blob: 27de05aa6a9dbaf9bff6e34a29a54dcaef48b42e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.psi.PsiCompiledElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocCommentOwner
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.PsiModifierListOwner
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinLanguage
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.psi.api.KDoc
import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement
import org.jetbrains.uast.sourcePsiElement
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
abstract class PsiItem(
override val codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
val element: PsiElement,
override val modifiers: PsiModifierItem,
override var documentation: String
) : DefaultItem() {
override var deprecated: Boolean = modifiers.isDeprecated()
@Suppress("LeakingThis") // Documentation can change, but we don't want to pick up subsequent @docOnly mutations
override var docOnly = documentation.contains("@doconly")
override var removed = documentation.contains("@removed")
override val synthetic = false
// a property with a lazily calculated default value
inner class LazyDelegate<T>(
val defaultValueProvider: () -> T
) : ReadWriteProperty<PsiItem, T> {
private var currentValue: T? = null
override operator fun setValue(thisRef: PsiItem, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
currentValue = value
override operator fun getValue(thisRef: PsiItem, property: KProperty<*>): T {
if (currentValue == null) {
currentValue = defaultValueProvider()
return currentValue!!
override var originallyHidden: Boolean by LazyDelegate {
documentation.contains('@') &&
documentation.contains("@hide") ||
documentation.contains("@pending") ||
// KDoc:
) ||
override var hidden: Boolean by LazyDelegate { originallyHidden && !modifiers.hasShowAnnotation() }
override fun psi(): PsiElement? = element
// TODO: Consider only doing this in tests!
override fun isFromClassPath(): Boolean {
return if (element is UElement) {
(element.sourcePsi ?: element.javaPsi) is PsiCompiledElement
} else {
element is PsiCompiledElement
override fun isCloned(): Boolean = false
/** Get a mutable version of modifiers for this item */
override fun mutableModifiers(): MutableModifierList = modifiers
override fun findTagDocumentation(tag: String): String? {
if (element is PsiCompiledElement) {
return null
if (documentation.isBlank()) {
return null
// We can't just use element.docComment here because we may have modified
// the comment and then the comment snapshot in PSI isn't up to date with our
// latest changes
val docComment = codebase.getComment(documentation)
val docTag = docComment.findTagByName(tag) ?: return null
val text = docTag.text
// Trim trailing next line (javadoc *)
var index = text.length - 1
while (index > 0) {
val c = text[index]
if (!(c == '*' || c.isWhitespace())) {
return if (index < text.length) {
text.substring(0, index)
} else {
override fun appendDocumentation(comment: String, tagSection: String?, append: Boolean) {
if (comment.isBlank()) {
// TODO: Figure out if an annotation should go on the return value, or on the method.
// For example; threading: on the method, range: on the return value.
// TODO: Find a good way to add or append to a given tag (@param <something>, @return, etc)
if (this is ParameterItem) {
// For parameters, the documentation goes into the surrounding method's documentation!
// Find the right parameter location!
val parameterName = name()
val target = containingMethod()
target.appendDocumentation(comment, parameterName)
// Micro-optimization: we're very often going to be merging @apiSince and to a lesser
// extend @deprecatedSince into existing comments, since we're flagging every single
// public API. Normally merging into documentation has to be done carefully, since
// there could be existing versions of the tag we have to append to, and some parts
// of the comment needs to be present in certain places. For example, you can't
// just append to the description of a method by inserting something right before "*/"
// since you could be appending to a javadoc tag like @return.
// However, for @apiSince and @deprecatedSince specifically, in addition to being frequent,
// they will (a) never appear in existing docs, and (b) they're separate tags, which means
// it's safe to append them at the end. So we'll special case these two tags here, to
// help speed up the builds since these tags are inserted 30,000+ times for each framework
// API target (there are many), and each time would have involved constructing a full javadoc
// AST with lexical tokens using IntelliJ's javadoc parsing APIs. Instead, we'll just
// do some simple string heuristics.
if (tagSection == "@apiSince" || tagSection == "@deprecatedSince") {
documentation = addUniqueTag(documentation, tagSection, comment)
documentation = mergeDocumentation(documentation, element, comment.trim(), tagSection, append)
private fun addUniqueTag(documentation: String, tagSection: String, commentLine: String): String {
assert(commentLine.indexOf('\n') == -1) // Not meant for multi-line comments
if (documentation.isBlank()) {
return "/** $tagSection $commentLine */"
// Already single line?
if (documentation.indexOf('\n') == -1) {
val end = documentation.lastIndexOf("*/")
return "/**\n *" + documentation.substring(3, end) + "\n * $tagSection $commentLine\n */"
var end = documentation.lastIndexOf("*/")
while (end > 0 && documentation[end - 1].isWhitespace() &&
documentation[end - 1] != '\n'
) {
// The comment ends with:
// * some comment here */
val insertNewLine: Boolean = documentation[end - 1] != '\n'
val indent: String
var linePrefix = ""
val secondLine = documentation.indexOf('\n')
if (secondLine == -1) {
// Single line comment
indent = "\n * "
} else {
val indentStart = secondLine + 1
var indentEnd = indentStart
while (indentEnd < documentation.length) {
if (!documentation[indentEnd].isWhitespace()) {
indent = documentation.substring(indentStart, indentEnd)
// TODO: If it starts with "* " follow that
if (documentation.startsWith("* ", indentEnd)) {
linePrefix = "* "
return documentation.substring(0, end) + (if (insertNewLine) "\n" else "") + indent + linePrefix + tagSection + " " + commentLine + "\n" + indent + " */"
override fun fullyQualifiedDocumentation(): String {
return fullyQualifiedDocumentation(documentation)
override fun fullyQualifiedDocumentation(documentation: String): String {
return toFullyQualifiedDocumentation(this, documentation)
/** Finish initialization of the item */
open fun finishInitialization() {
override fun isJava(): Boolean {
return !isKotlin()
override fun isKotlin(): Boolean {
return isKotlin(element)
companion object {
fun javadoc(element: PsiElement): String {
if (element is PsiCompiledElement) {
return ""
if (element is UElement) {
val comments = element.comments
if (comments.isNotEmpty()) {
val sb = StringBuilder()
comments.asSequence().joinTo(buffer = sb, separator = "\n") {
return sb.toString()
} else {
// Temporary workaround: UAST seems to not return document nodes
val first = element.sourcePsiElement?.firstChild
if (first is KDoc) {
return first.text
if (element is PsiDocCommentOwner && element.docComment !is PsiCompiledElement) {
return element.docComment?.text ?: ""
return ""
fun modifiers(
codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
element: PsiModifierListOwner,
documentation: String
): PsiModifierItem {
return PsiModifierItem.create(codebase, element, documentation)
fun isKotlin(element: PsiElement): Boolean {
return element.language === KotlinLanguage.INSTANCE