " +
"`$ARG_API_OVERLOADED_METHOD_ORDER source` will preserve the order in which they appear in the source files. " +
"`$ARG_API_OVERLOADED_METHOD_ORDER signature` will sort them based on their signature.",
"Sets the output signature file format to be the given version.",
"Controls whether nullness annotations should be formatted as " +
"in Kotlin (with \"?\" for nullable types, \"\" for non nullable types, and \"!\" for unknown. " +
"The default is yes.",
"Controls whether default values should be included in " +
"signature files. The default is yes.",
"Whether the signature files should include a comment listing " +
"the format version of the signature file.",
"$ARG_PROGUARD <file>",
"Write a ProGuard keep file for the API",
"$ARG_SDK_VALUES <dir>",
"Write SDK values files to the given directory",
"Generating Stubs:",
"$ARG_STUBS <dir>",
"Generate stub source files for the API",
"$ARG_DOC_STUBS <dir>",
"Generate documentation stub source files for the API. Documentation stub " +
"files are similar to regular stub files, but there are some differences. For example, in " +
"the stub files, we'll use special annotations like @RecentlyNonNull instead of @NonNull to " +
"indicate that an element is recently marked as non null, whereas in the documentation stubs we'll " +
"just list this as @NonNull. Another difference is that @doconly elements are included in " +
"documentation stubs, but not regular stubs, etc.",
"[CURRENTLY EXPERIMENTAL] If specified, stubs generated from Kotlin source code will " +
"be written in Kotlin rather than the Java programming language.",
"Include annotations such as @Nullable in the stub files.",
"Exclude annotations such as @Nullable from the stub files; the default.",
"$ARG_PASS_THROUGH_ANNOTATION <annotation classes>",
"A comma separated list of fully qualified names of " +
"annotation classes that must be passed through unchanged.",
"$ARG_EXCLUDE_ANNOTATION <annotation classes>",
"A comma separated list of fully qualified names of " +
"annotation classes that must be stripped from metalava's outputs.",
"Enhance documentation in various ways, for example auto-generating documentation based on source " +
"annotations present in the code. This is implied by --doc-stubs.",
"Exclude element documentation (javadoc and kdoc) " +
"from the generated stubs. (Copyright notices are not affected by this, they are always included. " +
"Documentation stubs (--doc-stubs) are not affected.)",
"Write the list of generated stub files into the given source " +
"list file. If generating documentation stubs and you haven't also specified " +
"$ARG_DOC_STUBS_SOURCE_LIST, this list will refer to the documentation stubs; " +
"otherwise it's the non-documentation stubs.",
"Write the list of generated doc stub files into the given source " + "list file",
"Diffs and Checks:",
"--check-compatibility:type:released <file>",
"Check compatibility. Type is one of 'api' " +
"and 'removed', which checks either the public api or the removed api.",
"When performing a compat check, use the provided signature " +
"file as a base api, which is treated as part of the API being checked. This allows us to compute the " +
"full API surface from a partial API surface (e.g. the current @SystemApi txt file), which allows us to " +
"recognize when an API is moved from the partial API to the base API and avoid incorrectly flagging this " +
"as an API removal.",
"$ARG_API_LINT [api file]",
"Check API for Android API best practices. If a signature file is " +
"provided, only the APIs that are new since the API will be checked.",
"A list of package prefixes to ignore API issues in " +
"when running with $ARG_API_LINT.",
"Compare nullness information with the previous stable API " +
"and mark newly annotated APIs as under migration.",
"Promote all warnings to errors",
"Promote all API lint warnings to errors",
"$ARG_ERROR <id>",
"Report issues of the given id as errors",
"$ARG_WARNING <id>",
"Report issues of the given id as warnings",
"$ARG_LINT <id>",
"Report issues of the given id as having lint-severity",
"$ARG_HIDE <id>",
"Hide/skip issues of the given id",
"Report all issues in the given category as errors",
"Report all issues in the given category as warnings",
"Report all issues in the given category as having lint-severity",
"Hide/skip all issues in the given category",
"Write all issues into the given file, even if suppressed (via annotation or baseline) but not if hidden (by '$ARG_HIDE' or '$ARG_HIDE_CATEGORY')",
"$ARG_BASELINE <file>",
"Filter out any errors already reported in the given baseline file, or " +
"create if it does not already exist",
"Rewrite the existing baseline file with the current set of warnings. " +
"If some warnings have been fixed, this will delete them from the baseline files. If a file " +
"is provided, the updated baseline is written to the given file; otherwise the original source " +
"baseline file is updated.",
"Same as $ARG_BASELINE and " +
"$ARG_UPDATE_BASELINE respectively, but used specifically for API lint issues performed by " +
"Same as $ARG_BASELINE and " +
"$ARG_UPDATE_BASELINE respectively, but used specifically for API compatibility issues performed by " +
"Like $ARG_UPDATE_BASELINE, but instead of always replacing entries " +
"in the baseline, it will merge the existing baseline with the new baseline. This is useful " +
"if $PROGRAM_NAME runs multiple times on the same source tree with different flags at different " +
"times, such as occasionally with $ARG_API_LINT.",
"Normally, encountering error will fail the build, even when updating " +
"baselines. This flag allows you to tell $PROGRAM_NAME to continue without errors, such that " +
"all the baselines in the source tree can be updated in one go.",
"Whether to delete baseline files if they are updated and there is nothing " +
"to include.",
"If set, $PROGRAM_NAME shows it when errors are detected in $ARG_API_LINT.",
"If set, $PROGRAM_NAME shows it " +
"$ARG_XML_API <file>",
"Like $ARG_API, but emits the API in the JDiff XML format instead",
"$ARG_CONVERT_TO_JDIFF <sig> <xml>",
"Reads in the given signature file, and writes it out " +
"in the JDiff XML format. Can be specified multiple times.",
"$ARG_CONVERT_NEW_TO_JDIFF <old> <new> <xml>",
"Reads in the given old and new api files, " +
"computes the difference, and writes out only the new parts of the API in the JDiff XML format.",
"Extracting Annotations:",
"Extracts source annotations from the source files and writes " +
"them into the given zip file",
"On every API declared " +
"in a class referenced by the given filter, makes nullability issues appear to callers as warnings " +
"rather than errors by replacing @Nullable/@NonNull in these APIs with " +
"$ARG_COPY_ANNOTATIONS <source> <dest>",
"For a source folder full of annotation " +
"sources, generates corresponding package private versions of the same annotations.",
"If true, include source-retention annotations in the stub files. Does " +
"not apply to signature files. Source retention annotations are extracted into the external " +
"annotations files instead.",
"Injecting API Levels:",
"$ARG_APPLY_API_LEVELS <api-versions.xml>",
"Reads an XML file containing API level descriptions " +
"and merges the information into the documentation",
"Extracting API Levels:",
"Reads android.jar SDK files and generates an XML file recording " +
"the API level for each class, method and field",
"Removes references to missing classes when generating the API levels XML file. " +
"This can happen when generating the XML file for the non-updatable portions of " +
"the module-lib sdk, as those non-updatable portions can reference classes that are " +
"part of an updatable apex.",
"Patterns to use to locate Android JAR files. The default " +
"is \$ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-%/android.jar.",
"Sets the first API level to generate an API database from; usually 1",
"Sets the current API level of the current source code",
"Sets the code name for the current source code",
"Points to the current API jar, if any",
"Points to root of prebuilt extension SDK jars, if any. This directory is expected to " +
"contain snapshots of historical extension SDK versions in the form of stub jars. " +
"The paths should be on the format \"<int>/public/<module-name>.jar\", where <int> " +
"corresponds to the extension SDK version, and <module-name> to the name of the mainline module.",
"Points to map of extension SDK APIs to include, if any. The file is a plain text file " +
"and describes, per extension SDK, what APIs from that extension to include in the " +
"file created via $ARG_GENERATE_API_LEVELS. The format of each line is one of the following: " +
"\"<module-name> <pattern> <ext-name> [<ext-name> [...]]\", where <module-name> is the " +
"name of the mainline module this line refers to, <pattern> is a common Java name prefix " +
"of the APIs this line refers to, and <ext-name> is a list of extension SDK names " +
"in which these SDKs first appeared, or \"<ext-name> <ext-id> <type>\", where " +
"<ext-name> is the name of an SDK, " +
"<ext-id> its numerical ID and <type> is one of " +
"\"platform\" (the Android platform SDK), " +
"\"platform-ext\" (an extension to the Android platform SDK), " +
"\"standalone\" (a separate SDK). " +
"Fields are separated by whitespace. " +
"A mainline module may be listed multiple times. " +
"The special pattern \"*\" refers to all APIs in the given mainline module. " +
"Lines beginning with # are comments.",
"Generating API version history:",
"Reads API signature files and generates a JSON file recording the API version each " +
"class, method, and field was added in and (if applicable) deprecated in. " +
"Required to generate API version JSON.",
"An ordered list of text API signature files. The oldest API version should be " +
"first, the newest last. This should not include a signature file for the " +
"current API version, which will be parsed from the provided source files. Not " +
"required to generate API version JSON if the current version is the only version.",
"An ordered list of strings with the names to use for the API versions from " +
"$ARG_API_VERSION_SIGNATURE_FILES, and the name of the current API version. " +
"Required to generate API version JSON.",
"Disable implicit root directory detection. " +
"Otherwise, $PROGRAM_NAME adds in source roots implied by the source files",
"Do not read files that are not explicitly specified in the command line. " +
"All violations are written to the given file. Reads on directories are always allowed, but " +
"$PROGRAM_NAME still tracks reads on directories that are not specified in the command line, " +
"and write them to the file.",
"Warn when files not explicitly specified on the command line are " +
"read. All violations are written to the given file. Reads on directories not specified in the command " +
"line are allowed but also logged.",
"Same as $ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES but also print stacktraces.",
"Used with $ARG_STRICT_INPUT_FILES. Explicitly allow " +
"access to files and/or directories (separated by `${File.pathSeparator}). Can also be " +
"@ followed by a path to a text file containing paths to the full set of files and/or directories.",
"Environment Variables:",
"Set to true to have metalava emit all the arguments it was invoked with. " +
"Helpful when debugging or reproducing under a debugger what the build system is doing.",
"One or more arguments (concatenated by space) to insert into the " +
"command line, before the documentation flags.",
"One or more arguments (concatenated by space) to append to the " +
"end of the command line, after the generate documentation flags."
val indent = " ".repeat(INDENT_WIDTH)
var i = 0
while (i < args.size) {
val arg = args[i]
if (arg.isEmpty()) {
val groupTitle = args[i + 1]
out.println(terminal.colorize(groupTitle, TerminalColor.YELLOW))
} else {
val description = "\n" + args[i + 1]
val formattedArg = terminal.bold(arg)
val invisibleChars = formattedArg.length - arg.length
// +invisibleChars: the extra chars in the above are counted but don't
// contribute to width so allow more space
val formatString = "%1$-" + (INDENT_WIDTH + invisibleChars) + "s%2\$s"
val output =
String.format(formatString, formattedArg, description),
width + invisibleChars,
// Remove trailing whitespace
val lines = output.lines()
lines.forEachIndexed { index, line ->
if (index < lines.size - 1) {
i += 2
companion object {
private fun setIssueSeverity(id: String, severity: Severity, arg: String) {
if (id.contains(",")) { // Handle being passed in multiple comma separated id's
id.split(",").forEach { setIssueSeverity(it.trim(), severity, arg) }
val issue =
?: Issues.findIssueByIdIgnoringCase(id)?.also {
null as File?,
"Case-insensitive issue matching is deprecated, use " +
"$arg ${} instead of $arg $id"
?: throw DriverException("Unknown issue id: $arg $id")
defaultConfiguration.setSeverity(issue, severity)
private fun setCategorySeverity(id: String, severity: Severity, arg: String) {
if (id.contains(",")) { // Handle being passed in multiple comma separated id's
id.split(",").forEach { setCategorySeverity(it.trim(), severity, arg) }
val issues =
Issues.findCategoryById(id)?.let { Issues.findIssuesByCategory(it) }
?: throw DriverException("Unknown category: $arg $id")
issues.forEach { defaultConfiguration.setSeverity(it, severity) }
private fun kotlinLanguageVersionSettings(value: String?): LanguageVersionSettings {
val languageLevel =
?: throw DriverException(
"$value is not a valid or supported Kotlin language level"
val apiVersion = ApiVersion.createByLanguageVersion(languageLevel)
return LanguageVersionSettingsImpl(languageLevel, apiVersion)
/** Configures the option object such that the output format will be the given format */
private fun FileFormat.configureOptions(options: Options) {
if (this == FileFormat.JDIFF) {
options.outputFormat = this
options.outputKotlinStyleNulls = this >= FileFormat.V3
options.outputDefaultValues = this >= FileFormat.V2
options.includeSignatureFormatVersion = this >= FileFormat.V2